View Full Version : Best FPS you every played ?

23-05-05, 12:50
so lets make a little poll. 1 choice and a load of options. what was the best FPS game series you ever played ?

i'll vote UT since i just started playing a bit again :p game keeps fun even if its old as hell.

Dribble Joy
23-05-05, 13:02
No idea, probably Duke3d or HL.

23-05-05, 13:04
Call of duty for me, but then again thats just cause im a fan of these ww games :P

23-05-05, 13:06
Older versions of Counter Strike were great, minus the community.

23-05-05, 13:08
I gotta stay loyal to quake (1) spent almost 5 years playing that online (from the original, to quakeworld, when that came out). Proper mouselook and 3d, brilliant game.

Imo quake2 was cack in vanilla mode (too slow gameplay), although eventually I did start playing action quake2 which I'd say might well be quicker than quakeworld was!

Capt. Rik
23-05-05, 13:13
Definately Quake 1 for multiplayer

Duke Nukem 3D for single player

23-05-05, 13:14
Duke Nukem 3DI second that. Also for multiplayer :D

23-05-05, 13:19
deus ex..

23-05-05, 13:20
Farcry [x] for single player

Duke Nukem and Quake 1 for the most multiplayer fun.

Dribble Joy
23-05-05, 13:22
deus ex..
Was going to say this, but it's more of an rpg, for a pure fps game others do it better (game play wise).

23-05-05, 13:23
Holy crap, that's a really tough question! I voted other, but I'm not sure now that it's really the case.

For the SP experience, I'm going to say HL2. I have a feeling that I would have loved Call of Duty more, but for some reason I never purchased it even though I really really enjoyed the demo.

For the MP experience.. well, as far as I am concerned you can take your fancy Quake 3's and UT200x - Vietcong is the business. It's an old game, and I must confess that I have not played the generic TDM / DM / CTF modes, but I've had more fun playing Co-op VC than I've ever had playing CS:Source, DoD or generic-shooter 4.

As far as I'm concerned, all of todays MP game modes peaked with Quake 2. UT made some innovations, but everything else just feels like a re-hash of old material.

23-05-05, 13:30
The Specialists mod for half life.

not everyones favourite, but fast paced action and i love it

23-05-05, 14:07
Single player - Halo, shush..it was amazing when played on legendary.

Multi - mmm tough, tied between neocron and team fortress classic as they're the only games that've hooked me for years.

Original monk
23-05-05, 14:14
i like

counterstrike .. all of em
firearms !!
natural selection (the one with the aliens and marines)
digital paintball (fo fun)

battlefield vietnam and POE (mod: point of existance)

sof ... sof 1 (! .. got number 2 also but i dont like it) and more detailed: the sniperrifle with great zoom (unlike neocron's zoom wich is even the same as the fire-button :wtf: )

quake2 and 3 fo fun

singleplayer .. RTCW and as said farcry, cause it looks nice .. but then i even prefer sof 1 singleplayer and carnivores2 (not cityscape) cause its so daamn fun hunting them dino's lol .. shooting a Trex in he's eye :P

i bought star wars battlefront cause it looked cool .. nice open levels .. but it sucked that bad that i removed it a sec later ... biggest waste of 50 euro's ever

btw, not particulary in this order

edit: wich is the best ? i dont have a clue lol ... i play counterstrike the longest tough

23-05-05, 14:24
played CS alot years ago.

prefer the older versions to what we got now.

23-05-05, 15:47

Not even a close contest.

23-05-05, 15:52
Bf or HL...so i voted BF :p

23-05-05, 15:53
Best multiplayer: CS, hands down no contest for me.

Best singleplayer: Deus Ex. Again no contest, it just wins on so many levels for me.

Mr Friendly
23-05-05, 15:55
besides nc, Soldier of Fortune 2: Double Helix m0 f0ck@!

though, me & my RL friends are anxiously awaitin Battlefield 2, havin our LAN after its out =D im sure thats gunna compete with some of my best FPS ive played


Not even a close contest.

all i remember of Doom was playing it on a friends old machine when i was about 10 & actually being scared playing that game. dark rooms, dark monsters comin outta shadows not makin much of any noise :eek: ooh scary pixels >_<

23-05-05, 15:58
singleplayer : HL2 (i liked HL1 alot) + Q2
multiplayer : HL2TDM!!!11

Bugs Gunny
23-05-05, 16:00
"The simpsons, call to war" was my favorite.

Also "Teletubbies Terrorsquad" helped my aim.

23-05-05, 16:03
::::::::::no contest:::::::::::::

team fortress classic!!!!1!

by far the best fps because it takes skill tolearn so many differnet things.

23-05-05, 16:47
i reinstalled half life 2 and steam the other day...

should install hl1 and the mods today really...

i loved playing an offensive medic (shotty + medikit thing) and offensive engineer (SG hidden somewhere, assault base with shotty) :p

23-05-05, 17:01
Duke Nuke'em using the Doom1-lvl1 map. Most fun ever.

Those were the times when we used to carry our computers/monitors to a friends home and used 10baseT to connect our stuff.

23-05-05, 19:38
The Specialists mod for half life.

not everyones favourite, but fast paced action and i love it

That mod were the king of the mods :D Played it day and night, it really pumped the adrenaline!

23-05-05, 20:35
I voted for CoD. Because its probably the only FPS I'm actually any good at. :D

23-05-05, 21:13
Farcry, has to be.

Amazingly difficult, and you feel so good when you complete it, simply because its just so hard.

23-05-05, 21:16
after stewing over it for a while HL2 & CoD are the best for me :P

23-05-05, 21:45
Has to be Operation Flashpoint or CoD for me.

23-05-05, 22:15

bf 2, looks to bluddy own, so that good sweep me away

23-05-05, 22:18
Multiplayer: The original Unreal Tournament with ease ...

Single Player: System Shock 2 or Deus Ex

System Shock 2 truly had the scary game thing going before Doom 3. Doom 3 scares you with shocks, but in SS2, you really do feel true FEAR :) :) :)

23-05-05, 22:23
Multiplayer: The original Unreal Tournament with ease ...

Single Player: System Shock 2 or Deus Ex

System Shock 2 truly had the scary game thing going before Doom 3. Doom 3 scares you with shocks, but in SS2, you really do feel true FEAR :) :) :)

agree with ya on the multi thing :p

but doom 3 was okish to start with but after a while you kinda start to expect the shocks. never got over half way. got to boring after everything you thought you finished you got another omg your not done yet i moved or this happend. made missions / levels go on endlessly. ( and my downloaded version kinda had to reboot the comp to get out of the game -_- couldn't exit :p )

Doc Holliday
23-05-05, 22:48
unreal tournament is still going strong. loved ut99 (original ut) and am still playing ut2k4 at the moment. the versatility of movement combined with the unreal feel really got me hooked. played lots of fps games on and offline but never really got hooked like i have with ut. if any of you guys are playing ut2k at the moment i will play just about any game type. stick <<RzR>>Doc in buddies and find me. :)

single player. max payne. not a massive fan of single player games but pretending to be in a john woo movie using bullet time to smoke the bad guys appeals to me in a big way.

23-05-05, 23:14
Quake 4 looks like it could be alot better than Doom3 turned out to be...
Also the original Deus Ex (not that dumbed down console trash they made of the squell) and System Shock 2 where fantastic games.

CS was great around beta 6.4 - 7.2 era...

Anyone else notice Hostile Planet is more like System Shock 2 than Neocron...?

23-05-05, 23:26
Deus Ex for singleplayer,
Day Of Defeat (a Half-Life mod) for multiplayer. A well-balanced WW2 game with lots of action and not much downtime when you die.

23-05-05, 23:42
CS went downhill with the removal of the Colts scope...

24-05-05, 00:20
Duke 3D by far, was fun, hilerious and loved the jetpack/RPG fights on multiplayer. Absoloutly Brilliantooo. Shame the new one is a total flop even before its supposed release. Honestly they should now change to the Doom Engine or the new Unreal engine which will bring em up to there 3rd I think in engine change.

24-05-05, 00:24
Duke 3D by far, was fun, hilerious and loved the jetpack/RPG fights on multiplayer. Absoloutly Brilliantooo. Shame the new one is a total flop even before its supposed release.

on my door i got a poster of duke nukem manhattan project. its the only thing i ever saw of the game :p

same goes for the poster of project nomads but that has a little CDV thing below on the poster so i figure thats the reason i never saw it again :p

25-05-05, 00:37
Depends what you are looking for.

Best for MP combat - Quake II.
Best for MP story - SS2
Best for SP combat - Requiem
Best for SP story - SS
Best for SP fun/silliness - Duke 3D

Most impressive technically at the time - Doom
Most impressive graphically at the time - Unreal
Aged best - Quake II

25-05-05, 03:49
i dunno what my favourite would be, but i know when someone says name a weapon from a game i think of Rail Gun Q2 straight away....

JK: DFII is definatly high on the list though...

25-05-05, 03:53
netquake was the best community/multiplayer/fun i've ever had in a game. Tribes1 was a close 2nd. As for the rest of games...quake3 was somewhat good. The rest is pure garbage. Counterstrike, while definitely a great game, is really in my opinion what ruined online gaming. At least for me.

Anyone that didn't experience the quake1 era, no offense, but you missed out on the golden age of online gaming.

Mr Friendly
25-05-05, 05:03
u guys need to go buy SoF2 (Soldier of Fortune 2: Double Helix) & try the Mulitplaya

25-05-05, 13:13
u guys need to go buy SoF2 (Soldier of Fortune 2: Double Helix) & try the Mulitplaya

got sof 2 but last time i checked there weren't any good servers still up and running.

25-05-05, 14:23
I never knew there were so many Deus Ex fans out there, I always thought it was "underdog" game :P Seriously loved that game. Aswell system shock 2.

Oh well, I guess these are cyberpunk game forums ;P

02-06-05, 04:26
Enemy Territory, hands down :D

02-06-05, 06:06
I don't have an overall favourite game per se, but games that are ideal for different situations.

Best mindless fragging game: UT2004
Best fragging game that requires a bt of thought: UT99's Domination mode
Prettiest game: HL:2
Best thinking/tactics game: Operation Flashpoint
Best multiplayer FPS/RPG Hybrid: Neocron
Best single player FPS/RPG Hybrid: Deus Ex
L337 L13K JEFFK award for annoying players who I want to stab in the face over the internet: CS

02-06-05, 06:08
Ones that took individual and team skill.