View Full Version : Announcing Neocron: Alliance Forum

18-05-05, 18:59
As recently suggested a new Neocron city forum is up and running.

We will run the forum and if a large enough calling develops steps will be taking to make it more secure.

check it out here (http://forums.delphiforums.com/ncallianceforum)

18-05-05, 19:03
And DT, how exactly are you going to prevent anticities from joining up and perusing everything.

18-05-05, 19:08
And DT, how exactly are you going to prevent anticities from joining up and perusing everything.

Magic... dur.

Dribble Joy
18-05-05, 19:38
You can easily make forums accessable to pro-NC only by restricting who can post in what area.

18-05-05, 19:43
You can easily make forums accessable to pro-NC only by restricting who can post in what area.

Please engage brain... and how exactly are you going prove that someones anti-city or not? I could have alts in FF, Paradox, Dark, TFC, Soliderz, NC-Elite and no one would know wether it was the truth or not.

This can be only done by vetting everyone as they register read time wastage

Dribble Joy
18-05-05, 20:08
And yet plenty of other faction forums exist that manage to do it.

18-05-05, 20:09
Plenty of other clan forums exist, and show me the proof they havent been comprimised.

18-05-05, 20:14
Plenty of other clan forums exist, and show me the proof they havent been comprimised.
THN manage it well...

18-05-05, 20:22
When there is a good deal of people registered and show an interest in the forum thing will be tightened. Certain portions of the forums will be restricted to other members.

I am currently thinking of a voucher system in wich you have to have 2-3 people vouch for you along with a forum check (this one) to see what kinda posts you put.

Just a few ideas.

Also no forum no where or how you make it will ever be totaly 100% secure. There are those who defect or spy so there is always the possibility of such things. Main focus is on having the administrating powers to weed out those who would do harm or the obvious spy.

We have to start somewhere no matter how small...

18-05-05, 20:52
forum is closing. going to use the other one that was made ;)

any moderator can close this at any time