View Full Version : Reasonable rare rifle prices

12-05-05, 03:03
getting back in game soon and wondering how much imma have to pump for more rares than the SH im going to have to pay 4.

first love= ?
Terminator= ?
Ray of God= ?


the price of em on the street plz and if you kno anyone i can get em at a discount from.

12-05-05, 03:11
You missed out on the auction last weekend where rares were going for 50k+. It was awesome.

12-05-05, 03:57
Thats cos noone was there. I turned up for procity clan meeting and bought all the cheapo stuff.

Original monk
12-05-05, 09:59
first love= ?
Terminator= ?
Ray of God= ?

very very hard to say cause it depends on a few factors like, the condition of the weapon .. (is it new or used, and how used ?) .. the stats on the weapon ... (full arty gonna cost you) .. the amount of slots on the weapon and if these slots are modded ... (you can still have a 5 slotter if its modded shite then no-one wants it anyway.. but if its ultimated then prices will rise, free slots do good regularly, the customers puts in what ammo/statsmod he wants)

now prices vary from day to day or how rare amongst rares the weapon is .. (Holy Lightning gonna cost ya more then a nemesis or catharsis) ... also the power or tl depends .. generally you have to pay more for a high tl weapon (FL,SH,CS etc) altough some lowTL weapons (termy,rog) are still wanted by alot of people so prices wont be lower on em .. a good example of this is that a POT gonna be alot of cheaper then a POB .. obviously :)

still everything depends on how much said person needs the weapon: i seen a full arty holy lightning go for 6 or was it 6,5 mill this week ... 2 people bidding against eachother .. they really needed one it seems o.O .. while a day later another holy lighting (again full arty) went for 1,5 or 2 mill ...

fun thing as a trader is that you can negotiate: first thing you ask is: what you need ? .. if the seller of youre RoG or termy really needs a pob for he's melleetank and you accidentaly have one left you can become very nice prices or trades ffcourse, luck is a big factor :)

same as with unressed/ressed parts .. when you trade me for example you can pay in unressed parts or (good) ressed parts .. completely or partially .. this comes in handy for people fairly new to the game who havent got a researcher yet but did hunt a few WB's allready ... for some unressed parts you can get a nice discount, not to say a whole weapon :)

think current prices on unressed parts are about 70k/piece

good luck on getting a decent first love tough .. when you need a full arty lasered (ultimated) 4 or 5 slotted heat or xray first love .. you know what you gonna pay :)

Bugs Gunny
12-05-05, 10:30
It was hillarious how we showed up there for our meeting and bradstl was sitting there, thinking all those people showed up to his auction.
In fact there was just two people there for his auction :-)

He must have been thinking.... why the hell is everything going this cheap with this many people?????

12-05-05, 10:41
Yeah got me a nice malediction at that auction. Bargains to be had for sure.

Scanner Darkly
12-05-05, 13:34
Was that the auction in TH3? Cos that was the worst advertised sale I have never been to. "auction in th3 in 10 minutes" and that was it...