View Full Version : Bring back internet browsing ability to RPOS!

26-04-05, 06:06
That mod the guys were doing in NC1 had such awesome potential... You could actually browse the net while going around doing stuff.

Since tinkering isn't sanctioned anymore, how about KK doing this themselves... just smack it into the "net" tab on the citycoms!

That would bring a wealth of content in...

26-04-05, 06:24
sorry will not happend there to understaffed to try keep hacks away cuz that no mods now!

Dr Strange
26-04-05, 06:51
would be nice to have, forum whoring while loming ;) or tradeskilling

26-04-05, 10:16
It's a real shame about what's happened with the modding of NC. I personally thought that was one of the coolest things about NC1, so much potential in it. It's a shame the possibility of hacks can not be controlled.

edit: what was wrong with the code mods to NC in the first place? was there a particular bad mod that ruined it?

26-04-05, 10:49
would be nice to have, forum whoring while loming ;) or tradeskilling

even better would be the access to recource sites and personal documents you have for help. i allways have my Parts/Money spreadsheet open. would be nice if i could insert that as a website. simple html functions would be OK.

26-04-05, 11:06
It's a real shame about what's happened with the modding of NC. I personally thought that was one of the coolest things about NC1, so much potential in it. It's a shame the possibility of hacks can not be controlled.

So true! I really, really, really miss MightyMaxes ItemGFX.
I had an organization tool, for the clan, where you could semiautomaticaly could log your cabinets. And then you coud search for any item you needed and it would tell you in which appartment in which cabinet at which position you had it including stats (great for sellers). It even showed the name of the clanmate, who had it, if you didnt.

I had new Graphics for the stealth tool, so i wouldnt accidentally grab my hacktool instead. And my techparts looked better, and i heard a pling sound, everytime i opened a mob, and a techpart was in it. What a joy.

I had a communication tool for the clan, where everyone could leave messages, and when you logged on, you would get a notification, that a new clan message had arrived. And you didnt need a com for that.

I had a barter tool, where i could start customer sessions, and the my sells and buys would be added up automatically and it would calculate the total including my bartering fee for me.

I had a tool, where i could lookup components, which where needed to build any weapon or rare item in the game. No need or stupid paper lists.

I had a tool, where i could check, when and where a certain clanmember has last been seen.

And thats just the most important things tom me. There where many more ideas. What a shame, that that has been taken away from us. Actually, the scripting possibility was one of the greatest things that have ever happened to NC. And i still cant make myself really come back at the moment, because i have tasted what could be and now i am spoiled.


Scanner Darkly
26-04-05, 12:56
A whole bunch of tools!

You never told me you had all these gizmos Xaru
I never moded much further than NL pro and a custom interface, but all of those sound like great features.

26-04-05, 13:07
yea it was a fairly kick ass mod i have to say, had it workin through a web interface aswell lol

26-04-05, 13:26
even if a player with the knowledge to do this wtill played...

how do you prove to kk you can do it without actually doing it to show them (and thus breaking the rules).

no mods until they are sancrioned.
no sanctions until the dev's can ensure they are safe.

how to begin...

26-04-05, 13:34
I had a simple mod that listed the vehicle stats and prices. Nothing flashy, or complicated, but did it help no end!

But back on topic, bring a web browser to the citycom!

26-04-05, 13:38
I had a simple mod that listed the vehicle stats and prices. Nothing flashy, or complicated, but did it help no end!

But back on topic, bring a web browser to the citycom!


could just be whacked into a spreadsheet and hosted somewhere for everyone to use.

free info, no dangerous game changes

Dribble Joy
26-04-05, 13:45
Xaru's (and other's) modding has two problems in my eyes.
Firstly it shows that there is great potential for a lot of bad stuff to become NC in the form of 'hacks' or less than honest game mods that give the players too great an advantage. This brings us to the second problem in that these types of tools/mods give us too much info, or info that we should not be able to attain other than via the usual ingame means. In this respect I do support KK's policy that there should be no other game files/clients other than those approved by KK.

As to the thread issue, dunno. There is a thing called Alt-Tab though....

26-04-05, 13:49
Xaru's (and other's) modding has two problems in my eyes.
Firstly it shows that there is great potential for a lot of bad stuff to become NC in the form of 'hacks' or less than honest game mods that give the players too great an advantage. This brings us to the second problem in that these types of tools/mods give us too much info, or info that we should not be able to attain other than via the usual ingame means. In this respect I do support KK's policy that there should be no other game files/clients other than those approved by KK.

As to the thread issue, dunno. There is a thing called Alt-Tab though....

listing vech stats / prices is info that should only be obtained from an asg dude?

would you look down upon someone posting them here for example?

26-04-05, 14:36
I have a better idea: throw away CityCom/WirelessRN all together. Recode them in HTML, a one-time job that could be farmed out to any competent web designer and wouldn't take more than a week. Use the built-in Windows browser panel system calls to interact with it.
It would eliminate the "StockX interface crashes client.exe" bug.
It would solve the "crappy scrolling" problem.
It would solve the "intermittent word-wrap" problem.
It would support consistent cut and paste.
It would have better over-all text editing features in email, etc.
It would make it possible to replace the in-game forums with something web-based, so that people could log into the in-game forums from a friend's house, from school, from work, from an internet cafe, and so on.
It would be 1000% easier for Reakktor to add features to.They could filter/firewall it so that only authorized sites could come up, but trivially easily add help sites like SynergyXR or Sheriff-Hardy.de to the approved list.

26-04-05, 14:43
I have a better idea: throw away CityCom/WirelessRN all together. Recode them in HTML, a one-time job that could be farmed out to any competent web designer and wouldn't take more than a week. Use the built-in Windows browser panel system calls to interact with it.

So simple and great idea ! :) Love it !!

(and by the way i'm again any web browser ingame, it ruins immersion even if you do search or const loops)

Bugs Gunny
26-04-05, 14:47
I have a better idea: throw away CityCom/WirelessRN all together. Recode them in HTML, a one-time job that could be farmed out to any competent web designer and wouldn't take more than a week. Use the built-in Windows browser panel system calls to interact with it.
[list] It would eliminate the "StockX interface crashes client.exe" bug.
It would solve the "crappy scrolling" problem.
It would solve the "intermittent word-wrap" problem.
It would support consistent cut and paste.
It would have better over-all text editing features in email, etc.
It would make it possible to replace the in-game forums with something

This man gets my vote for this months best idea.

26-04-05, 15:18
Xaru's (and other's) modding has two problems in my eyes.
Firstly it shows that there is great potential for a lot of bad stuff to become NC in the form of 'hacks' or less than honest game mods that give the players too great an advantage. This brings us to the second problem in that these types of tools/mods give us too much info, or info that we should not be able to attain other than via the usual ingame means. In this respect I do support KK's policy that there should be no other game files/clients other than those approved by KK.

As to the thread issue, dunno. There is a thing called Alt-Tab though....

First of all, ALT-Tab doesnt work for me. Used to work for 3 patches. So thats not an option sadly. :)

Secondly, i dont see, where my mods show the potential danger. If you refer to the last seen function, this would only work if a user was using the same script on his machine. So nothing bad there. But unfortunately there were ways to misuse this great scripting tool to do really bad stuff. And thats why Mighty stopped developing it.

I for my part would love to see an effort of KK to implement something similar but more restrictive, trying to remove the bad hacks from that scripting and database tool.

That would be amazing for the whole community.


26-04-05, 15:20



Brad's idea fucking ROCK!

THat.... is an idea of SUCH simplicity, it has grace written all over itself!

Automatic uploads of the NEMA and neocronicles and VOTR!

REAL, PLAUSIBLE integration into hacknet! TRULY BECOME A HACKER, finding all sorts of urls and passwords for other sectors of hacknet! By Crahn, the ideas!!

Someone hire this man to implement this idea!

26-04-05, 15:20
You never told me you had all these gizmos Xaru
I never moded much further than NL pro and a custom interface, but all of those sound like great features.

Hehe, most of them were in development stage. They were almost done, when ItemGFX got sacked. I would have shared this with the rest of the community after extensive testing. But lets not talk about spilled milk :(


26-04-05, 15:34
the HTML citycom gets my vote aswell

But, as so many threads have said now Modding was a rather good part of NC1 wether it was justpeople that used modded gfx by itemGFX, or the tweaked maps and huds of NCLpro, or the item recognition scripts, Neocron had some awesome potential in Modders hands to make it fit to each and every users wants, Yes it did increase the potential for exploits though personally I never actually heard of any of these incidents until modding was stopped, but to make an omlette you gotta break a few eggs, Im sure a majority of the population would be willing to endure a new round of exploits and bugs brought in by the reintroduction of modding and the time it takes to work out positive solutions to them, in return for the gain made my modding once again be availible. So perhaps its time for the dev's to work on an official SDK style modding package for NC2 covering graphics and scripts (not marcos), set it up so those using the SDK must provide account details to use the package and some way tag any mods made with this package so that the author can be traced. Adjust the terms and conditions so that KK and dev's aren't responsible for any bug's errors or anything that happens as a result of using un-autherised mods on your copy of neocron and perhaps system that tells KK what mods a client is using this could be then compared to an autherised list of mods and if an account uses an un-autherised one it receives and automated temporary 3 day ban with automated email. Though this would need some work around for people testing a mod before release, Perhaps enable the system so it only applys to the retail server, reopen the test server for both testing mods and testing new game content publicly.

27-04-05, 22:49
Yeah. I say to KK.. bring back modding, just be more open about it - (mod forum was great - invited people to come mod stuff) and of course, you still have to inspect each mod that comes along.

Come on, people. Can't one of you guys dig up that really nice Dazhud or something where you had droner view thing AND the really nice targeting-box for objects, and submit it to KK?

28-04-05, 00:21
I have a better idea: throw away CityCom/WirelessRN all together. Recode them in HTML, a one-time job that could be farmed out to any competent web designer and wouldn't take more than a week. Use the built-in Windows browser panel system calls to interact with it.

It would eliminate the "StockX interface crashes client.exe" bug.
It would solve the "crappy scrolling" problem.
It would solve the "intermittent word-wrap" problem.
It would support consistent cut and paste.
It would have better over-all text editing features in email, etc.
It would make it possible to replace the in-game forums with something web-based, so that people could log into the in-game forums from a friend's house, from school, from work, from an internet cafe, and so on.
It would be 1000% easier for Reakktor to add features to.
They could filter/firewall it so that only authorized sites could come up, but trivially easily add help sites like SynergyXR or Sheriff-Hardy.de to the approved list.

All that and it would remove bad fps in long postes.
well atleast if i see ingame forum a long post i get low fps.