View Full Version : Oldboy....[DVD]

21-04-05, 06:03
Dammmmmn just watched it, wasnt really what i was expecting but it kicked ass.
Has anyone seen it yet? if not dont worry wont spoil it for ya :P

simply put its about this guy called Oh Dae-Su who gets kidnapped and locked in
a room for 5 days. Then he is suddenly sent back out into the big wide world to
find out the reasons he was taken.

Ok yea i know it doesnt sound like much from that but fuckity fuck, its freaky.

You must watch it! Obey the SiL.

btw am i the only one who only remembers 420 on 421? lol :/

SiL ..:..

21-04-05, 14:43
Good to hear, I almost rented this last weekend after reading positive reviews. But my freinds have banned me from chosing after insisting on renting Bubba-Ho-Tep...which surprisingly sucked after reading all the hype :mad:

21-04-05, 16:37
lol starting to think im the only person who liked Bubba-Ho-Tep.
whats not to like? Bruce Campbell as elvis with JFK who is now black vs a
mummy cowboy thing. Its kickass :D :D :D

SiL ..:..

21-04-05, 16:52
It started off very well, the acting was good and I particularly enjoyed the life swap story...but then the mummy appeared and it turned to garbage. Not that I don't like horror comedy, films like bad taste/brain dead were great...but it was just shit :)

Scanner Darkly
23-04-05, 04:11
Dammmmmn just watched it, wasnt really what i was expecting but it kicked ass.
Has anyone seen it yet? if not dont worry wont spoil it for ya :P

simply put its about this guy called Oh Dae-Su who gets kidnapped and locked in
a room for 5 days. Then he is suddenly sent back out into the big wide world to
find out the reasons he was taken.

Ok yea i know it doesnt sound like much from that but fuckity fuck, its freaky.

You must watch it! Obey the SiL.

btw am i the only one who only remembers 420 on 421? lol :/

SiL ..:..
5 days? Try 15 years - great and disturbing work of Korean cinema, and 2nd part of the Vengeance Trillogy by Chan-wook Park (Sympathy for Mr Vengeance is the first) - Hollywood remake coming next year! Glory to Californian originality!

Imagine getting locked up is an apartment with nothing but a TV for a month...or 15 years. This film is brutal and well worth seeing. Not for the squeamish...

23-04-05, 04:23
ahhh shit,,, fuck me...ment 15 years...soz was kinda stoned when i typed
that.(im retarded lol)

But yep its a damn sweet movie, kinda makes me wish i was kidnapped and left
to go insane for that long

SiL ..:..