View Full Version : Oh My GAWD!

20-04-05, 11:16
Okay - Comedy night in bolton tonight - with dave spikey... DAVE FRIKKING SPIKEY!... Tickets are aqquired, bit of money to treat the other half to a nice meal n stuff before hand... Rock on.

okay - planning this for a week now - and it within the space of 5 minutes it's gone to pot...

Number 1 - woke up - to the sound of MYSELF(!) suffocataing! I don't know what the hell is wrong there but it's bleedin scary stuff! Can't breathe at all today...

Number 2 - Sarahness... unfortunately has overlooked the teenyiest... nae! the tiniest of details... the fact that she's got a big assed uni assignment due in soon! SCORE!

Number 3 - Everyone else we were supposed to meet has met an equally grizzly, (and quite frankly... taking the piss...) Fate....

So here I sit - sad and blue with 2 tickets to dave spikey. Any Takers?

20-04-05, 11:34
dno the guy.. but going to the uk just for that seems a bit to much anyway :p to bad to hear it tho.. life just sucks ^^

20-04-05, 15:35
serves you right for having a life mate ;)

get ingame as much as me (and killer who is always on when i log in) and you'll realise such problems go away.

edit: whos dave spikey ? and dont go alone...