View Full Version : PRO CITY pounding ANTI today...good fighting

18-04-05, 05:20
awesome fighting from both pro can anti city today, the amount of people that turned out was unreal. great fighting i think we set a record today in hacknet warring and also, for server pop. at the peak of the fighting i relogged and it was up to 25 percent. Now i know its been higher but not for a long time, good fighting to all was freakin crazy fun. if ya got screenies or whatnot post em on here.

18-04-05, 09:00
Aye, was great fighting, most fun ive had in a long time.

18-04-05, 09:17
it was a firstclass fight over the time. the most i liked the fight at ceres, when i was only buffing ppls 1hour+ in the underground :D (i used about 75psiboosters... and that for a ppu, once i was nearly low, i needed to sync up and touch the gogu^_^)
later the fights at malstrond and nemesis were very good too!! :>

Bugs Gunny
18-04-05, 09:32
Yeah, it's so much fun having large wars that last for hours.
I give it a couple more days and the map is dominated by pro-city.

18-04-05, 09:45
And of cource my PC decided to take the shit last night and everything got deleted from a virus or something and I had to reformat today, So i missed a good fight ARG! Lets do a rematch tomorrow !

18-04-05, 09:50
I have plenty o screenies from several battles, how do i post them with this thread. Outstanding effort on both sides

18-04-05, 10:08
I have plenty o screenies from several battles, how do i post them with this thread. Outstanding effort on both sides

upload them somewhere, and press the image button in top of the reply box. or type : [ IMG ]http://www.whatever.com/whichever.ext[ /IMG ]

remember to remove the blank spaces within the []īs

18-04-05, 10:11
bugs = never ever :D

preach = post em on http://www.imageshack.us/

18-04-05, 10:36
cheers guys, ill put them up as soons as i can, prob after work, i have some good ones though from all over the battlefield including the absolutely ludicrous barrelling by 9 APUs i think it was

Dr Strange
18-04-05, 11:10
By the time my clan heard what was goin on half the map was pro owned O_O

By then, well it was a little late for hacknet defending since the fights were still going on but ops were already taken. About 8 of us anti city hackers were in various uplinks we musta taken down 15+ pro hackers ;p Some of them put up a hell of a fight though, can't remember names but there was one guy from NC Elite that managed to take down 3 of us (when there was only 5 of us in one small area). Nice.

We got some screen shots as well, I'll try to get'em posted later.

18-04-05, 12:08
the funniest thing @nemesis ... i got shitbuffed, even when i had nothing on myself... haz,melee okay, but no heal/no sd ... every clanmate that was there.. was in my team,but all in the underground ... just reds arround me .... swinnnng .... i got a shelter O_o a non-holy shelter 0_0 ... and a crappy heal .... finally someone buffs me :D that crappy shelter even did a nice job on me :>

18-04-05, 13:08
Well thats some of the best OP battles I have seen for...... a long long time. Had a fantastic time. I know at least 2 pro city were running FRAPS at some point so get them posted soon.

Good fighting on both sides :cool:

18-04-05, 13:12
aye....theres life in the awld girl yet eh :D

coudo's to every1 involved was decent fights, no lame tactics used and was just fun :)

18-04-05, 13:27
i would have frapsed it... but in a small fight it reduces my fps to about 5... and these were big fights

18-04-05, 13:33
fraps doesnt 1/2 the fps?

18-04-05, 13:35
Hm...sounds like it was good fun. And I missed it. :mad:

Ah well, can't wait for the screens/fraps videos. :D

18-04-05, 13:38
fraps doesnt 1/2 the fps?

well then its not hard to work out my shitty fps without it ;)

18-04-05, 13:40
i was at 16fps while i synced out at malstrond ... O_o

18-04-05, 13:47
Actually, all in all, it was a bad time for pro cities, considering that all they could do is see that all of Anti-City and City Mercs had lives. Pro-City clans included Blood, NC's Elite and SoldierZ. Between just these three clans was 45 people. Between FF, Dark and Paradox, we had...9 on...There were some straggler clans on both side, but both numbers cancel themselves out. Until 4-5 PM, it was a all-out pro-city zerg, and yet, it was all numbers. When pro-city attacked Hawkins, it was me and another HackNet dude that was easily able to hold off both people that were attempting to take Hawkins from the outside network.

For a good 5 minutes, we totally owned them. Both of them shot at me at the same time and only 60 damage was received to me (what nibs). They shot at him two times and only a 35 damage popped off of his head :lol: In the end, 5 minutes into the fight, he fataled (I fucking hate Neocron sometimes), and it was only me. I made the mistake of using the elevator to go to the top floor and I got elevator bugged. They shot at me while I wasn't even in the elevator, and no heal can outheal two people, even if they are crappy. I couldn't zone fast enough to destroy the bug since they were shooting from under me (legs go first when shooting from under). After all that, I decided to go level my PPU.

We have a droner in Paradox, actually 2, and he threw out a Raptor when they were gathering at Malstrond, I think. He said he killed 3 people, and I put a Drone 2 buff on myself and threw out a simple scout drone to watch afterwards. I saw a droner (can't remember if it was him) effortlessly drop at least 3 people, when there were over 45 in the zone. Usually, he would lose a drone in a zerg situation, but he used the zerg to his advantage, staying near the center of the pack. People HLed Allies, and I saw a few people drop because of it. I can't remember if it was him, actually, since I think he said 'I'm not there'...I don't know...otherwise I saw a droner take out 3 people and stay near the center of the zerg and watching as people attempted to hit the drone, but only hit their fellow allies.

After it became equal numbers, when all of FF logged in and started back-hacking their bases, pro-cities were happy to all log off and claim it was a zerg on OOC and Trade. Our clan (Paradox) built 75+ Rares, using only half of our rare pool (there's alot of holes missing), but we built at least one of each rare, and even 3 rares sometimes. We made 4 5-slotters, which was kick ass...I can't remember what it was, Tosti, can you brag about it? haha. Anyway, we exausted it all, I got overloaded when I tried to bring it back to the rare apartment, since our transporter went AFK (hits Hog), but all in all, we probably built at least 45 million $ worth of rares. We'll be selling some of the rares soon, look for them, plus they got a kick ass name at the end, here's one of them:

Perfect Disruptor built by Conster Wenis, X Free Slots

Ahh, don't that make you want it, just by the name on it? hahaha

Anyway, back to the zerg--I mean...supposed fight. After 3-4 PM (I was levelling, no time to know what time it was), FF logged in and started owning. At 8 PM, we went to Krupp and easily took it from Woot's clan, and it was a 6v8 (8 being Paradox, we've won when it was 8v6, 6 being paradox, and the 8 includes me, HackNet Spy, so all-in-all, it was a 6v7, pretty fair, considering we always had one person out of commission for hacking). After we pwned them (they DID have six, cuz I counted 6 times I heard 'X is down!'), I clicked the HackNet Term, got some Dinner, we went over to Crest (man, I had the friggon longest walk ever...I had to walk just across the uplink!, they had to go across a whole zone haha), easily hacked that because SoldierZ refuses to defend in a "zerg situation".

All you pro-cities are hyprocrites. You say you do not like Zergs, yet you zerg us all. You don't like Ninja's, yet that's the only way you guys have been taking bases. You say you guys own, when a single anti droner can easily take out 3 Pros. You like fights, yet you completely and utterly refuse to defend your bases. You like fights, and you all log off just when we start attacking with Paradox. (We haven't zerged in...forever)

A few notes about some things:
- Stop Ninja'ing. It proves you guys can't win in a real fight, so you have to fight something that can only slightly fight back, the Hack Terminal.
- Log off during the morning, go out, find a Girl Friend, if you can, have some fun with her, then log in when everyone else is and fight us.
- Defend your bases. You have equal or more numbers, just GR over to your base and defend it, you sissies!
- Stop Zerging! Oh yeah, 45+vs9 is really fair (rolls eyes).
- Prove you guys can win through skills. Paradox ops alot. When we take your base, we usually have 8-10 attacking. Bring equal numbers, or else we will not respect you.

Right now, I'm disgusted. Yesterday was the day that everything changed. It's no longer about the fight, It's about having the ops. Not holding them, just having them. Pro-City, with no lives, log in during the day, Zerg, then log their un-clanned tradeskillers/levelling nibs at night and claim a Anti-City Zerg, pro-city fight in the day. The map ends up being 45% Pro during the day, 95% Anti during the night.

Sunday, April 17, 2005 was the day on Terra that all fights ended. April 17th was the day that ended the need and began the Zerg Wars. Welcome to a new age.

Devs, if you would like to stop

18-04-05, 13:50
yeah yeah...

there were 9 anti city on...

why even bother to post?

18-04-05, 13:53
For some reason I have a hard time believing anything imperium says due to previous OP experience with FF/Dark

18-04-05, 13:54
For some reason I have a hard time believing anything imperium says due to previous OP experience with FF/Dark

i just have a hard time believeing any anti cit yin a clan ;)

Bugs Gunny
18-04-05, 14:02
9... that would almost be the 3 ppu's, two apu's, tank, pistol spy we fought with one ppu, tank, apu and three spies at hawkings.
Damn, i wonder who nc-elite and soldierz were fighting then? They were fighting... 2 people????????

It's so funny, there's allways one of those guys starting this shittalking. We all go starting off, congratulating each other and then this guy pops in , spouting his frustration all over the place, adding how wonderfull he is in hacknet, and how many rares they built... (talk about off topic)..
If i was Tostino i would ask the guy to edit his name out, as i would hate to be associated with a person who posts this crap :-)

E. Cryton
18-04-05, 14:07
this thread is not about the fights yesterday, nc-elite vs rez dogz at gravis, the fight at tyron, hawkings etc, isnt it ?

18-04-05, 14:12
imperium, with all due respect shut the hell up....

this thread started off as a decent salute to a good night of op fightin, which is what it was, on all sides, no1 claimed zerg or anything of the sort. Personally I find the fact that you would come in here and turn it into some epenis thread is dispicable. Why, well the jury are out on that one...

on a side note

It was a good night of fighting, both sides had wins and losses

Dr Strange
18-04-05, 14:20
yeah yeah...

there were 9 anti city on...

why even bother to post?

I'd say he was right. I got on a little late, around 4pm EST, and the fighting was still going on (which meant it was around 9pm for most Euro guys).

I saw maybe half a dozen guys active in Alliance. The most I saw was in hacknet, with FF, R2K and Empire pinging off the few hackers pro city decided to throw at us. Above ground, all I heard on voice comms was "omg theres a fuck load of pros at Location X". The few anti's that were out and about were trying to organize shit, hell the most I saw personally was Lore telling people where shit was going down and what was happening (which is normal for him, nice that someone speaks up and says shits going down).

imp's right when he says among the three biggest anti clans about 10 people were on. now when you add in 3 or 4 guys here and there from other smaller clans we might have had almost (key word here, almost) 20 people, last headcount of pros was near 40+ You had a good number from each major pro clan and some smaller. i dont wanna call a spade a spade here but, pro zerged. I personally dont see the issue, i mean it can suck to be zerged, but at the same time there is a certain logic to winning by numbers, one of the reasons why clans recruit; to get more people to even the fights, which I personally find fun.

18-04-05, 14:20
Ah funny post imper1um :lol:

Soldierz must have been op fighting from around lunchtime till at least 11pm gmt when I logged off. Yes some fights were zergs but dont make out it was a big zerg all day because soldierz were fighting a hell of lot on our own.

FF logged in and started owning. At 8 PM, we went to Krupp and easily took it from Woot's clan,

Yeah right of course they did. They won a fight early on at ceres then lost when me made a 2nd attempt to take it and had the drama of not been able hack the fucker for ages. The next fight of the day FF won was at tezla around 10:30pm GMT (against soldierz that is maybe they did take krupp off a small BT clan :lol: ).

After it became equal numbers, when all of FF logged in and started back-hacking their bases, pro-cities were happy to all log off and claim it was a zerg on OOC and Trade.

When I left at 11pm GMT soldierz had 8-10 people left on. And guess why Imper1um, it because people have work, school and college etc the next day (most of soldierz are european based).

You can have your map when the majority of people are asleep :p

18-04-05, 14:23
Very good fight. FF put on a good show all day. Never once did they stop and it was with that determination they won in the end. Only thing i didnt like was how abruptly it ended but after hours of op fighting i couldnt continue myself i was sick of op fighting. As for imperium.

Go raid Dre hq were your more at home. Leave op fighting to a real clan and skilled fighters (the original have skill Ill and his crew ). The bandwagon bitches who joined from pro-city because they were to scared to fight ff dont have a leg to stand on. Even FF didnt whine as bad as you and they got it bad yesterday. Dont be scared of change . Just because you will have to help defend cycrow and other ops instead of using them and let FF defend them all for doy.

18-04-05, 14:56
9... that would almost be the 3 ppu's, two apu's, tank, pistol spy we fought with one ppu, tank, apu and three spies at hawkings.
Damn, i wonder who nc-elite and soldierz were fighting then? They were fighting... 2 people????????

It's so funny, there's allways one of those guys starting this shittalking. We all go starting off, congratulating each other and then this guy pops in , spouting his frustration all over the place, adding how wonderfull he is in hacknet, and how many rares they built... (talk about off topic)..
If i was Tostino i would ask the guy to edit his name out, as i would hate to be associated with a person who posts this crap :-)
You guys utterly lost the first fight for Hawkins. That was when you guys attacked four ops at once and we couldn't defend them all, so we chose to defend Hawkins. 9 anti upstairs easily fought off 10 pros. After that, you guys zerged with 49 (+/- 2) people (I counted with my drone), and me and another dude (sorry, I fuggin forgot your name, if ur reading, speak up, you kick ass, man) in HackNet kicked their ass. I dropped them to 5% Health 8 times, the FF HackNet dropped them to 5% Health more than 30 times. It was fuckin hilarious. The only way we lost was #1: He Fataled. #2: I got the elevator bug.

NOTE to self: Do not use elevators...ever again.

E. Cryton
18-04-05, 14:57
You guys utterly lost the first fight for Hawkins. That was when you guys attacked four ops at once and we couldn't defend them all, so we chose to defend Hawkins. 9 anti upstairs easily fought off 10 pros. After that, you guys zerged with 49 (+/- 2) people (I counted with my drone), and me and another dude (sorry, I fuggin forgot your name, if ur reading, speak up, you kick ass, man) in HackNet kicked their ass. I dropped them to 5% Health 8 times, the FF HackNet dropped them to 5% Health more than 30 times. It was fuckin hilarious. The only way we lost was #1: He Fataled. #2: I got the elevator bug.

NOTE to self: Do not use elevators...ever again.

raawwwr, i'll print that post and start masturbating right now !!!

Bugs Gunny
18-04-05, 15:03
Let me try to emulate this since it's so funny:

"Yeah well, we only had ONE ppu, and you guys totaly ppu zerged us with 3 ppu's, still we pwned your asses, and killed two of your nib apus. Even outnumbered we still hacked the op from you. Then when nobody was there you quickly ninjahakced it back before the rest of the city woke up and logged on to take back what is ours.
Then our constructor dude made us some 5 slot libby's and our researcher made definitely more blueprints than you guys, and it's probably worth shitloads on trade."

Sunday the 17th was the day when...... people played neocron and started enjoying it again.

18-04-05, 15:10
1st- when we owned FF at grant
2nd- when we owned FF at malstrond

Goodfight guys ;)

Oh! and before I forget! = Hacknet whores!!

E. Cryton
18-04-05, 15:27
i'd like to see some more screenshots...

18-04-05, 15:30
Good fights all. Its good to see so much action going on, sure there are some bad outnumbering situations going on, but at the end of the day loads of players in smaller clans get involved and have some fun. I actually think the most fun fights are when forces run into each other away from ops, since UG/Barrel fights are a bit laggy and predictable.

Of course, a close fight between just 2 clans is great too, and more of a pure contest, but yesterday was more like organised chaos, a Neocron Open Day if you will.

I missed most of the middle of the fight and got back on to face the anti-city backlash, was funny at Fosters and Ceres when 3 and 4 of us did suicide runs defending the ops against 20. Well you have to try sometimes don't you? :lol:

@ Imperium - you've jumped the gun my angry little friend, the flames don't usually start until at least page 5! Go and suck your thumb a while then come back ;) The rest of us want to bask in the glory of chaotic server-wide combat.

18-04-05, 15:43
It is good to have a balanced server with pro and anti. If it was totally one sided I dont foresee any kind of large scale battles.

E. Cryton
18-04-05, 15:46
digital, what server are u talking about ? cant be terra.

18-04-05, 16:19
sod the zerg this and the other..

at tea time GMT evrywhere i took my ppu i died before getting near the fight there was so many people. (no gaming card in comp so <10fps just in zone not the fight :wtf: )

the few places I attended seemed to be the meeting places for the pro city...so there were more than my people scanner could cope with 8|

I understand that there were fights going on in other places too...but as much as you people flame each other simple fact is....pro city organised themselves earlier than anti..

after a while when anti city numbers grew..and more importantly got organised the fight started to happen.. zerg berfore, zerg after, whatever.

just wish i could have got involved properly..but need something better than a gf2 mx lol.

18-04-05, 16:23
Sunday the 17th was the day when...... people played neocron and started enjoying it again.


The Ottoman
18-04-05, 16:29
Crap. I missed it. Damn, why did I go to Amsterdam! Nothing beats a Neocron War.
These kind of fights are also good advertisements for new players. Maybe the next time someone could take LE'd newbies on a tour across the battlefield. Kind of like embedded spectators. With the International Release coming a good idea.

18-04-05, 16:32
Look at this post there is hatred and anger and positivity after a nights fighting, This is an important point in the game, We have achieved balance on Terra for the first time since NC2 was launched, those who are finished with Neocron have left, those who were prepared to see what happens are beginning to see the rewards. With the international release imminent 'he says o_O' we have a brighter future than anyone posting on these forums three months ago would have ever believed possible in NC2,

Bugs Gunny
18-04-05, 16:37
Yes.... you missed it, and we missed you, and a few others.
But hey, real life is more important than neocron. Especialy amsterdam, and no.... don't tell us what you did there :-)

But be sure to tweak your pc for good fps, since the op fights are getting a tad.... epic scaled.

Obsidian X
18-04-05, 16:40
I wish people would stop crying zerg etc. Last night was the kind of City vs City action we were supposed to get with the polarisation of the factions. Hopefully a start of great things to come; for once it actually felt like the cities of Neocron and Dome of York were actually at war. Recently its felt like Neocron and Dome of York are just neighbours who have had a tiff over the size of the others fence or something :p

18-04-05, 16:56
Hell, it was my first fighting since I returned to NC, and it was great. I remember only few fights back in the good ol' days with so many people around (TJ, Synchz, etc ...).

FPS dropped below 30 sometimes for me when 20+ chars camped the UG entrance with Moonies, Doomies and Males and a couple of APU laying their barrels.

Great, I hope this goes on without too much whining...

18-04-05, 17:00
like i said Ill try and get our screenies up when i get in, surprised there hasnt been more than 2

18-04-05, 17:11
Oh man, yesterday was fucking insane. Went out with Bugs to Hawkins and then Jeriko.

Nearly lost my last assault glider, blew up two advanced gliders, and lost my combat hoverbike. I dared not even think about bringing my heavy trike to the fighting. Cadeo even lost his gliders and heavy trike.

The fighting was INSANE! (I won't comment on the UG thing, since I just get real riled up)) But yeah, there was plenty of action.

Let's just say that, next time, I'm much more prepared for sudden bursts of all-out war. And trust me, it was all-out.

18-04-05, 17:29
est']1st- when we owned FF at grant
2nd- when we owned FF at malstrond

Goodfight guys ;)

Oh! and before I forget! = Hacknet whores!!
That's insane how many people were there. That scroll list wasn't even 20% down and there's 8 people on the list.

18-04-05, 17:40
imper1um shall we just cut the shite or what.... a great time was had by all except you who took on the whole of the pro and won :lol:

As it has been said there were times when both sides were down on numbers, big deal! You just must have missed the big fights, your loss not ours, not the many anti's that were fighting either..... well not in that way anyways ;)

18-04-05, 17:51
I dont give a shit about numbers, i know i was at five seperate wars last night, our clan won three, regrouped from one and i died at the other, and overall it was kick ass

Major Havoc
18-04-05, 18:07
Well, I fought at Hawkings and fought DARK at Jeriko and I'd like to say to DARK:

"Great fight at Jeriko, thoroughily enjoyed it!"

Just my tuppence worth :D

18-04-05, 18:33
You guys utterly lost the first fight for Hawkins. That was when you guys attacked four ops at once and we couldn't defend them all, so we chose to defend Hawkins. 9 anti upstairs easily fought off 10 pros. After that, you guys zerged with 49 (+/- 2) people (I counted with my drone), and me and another dude (sorry, I fuggin forgot your name, if ur reading, speak up, you kick ass, man) in HackNet kicked their ass. I dropped them to 5% Health 8 times, the FF HackNet dropped them to 5% Health more than 30 times. It was fuckin hilarious. The only way we lost was #1: He Fataled. #2: I got the elevator bug.

NOTE to self: Do not use elevators...ever again.
Soldierz fought most ops alone. We fought alot of the day alone. Then the rest of pro-city happened to get involved. Just like FA got involved when we were fighting ff alone coincedence.

18-04-05, 18:35
I dont give a shit about numbers, i know i was at five seperate wars last night, our clan won three, regrouped from one and i died at the other, and overall it was kick ass
I heard about that fight over alliance . It sounded really good.

18-04-05, 18:39
Between FF and dark you had 9 people online?


Anyway, im glad people on both side of the wastes enjoyed the night and the thread has had minimal zerg crying.


18-04-05, 18:40
Love how everyone else is banging on about how it was a night with loads of fights, they enjoyed. Yeah, pro city kinda rushed the map - how do you think they got so many OPs so fast - but anti did fight back, and there were good fights going on.
Funny thing is, all Imperium ever seems to post these days is flames. That or his ideas. Getting kind of sick of it.

18-04-05, 18:43
He has every right to flame when he's so OMFGWTF-LEET he only dies when he fatals.

18-04-05, 18:47
@ imperium Note to self: dont post if your only gonna flame and say that you died because of an elevator bug..... btw could you be anymore more big headed ( i saved the day it was beacuse of me, i saw this blah blah blah :lol: )

everyone is happy with the fight except you :rolleyes:
lemme guess its the lift's fault.

i suggest you send a bug tracker to stopwhine@igotowned.com

good goin on soloing pro city and saving the day anti city must be so pleased to have an ego like yours on there side :D

18-04-05, 18:48
The fight at gab with soldierz versus FF and dark was qaulity. As they came in from the east we met them half way. Caught them with there pants down. Good fight .

18-04-05, 18:59
As my weekends go, I was on narry an hour and missed all of this.

Dammit weekends and shit . . .

I am DAMN excited though to see so many had so much fun. That speaks volumes about not only the shaping and cooperation between factions but also the jelling of pro v anti.

18-04-05, 19:03
9... that would almost be the 3 ppu's, two apu's, tank, pistol spy we fought with one ppu, tank, apu and three spies at hawkings.
Damn, i wonder who nc-elite and soldierz were fighting then? They were fighting... 2 people????????

It's so funny, there's allways one of those guys starting this shittalking. We all go starting off, congratulating each other and then this guy pops in , spouting his frustration all over the place, adding how wonderfull he is in hacknet, and how many rares they built... (talk about off topic)..
If i was Tostino i would ask the guy to edit his name out, as i would hate to be associated with a person who posts this crap :-)
Umm just wondering where you see my name in his post? I loved the fights yesterday :) In the end it was a fair number fight so that made it all the more fun. Hope we can have more like this soon!! :p

18-04-05, 19:30
Yeah, pro city kinda rushed the map - how do you think they got so many OPs so fast.

em op fighting for 10 hours? and they say nobody was on in the whole 10 hours? LIES!! FF had atleast ~14 to 18 ppl which were 4 or something hacknet camping, when we were fighting them.

18-04-05, 19:35
man looks like there was some wicked fights, to bad i missed it. but me and some pp had plans to have a huge drunken bonfire so, that > nc.

sidenote: most of the time bitching mixed with epenis statements show that that the person has a low self confidence and also no self respect. those of you who choose to behave in this way just know you are not proving anything to anyone, you are just making yourself look childish.

18-04-05, 19:38
plaid all, i was at the fight at jeriko when we foolishly (pro) thought we was holding our own, when anti seem to come from no where and wipe the floor with us (which reminds me, dont use a rifle guy at an op fight :p)

had to go after that cos of work :(

all in all good fun and long may it continue.

18-04-05, 19:40
Love how everyone else is banging on about how it was a night with loads of fights, they enjoyed. Yeah, pro city kinda rushed the map - how do you think they got so many OPs so fast - but anti did fight back, and there were good fights going on.
Funny thing is, all Imperium ever seems to post these days is flames. That or his ideas. Getting kind of sick of it.
Remind me to kill you next time i see you on principle, 6 hours of op fighting wasnt a rush for me the day was very long indeed and i had planned other things. Just because you weren't there when people were fighting doesnt mean it didnt happen

18-04-05, 19:58
the funniest thing @nemesis ... i got shitbuffed, even when i had nothing on myself... haz,melee okay, but no heal/no sd ... every clanmate that was there.. was in my team,but all in the underground ... just reds arround me .... swinnnng .... i got a shelter O_o a non-holy shelter 0_0 ... and a crappy heal .... finally someone buffs me :D that crappy shelter even did a nice job on me :>damnit, i guess ill stop the nubs then ...

[Edit] bwahaha :lol: :lol:

Imper1um lolz www.learntocount.com (http://www.learntocount.com)

If we had 49 people at hawkins please explain then how you managed to count that much ?

Did you go like this ?

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,49 ?


fuck me thats funny shit considering I was standing just east of the OP at hawkins watching 8 of you in there when I noticed 13 dark coming from behind, who chased me the distance of the map and who managed to kill just me after god knows how many antibuffs ?

Yea good fights guys, but christ please learn to count, yes numbers are never correct, theres always a little variation, but when a NCE force can get all their members into 1 team then there is no way that theres fucking 49 running about...

Possibly 30 people tops, wasnt pro city just Blood, soldierz and NCE ? I dont think we had any other pro clans involved, and if there was 10 from NCE Please name the 39 (-/+2) Blood/Soldierz that were there

Bugs Gunny
18-04-05, 20:01
Dark, Cmaster was with us the whole time, we were an 8-9 man team and we fought for about 4 hours.

18-04-05, 20:03
Lol, chill dude. I'm aware there was a lot of very hard fighting going on. But for a while the wave of pro-city seemed unstoppable - and I know that there were 3 clans out in force taking OPs.

18-04-05, 20:16
I agree that not only yesterday had great server population but the op wars were absolutely fantastic and well fought and i had more fun than usual.

19-04-05, 00:00
Lol, chill dude. I'm aware there was a lot of very hard fighting going on. But for a while the wave of pro-city seemed unstoppable - and I know that there were 3 clans out in force taking OPs.
Messing :P. I dont like allie killing no matter what the reason. It wastes to much time and is the reason nc has been fucked for so long. Doy never had to do anything to NC. NC did it itself.

Bugs Gunny
19-04-05, 00:33
We killed one allied runner.
He was fucking around, shooting everyone in the team.
He was warned once. The second time we executed the warning.

19-04-05, 01:26
OK, now I'm disgusted with my own side. Not over what happened over the weekend, but what happened today (Monday). As of when I logged off, about 6pm EDT, every city outpost was in DoY hands. Why? Because Lore waited until there were only a couple of people online across the whole of Soldierz, Blood, and NC-Elite, then raised a multi-dozen person army and swept the map. At the end, he was literally handing out outposts to any clan that was willing to bring 2 hackers to take the last 2 layers, and boy, if that doesn't cheapen it, what does?

I would love for the Tsunami Syndicate to control a couple of outposts. And we had, or could have had, two hackers online (in our three man clan). I turned him down cold, because I think the whole sordid affair was the worst sportsmanship I've seen in the whole time I was here. See the thread above? Player after player saying, "Wow, that was fun, the most fun I've had in months!" And all that Freedom Force has to say to that is, "Wah! We didn't win every fight! They must be punished!" Punished was the actual word he used to me. "We're showing them how it feels." Showing them what? "How it feels to be outnumbered because multiple clans showed up." Gosh, I said to him, do you think we might have been teaching them that for the last three months? For which question I got basically told to go fuck off.

Pathetic. Pitiful. Disgusting. And that only barely begins to describe it.

19-04-05, 01:55
OK, now I'm disgusted with my own side. Not over what happened over the weekend, but what happened today (Monday). As of when I logged off, about 6pm EDT, every city outpost was in DoY hands. Why? Because Lore waited until there were only a couple of people online across the whole of Soldierz, Blood, and NC-Elite, then raised a multi-dozen person army and swept the map. At the end, he was literally handing out outposts to any clan that was willing to bring 2 hackers to take the last 2 layers, and boy, if that doesn't cheapen it, what does?

I would love for the Tsunami Syndicate to control a couple of outposts. And we had, or could have had, two hackers online (in our three man clan). I turned him down cold, because I think the whole sordid affair was the worst sportsmanship I've seen in the whole time I was here. See the thread above? Player after player saying, "Wow, that was fun, the most fun I've had in months!" And all that Freedom Force has to say to that is, "Wah! We didn't win every fight! They must be punished!" Punished was the actual word he used to me. "We're showing them how it feels." Showing them what? "How it feels to be outnumbered because multiple clans showed up." Gosh, I said to him, do you think we might have been teaching them that for the last three months? For which question I got basically told to go fuck off.

Pathetic. Pitiful. Disgusting. And that only barely begins to describe it.

Meh it happens and will happen to then again. Punishment my ass. Hes finally doing his fucking job and taking what he has to. Clans that sit on ops for weeks on end are just crap. You want something you earn it plain and simple. What he did today will mostlikely come back on him . Its how op fighting works. Someone zergs they get zerged back they zerg back and so on. It will be good for the city to hold ops because they can and not because FF think they will kill the game if they take to much.

Now we have have no rules to op fighting maybe we cna get some serious fighting done. Your clan has limited members on well tuff. Its NC versus Doy red versus blue not lets bitch around lieing to each other pretending it is fair what we do at ops trying to hold on to some sort of honour code when clans dont have respect for each other cause they all lie. There is no fair op fights theres always circumstances you just gotta make sure you use every advantage you got. This has been the way for ages in this game lets cut the shit and stop lieing and just fight.

19-04-05, 02:03
Because Lore waited until there were only a couple of people online across the whole of Soldierz, Blood, and NC-Elite

u should check the coms before u write brad

soldierz alone had 15 online same numbers as us so waiting til they have a couple online ? i dont think so.

is there a reason we cant attack soldierz ? do we have to wait for them attacking us every day ? why not attack them like we did today.

and tbh the fights we have had has been very much in the city sides favor we FF had around 10 people to fight with and the city sides almost everytime double.

still there was some good fights late on when numberes became more even

19-04-05, 04:38
damnit, i guess ill stop the nubs then ...

[Edit] bwahaha :lol: :lol:

Imper1um lolz www.learntocount.com (http://www.learntocount.com)

If we had 49 people at hawkins please explain then how you managed to count that much ?

Did you go like this ?

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,49 ?


fuck me thats funny shit considering I was standing just east of the OP at hawkins watching 8 of you in there when I noticed 13 dark coming from behind, who chased me the distance of the map and who managed to kill just me after god knows how many antibuffs ?

Yea good fights guys, but christ please learn to count, yes numbers are never correct, theres always a little variation, but when a NCE force can get all their members into 1 team then there is no way that theres fucking 49 running about...

Possibly 30 people tops, wasnt pro city just Blood, soldierz and NCE ? I dont think we had any other pro clans involved, and if there was 10 from NCE Please name the 39 (-/+2) Blood/Soldierz that were there
Learn simple math.

15 SoldierZ + 13 Blood + 16 NC's Elite = Only 16? Wow, your math rocks!
2 FF + 1 DARK + 3 Paradox = 14? Man, I need to find out who taught you. :lol:

BTW, monkey balls are good with garlic.

It's also nice to know I'm famous.


19-04-05, 06:09
i love how this guy tries to insult everyones "skills".. hes problably one of those people who killed someone on a droner and now things hes uber leet. paradox should have higher standards then this guy.

Bugs Gunny
19-04-05, 07:47
13 blood... the man can't read can he? We had 4-5 blood on during those 4 hours, and we took along 4 euh...... forced volunteers :-)
Now that would be 8-9 during those 4 hours.
Anyway, this guy is not even worth replying to, i suggest we let him solo this thread and laugh our heads off at his "unique" vision on what happened.

19-04-05, 08:56
While your all arguing....

Is it worth a returning /63 PPU and a /61 rifle spy to stay in CM, or should I choose pro/anti city sides? And if so, which clans are on top at the moment?

also, if any clans would be willing to help me get back on my feet, it'd much appreciated.

Bugs Gunny
19-04-05, 09:00
Go pro city, the dome has enough ppu's.

19-04-05, 09:15
The fights started good. I was enthusiastic on Teamspeak saying things like: "Finally pro-cities learned how to fight, this is great". Because it was good. There were three pro-city teams attacking OPs at the same time,which is a great tactics because it guarantees success unless the opponent is well-organized and has practiced that kind of defense before, which is why owning a large amount of OPs is a bad idea unless you have 30 people online on average all the time, but I digress. Pro-cities showed that I was right all the time when I was saying that they could actually accomplish something if they didn't waste all their energy on Cycrow.

The fight at Gabanium was a slaughter where we got our asses kicked so badly it wasn't even funny. Then Malstrond, it was interesting. Even though there were around 20-30 people barreling the UG I managed to run out and kill one apu and three tanks (one of them died twice), but the amount of people proved overwhelming. Then I decided to help Dark at Jeriko against Blood, but those fights were silly. The only thing that even remotely resembled danger was STORM bots.

After a while people started gathering at Cycrow for the last stand (all anti will defend Cycrow at all costs), because FF seemed to get their ass kicked all over the map when suddenly FF won at Tezla and turned to an offensive and suddenly all pro-cities disappeared. Literally. In the period of 5 minutes, all pro-city offensives just ended and suddenly the people who had 20-30 (or more) people in a team just minutes earlier started crying about zerg. The coordination, skill and discipline required to make so many people stop fighting at the same time would have been impressive if it wasn't an act of cowardice.

Yesterday pro-cities lost all their OPs as a punishment for leaving the fight and this morning it was back to good old killing of everyone who is leveling in CRP. Obviously that's the only "fight" they enjoy.

19-04-05, 09:19
The fights started good. I was enthusiastic on Teamspeak saying things like: "Finally pro-cities learned how to fight, this is great". Because it was good. There were three pro-city teams attacking OPs at the same time,which is a great tactics because it guarantees success unless the opponent is well-organized and has practiced that kind of defense before, which is why owning a large amount of OPs is a bad idea unless you have 30 people online on average all the time, but I digress. Pro-cities showed that I was right all the time when I was saying that they could actually accomplish something if they didn't waste all their energy on Cycrow.

The fight at Gabanium was a slaughter where we got our asses kicked so badly it wasn't even funny. Then Malstrond, it was interesting. Even though there were around 20-30 people barreling the UG I managed to run out and kill one apu and three tanks (one of them died twice), but the amount of people proved overwhelming. Then I decided to help Dark at Jeriko against Blood, but those fights were silly. The only thing that even remotely resembled danger was STORM bots.

After a while people started gathering at Cycrow for the last stand (all anti will defend Cycrow at all costs), because FF seemed to get their ass kicked all over the map when suddenly FF won at Tezla and turned to an offensive and suddenly all pro-cities disappeared. Literally. In the period of 5 minutes, all pro-city offensives just ended and suddenly the people who had 20-30 (or more) people in a team just minutes earlier started crying about zerg. The coordination, skill and discipline required to make so many people stop fighting at the same time would have been impressive if it wasn't an act of cowardice.

Yesterday pro-cities lost all their OPs as a punishment for leaving the fight and this morning it was back to good old killing of everyone who is leveling in CRP. Obviously that's the only "fight" they enjoy.tez was my last fight, i was a bit annoyed and suprised with it aswell, one minute we seemed to be winning, with about 8 people in the op everything was going good, then like, spikes askin for a rez on vent, I start rezzing, and realise im the only one still about, then like look around and we dont even have any dead on the ground or anything, so thought sod that and went for the GR lol... somehow made it from tez hackterm to the GR :> but I was pushing it with the tez fight anyway and had to log after because of work :\

19-04-05, 09:27
Why? Because Lore waited until there were only a couple of people online across the whole of Soldierz, Blood, and NC-Elite, then raised a multi-dozen person army and swept the map.

Blah, blah. Soldierz had a lot of people online. When FF was taking their OPs they had 5 people in TH chatting away happily including a ppu who was standing there, poking people between the time they lost Redrock to the moment they lost Simmons. They didn't even attempt to defend themselves. If you had actually checked you'd notice they had more than enough people to fight.

They did just like they did when they took the OPs. They backed away from battle as soon as they didn't have the advantage.

Bugs Gunny
19-04-05, 09:49
Hegemon. If your clan would actualy ever do some real op fighting, instead of all logging on a hacker to take one of the FF gift ops, you would realise that when people start logging off to go to bed, they get their chars poked up and ready for next day first.

I'm sure that's what the soldierz in TH were doing. And when people start logging off, there's no point in taking half your force back out to .... get poked again.

I quite enjoyed fighting that night, even though we were the suicide squad that night.

19-04-05, 09:56
Blah, blah. Soldierz had a lot of people online. When FF was taking their OPs they had 5 people in TH chatting away happily including a ppu who was standing there, poking people between the time they lost Redrock to the moment they lost Simmons. They didn't even attempt to defend themselves. If you had actually checked you'd notice they had more than enough people to fight.

They did just like they did when they took the OPs. They backed away from battle as soon as they didn't have the advantage.

Dark was getting one of our ops and FF took the other, there was no way to defend it.. so we didnt........

19-04-05, 10:30
Well twice at the end of the night we defended with 4 and then 3. That was at Ceres and Fosters. After that it was time for bed, most of us have to work Monday morning.

Why are people saying we didn't defend when I personally died trying? Bugs is right though, after that people were trying to repair and repoke before they logged off.

I don't know why anti-city seem to have larger numbers later on than pro-city, I can only guess its demographics. Maybe on a Friday or Saturday night things will be different.

I'm convinced these server wide-wars are critical for Neocron. As players who aren't in the 5 main clans need to experience the buzz to keep them playing.

19-04-05, 10:41
Well twice at the end of the night we defended with 4 and then 3. That was at Ceres and Fosters. After that it was time for bed, most of us have to work Monday morning.

Why are people saying we didn't defend when I personally died trying? Bugs is right though, after that people were trying to repair and repoke before they logged off.

I don't know why anti-city seem to have larger numbers later on than pro-city, I can only guess its demographics. Maybe on a Friday or Saturday night things will be different.

I'm convinced these server wide-wars are critical for Neocron. As players who aren't in the 5 main clans need to experience the buzz to keep them playing.
Dunno about that, I personally despise OP wars and would rather have a good 'ol one on one showdown out in the wastes or in NF if need be

19-04-05, 10:45
Is it worth a returning /63 PPU and a /61 rifle spy to stay in CM, or should I choose pro/anti city sides? And if so, which clans are on top at the moment?There is one really big CM clan, Reservoir Dogz, and they seem to permanently own about 35% of the map. Why permanently? Because FF makes lame excuses not to fight them, and nobody else is big enough.

Obviously FF finds it more fun to repeatedly kick a cripple while he's down than to fight a clan that's anywhere near their own size. Or perhaps they're afraid that if they attack a ResDogz outpost then they might face retaliation in anarchy zones and in the Dome itself? Nah, I'll stick with my first answer.

Join whatever faction you identify with the most, or the one your friends are in, not the one that's winning or the one that needs the people. Server politics are never "permanent" except in the short term.

Bugs Gunny
19-04-05, 11:07
Or populate an empty faction and interact with your neighbours, according to the "spirit" of your faction.

It has struck me before that there seems to be some kind of "here, these are our ops, those are your ops" thing going on between FF and Resdogz lately.

I hope pro city can keep their momentum going and will work closer together in the futere, as then.... it sure will be a bright one.

19-04-05, 15:40
Blah, blah. Soldierz had a lot of people online. When FF was taking their OPs they had 5 people in TH chatting away happily including a ppu who was standing there, poking people between the time they lost Redrock to the moment they lost Simmons. They didn't even attempt to defend themselves. If you had actually checked you'd notice they had more than enough people to fight.

If soldierz had 15 players actually online as you and lore say (different from the number he said we had on last night) then you can guarantee soldierz would have fought. Fact is most were afk and only around 6 of us were on who DID fight at jeriko against Dark while FF were hacking other ops. Ask a Dark member im sure one of them will tell you a few of us turned up.

We did have at least 12+ on citycoms so fair enough thats why you attacked.

19-04-05, 15:58
well soldierz last night had the people on the city coms at least and brad as to ur us not fighting rdogz

Read this thread pro city have been fighting FF for the last week + at least we cant fight rdogz and all of the city at the same time

simple as that

19-04-05, 16:05
On sunday we came to Tezla with half our force, after couple ppl died they logged off because it was too late.
Lore tell me, how after 10 hours of op fightin you can fight 1 more hour if its 3:30am?
And why you all talkin about our zerg, when you attacked us(ONLY soldierz, without any pro-city support) twice with 3(!!!) clans. Actualy i dont remember when we attacked 1 anti clan with all pro force...

19-04-05, 16:07
i dident say zerg i belive i said city had a lot more people the anti city

u did at tezla as well tho less then at all the other ops

Bugs Gunny
19-04-05, 16:08
Lore, everyone knows FF and resdogz are good friends.
Go read your own website forums and you'll know what i'm talking about.

The funniest post is where a resdog asks you to join them in a war on two pro city clans, and where they state they prefer to keep soldierz out of it, as they couldn't handle that many people.

hmmm... CM helping TG.... i think this calls for EGM intervention :-)

19-04-05, 17:42
To be honest, I now like FF more than some NC clans (speaking for myself, not for the clan), the fights against them have been clan vs clan most of the time, and more or less fair concerning playercount. Both sides won from time to time, I have had my fun, and i guess so did they (an they don't rezz from the top or inside a wall...).

The reason we don't attack them atm is that while ff gets zerged or is fighting, there is no need to attack them at the same time, because they gave us fair fights, and now its our time to be nice ;) . Actually we wouldn't do you a favour if we keep ff busy by attacking them... you like to fight them, don't you? Or is it just about havin ops?

I wrote the post you are refering to on the FF forums. What I said is, that if FF gets zerged they should tell me, so that we can perhaps draw NCs elite out of an unfair fight. I wanted to keep soldierz out because I think they are cool ppl, and as I've sold an op to them once, perhaps further busines could be possible. Furthermore they fought FF alone, didn't they? I'm absolutely fine with that then.

Bugs Gunny
19-04-05, 18:08
You are truly roleplaying mercs as they should be............

Anyway, if i was you, let me see.. I'd prefer keeping things as they are, as right now CM make loads of cash from ops, they have 33% of the map, FF doesn't attack them, in fact, you have some sort of agreement on which ops belong to who.
You in fact benefit from helping FF pull out forces from the pro-city alliance.

Or don't you?
The reaction will be MB becoming the massive slaughterhouse it was in NC1. We have enough stealther spies to entertain your members and all the first layers of surrounding ops.
And i doubt you'd be able to hold off the pro city forces if we turn on your outposts together.

I strongly suggest you guys remain NEUTRAL in this, or you will be writing history for your clan.

Rogue Arson
19-04-05, 18:11
You are truly roleplaying mercs as they should be............

Anyway, if i was you, let me see.. I'd prefer keeping things as they are, as right now CM make loads of cash from ops, they have 33% of the map, FF doesn't attack them, in fact, you have some sort of agreement on which ops belong to who.
You in fact benefit from helping FF pull out forces from the pro-city alliance.

Or don't you?
The reaction will be MB becoming the massive slaughterhouse it was in NC1. We have enough stealther spies to entertain your members and all the first layers of surrounding ops.
And i doubt you'd be able to hold off the pro city forces if we turn on your outposts together.

I strongly suggest you guys remain NEUTRAL in this, or you will be writing history for your clan.


What else can I say? Bugs telling others how to play the game just cracks me up =)

Bugs Gunny
19-04-05, 18:15
It's politics.

And i'm just pointing out some possible future facts to him, while placing myself in his position. I know very well what's going on between RD and FF, and i know their cl is in a tough position right now.

Hey, it's interesting times on Terra. Enjoy it while it lasts. Major powershifts, and people hoping they're betting on the right horse :-)

19-04-05, 18:24
You threaten us by saying that you'll use lame tactics to annoy us in case we engage for fair fights in the game? Well done.

When I say zerg, I do not think offights with several clans but of ones with equal numbers on both sides, but I do think of fights with one side fighting with 5+ runners more than the other.

In my opinion we are in good terms with FF because we fight clan vs clan. We have beaten FF when they had more ppl than us, so why can't u? You don't need more ppl, just just need a good team, and if you have one you'll get loads of fun ;) I think that NC's elite could easily hold some ops against FF if they earned some respect from them.

Btw. last time I checked we got 150 NC in one day when nobody touched the clan money. Maybe I'm wrong on this, but money is not, and has at no time been a reason to hold ops for us.

I'm sorry if you don't get my points sometimes, English is not my main language, perhaps i'm not able to express myself.

Bugs Gunny
19-04-05, 18:43
In the FF forums you clearly stated you want to see NC-elites destroyed and you want Blood and H to go along with it. Your post displayed a fear of soldierz getting involved too, as that would be a too large force to deal with.

All i'm saying is, that if pro-city runners see CM getting involved by attacking pro-city ops while the alliance is fighting the dome, you must realise there will be consequences.

I dont' speak for myself or my clan, but we all know the favorite pasttime of several stealthers at cycrow, and i'm sure you will not enjoy them setting their sights on a new vacation resort.
Some pro cities might even consider permanently acquiring some of the surrounding property too.

If you want to i can quote your post right here.

Dribble Joy
19-04-05, 18:56
I'd like to point out that though Dogz is the primary CM clan, they are by no means the only one, and I would prefer the results of their actions to be directed at them and not the rest of us.

19-04-05, 18:59
I'd like to point out that though Dogz is the primary CM clan, they are by no means the only one, and I would prefer the results of their actions to be directed at them and not the rest of us.
Mercs are mercs are mercs :> Dont like it then kick em out :>

Dribble Joy
19-04-05, 19:04

Like that's possible or even my point.

19-04-05, 19:11
(Dribble Joy is right - leave the others out, if you think that you are so bored and you have go go round pking at the MB)
Still I thought the issues with Blood had been sorted out, but if you seem to see that differently (i won't do anything against u unless blood starts it). Actually we didn't have problems with you lot till you helped NCs elite in Gravis.
Anyways, if we attack NCs elite while you whole NC is figthing FF and outnumbering them (thats the case i thought about, nothing else, when they are heavily outnumbered), it would do that: the NC side would have a more fair fight, that FF'd have a more fair fight, that NC's elite is bound to fight a fair fight and that we got a fight.

19-04-05, 19:19
It's just boring when we (Paradox) go to a fight when we see 9 NC's Elite Online, or 10 SoldierZ logged in and we have 8 (not including me), and none of you guys show. (sighs) We like fights, not Ninja/Zerg.


19-04-05, 19:35
on the odd occasion a member of venom logs on... we play with res dogz.

their leader told us we were gonna be wiped out...

we have been a clan since before neocron was in beta. we arent going to fall apart... whats more likely is we will play uo 90% of the time, and play nc just to pk... at mb... :D

:edit: @ above... your still posting? you expect anyone to believe you?

19-04-05, 19:44
on the odd occasion a member of venom logs on... we play with res dogz.

their leader told us we were gonna be wiped out...

we have been a clan since before neocron was in beta. we arent going to fall apart... whats more likely is we will play uo 90% of the time, and play nc just to pk... at mb... :D

:edit: @ above... your still posting? you expect anyone to believe you?

What freeshard you playing on? in por ylem?

19-04-05, 19:55
The fights started good. I was enthusiastic on Teamspeak saying things like: "Finally pro-cities learned how to fight, this is great". Because it was good. There were three pro-city teams attacking OPs at the same time,which is a great tactics because it guarantees success unless the opponent is well-organized and has practiced that kind of defense before, which is why owning a large amount of OPs is a bad idea unless you have 30 people online on average all the time, but I digress. Pro-cities showed that I was right all the time when I was saying that they could actually accomplish something if they didn't waste all their energy on Cycrow.

The fight at Gabanium was a slaughter where we got our asses kicked so badly it wasn't even funny. Then Malstrond, it was interesting. Even though there were around 20-30 people barreling the UG I managed to run out and kill one apu and three tanks (one of them died twice), but the amount of people proved overwhelming. Then I decided to help Dark at Jeriko against Blood, but those fights were silly. The only thing that even remotely resembled danger was STORM bots.

After a while people started gathering at Cycrow for the last stand (all anti will defend Cycrow at all costs), because FF seemed to get their ass kicked all over the map when suddenly FF won at Tezla and turned to an offensive and suddenly all pro-cities disappeared. Literally. In the period of 5 minutes, all pro-city offensives just ended and suddenly the people who had 20-30 (or more) people in a team just minutes earlier started crying about zerg. The coordination, skill and discipline required to make so many people stop fighting at the same time would have been impressive if it wasn't an act of cowardice.

Yesterday pro-cities lost all their OPs as a punishment for leaving the fight and this morning it was back to good old killing of everyone who is leveling in CRP. Obviously that's the only "fight" they enjoy.

I always knew how to fight. I learnt ages ago. No Skill less spy will ever call me a coward. I fought for 6 hours straight on sunday. I was sick of fighting and had work the next day. I would have fought on but alot of my clan are euro and had to go to but hey RL > NC . We didnt have any yanks to keep on fighting with anyway. As far as the fighting went i had a good fight all day. It was even versus FF then zerg then zerg on us. It happens. Gab was a good fight for us tezla wasnt.

At tezla you seem to forget most of the fight was fought by soldierz but how would you know you werent there. NC elite had just gotten beast and we came in. We couldnt take the hack for ages and when we finally did people were in the UG. Try fighting after that. frustrating holding on for so long.

As for punishment. Big fucking deal FF can keep them ops if they hold them its how it should be. Nothing should be given to anyone just because you are afraid to kill pvp ect. PvP op war style has been dead for ages.

Raiding crp is just that raiding. So stop crying you raid nc we raid crp. No difference.

19-04-05, 20:04
What freeshard you playing on? in por ylem?

uo gamers - hybrid

19-04-05, 20:10
uo gamers - hybrid
Wasn't uo gamers the #1 webpage for hacks/scripts for UO back in the early days of UO? Seem to remember the name from somewhere for sure :confused:

19-04-05, 20:13
dunno... but it perminantly has 400-700 people online... a player run server on a god knows how old game... which has more pop than the whole of nc ;)

19-04-05, 20:19
dunno... but it perminantly has 400-700 people online... a player run server on a god knows how old game... which has more pop than the whole of nc ;)
Hehe yea, was thinking of maybe trying out a freeshard myself. But would probably be Defiance since it's situated in england and run by my old guild leader(s) from europa shard

19-04-05, 20:26
Hehe yea, was thinking of maybe trying out a freeshard myself. But would probably be Defiance since it's situated in england and run by my old guild leader(s) from europa shard

if its got a decent pop i might have a look.

i run the most updated second age client. its all about the old 2d...

19-04-05, 20:34
Hegemon. If your clan would actualy ever do some real op fighting, instead of all logging on a hacker to take one of the FF gift ops, you would realise that when people start logging off to go to bed, they get their chars poked up and ready for next day first.

We're not strong enough for that. Although I seem to recall killing you in at least two fair OP fights.

I don't see how it can take 45 minutes to get the pokes before the next days fights, but it's probably me just being a noob/nib/nob/neb/bin/nab/gnab/gib for not understanding the importance of slow pokes and careful therapeutical pre-sleep converations.

19-04-05, 20:44
If soldierz had 15 players actually online as you and lore say

The only number I ever metioned was "5". But never mind me, don't let facts distort a good story.

19-04-05, 20:59
if its got a decent pop i might have a look.

i run the most updated second age client. its all about the old 2d...
Well you can read about it on their webpage http://defiance.0wnsyou.com/ i'm still trying to remember the name of the account i created at it's very first days hehe

E. Cryton
19-04-05, 21:05
i dident say zerg i belive i said city had a lot more people the anti city

the city never had more ppl (active fighter!) as the dome had.
thats it how it was in the past, how it is in the present and how it'll be (i think).

there are too many bandwaggon idiots out there, joining the winning team (u win if u have enough masses :rolley: ) ...
and they're keep on joining the dome ...

19-04-05, 21:45
what i learnd in the 2.5 years ingame as cm is, that ppl always think that we fight for the other side.
but the only trues is, that we cms always just intrest in our own side.

Bugs Gunny
19-04-05, 22:37
Well, then general, make your actions reflect your words, and be wary of your soldiers trying to make secret pacts on non secured forums.

@ Hegemon. It's so typical that the small guys have to selfboost their ego with how you killed me. Hell, a dark guy even took a screenshot of me dead lol.
Well, let me tell you. I die a lot, because i go out to every fight i can. We never used the excuse of our clan is not big enough. Not even when it was just 5 of us left.
And as for you claim of skill, i never claimed i was a good fighter, but let me remind you of this:
Plaza 2, GZA and Hegemon (empire) vs Gunnar Aegirson (blood) ....... Two healing light spies vs one hc pe with a tl70 flamer.... I can still hear people on ventrilo laughing.

And now, everybody back to the frun of those large scale wars, which bring live back to the server!

19-04-05, 22:57
I wanna see more screenies. I would post some but was all caught up in the moment and forgot :lol:

19-04-05, 23:17
Good to see people had some fun, too bad I missed it.

And who the fuck cares how many one side had or not had, give it the fuck up allready you little 14yearold cs kiddey tards 8 pages ought to be enough ey?. Its always like this one side might have more people, the next time the other side had more people and oh my fucking god the whine we get after boho sniff sniff whine whine, zerg zerg, you suck blabla bla ffs..

The few times the numbers actually is even noone mentions that, they should. just shut the fuck up and fight and have fun.. If you cant win cause the other side is too many the well they are too many, slap your allied friends silly and explain if they want to use the bonuses and grs they need to fucking help out too. Do that instead of bohoing. If noone wants to help or there arent enough then you can fight anyways. If you win YAY, if you loose well suck it the fuck up and try again.

19-04-05, 23:21
I wrote the post you are refering to on the FF forums. What I said is, that if FF gets zerged they should tell me, so that we can perhaps draw NCs elite out of an unfair fight.

In my opinion we are in good terms with FF because we fight clan vs clan. We have beaten FF when they had more ppl than us, so why can't u? You don't need more ppl, just just need a good team, and if you have one you'll get loads of fun ;) I think that NC's elite could easily hold some ops against FF if they earned some respect from them.

Btw. last time I checked we got 150 NC in one day when nobody touched the clan money. Maybe I'm wrong on this, but money is not, and has at no time been a reason to hold ops for us.

1.) Sounds to me like you're holding a grudge against a Pro City clan and will stop at nothing, including helping an enemy to see them taken down, probably over something stupid...

2.) If the money is no reason to hold the OP, why hold more than one factory, lab, etc.? if it's "just for the fights" why not hold one of each type of OP, and let other clans attempt to hold the others...
What I don't get is if it's claimed they "do it for the fights" why hold half the map? And since you guys share the map with the other said clan, why is it that even on a quite day for this clan you hate so much that you and the other big clan don't seem to fight for control of the rest of the map? Most of this thread, the arguing part, sounds alot like b/s and lame justifications to me. And since I'm not clanned anymore on any char, this is my personal opnion from the sideline...

20-04-05, 00:43
@ Hegemon. It's so typical that the small guys have to selfboost their ego with how you killed me. Hell, a dark guy even took a screenshot of me dead lol.

And that is so typical of the big guys to misunderstand something just to invent a new strawman that you can burn. If you put what I said in the context of being a response to your insinuation, you'd notice that I used the fact that I killed you in OP fights as a slightly humoristic support for my participation in said OP fights, even those that you found worthy of visiting.

But no. I forgot that everyone is taking themselves just too seriously and any mention of ever loosing a fight will be met of a flood of anecdotes of how I died a horrible death to a 10/15 noob. And their acts of bravery of holding back the megazerg of anti-pros with rays of sudden death, divine shelters and liquid helium shocks while being barreled with holy anthrax of doom.

Jeez. I die constanly. My ppu with almost capped holy shelter got killed by a lone apu yesterday (he didn't even antibuff me). My melee tank dies so often that people ignore me on teamspeak when I ask for rezz (psst. don't you dare denying it, don't let facts ruin a good story). My spy has repaired his SA twice. Even my tradeskiller .. errr, never mind.

If a fight doesn't end by my death, it was a bad fight because it ended prematurely. When implants didn't pop, I was raiding the city until I dropped the stealth III or the PA in my belt. I don't know how many PAs I dropped in my belts, but considering that I have killed a good way over 1000 warbots (leveling) and almost all money from warbot hunting went into buying PAs, I imagine I have donated almost 4M worth of PAs to the city.

I don't give a fsck about who killed who or when or why. Except in three cases. First, when someone backs out from a fight, especially when it started being a good one. Second. When people repeat all the standard boring repetitive moves of raiding this and that, never innovating, never doing something new (that's why I more or less stopped raiding the city and that's why I suck more on my spy that I did two months ago even though I sucked back then too, but I digress). Entertain me, damn it. Three. When people cry, whine, bitch and moan on public channels after getting killed or cry, whine, bitch and moan on public channels after killing someone. One quick insult/congratulations/woohoo is ok, but going about it over and over and over again and just repeating the same old phrases, same old tired arguments... It's just depressing to see how seriously people take themselves and how important their micro-ego seems to them.

And yes, before you point out the obvious, we even have people like that in our clan. Yes, even whining about ally killing is excessive. Just a quick mention "foo is killing allies" and have it done. No reason to bring up moral arguments that would make Thomas Aquinas tear out his hair.

ps. only the first part was a direct response to what you said. The rest was just something that I had to get out of my system.

ObAnecdote. Too bad we can't control the size of our characters. In Project Entropia, when I was creating my avatar, character creation was bugged and I could make my avatar even smaller than originally possible, so I had one of the tiniest characters on the server while almost everyone was running around in house-sized hulks (btw. it didn't matter for pvp, but that's another story). Every time someone repeated the same old (and it happened constantly): "Hey dwarf! Why are you so small?" I could respond: "I don't need to compensate for anything.". I don't know why I bring this up, but somehow it felt relevant to the topic at hand even though I can't really fit it into the puzzle.

20-04-05, 00:57
Just thought I'd spread the love by reporting we just had a quality fight at Gravis. Pro-city couldn't hack fast enough and didn't really barrel the UG much and this allowed FF to come up and make it a proper rumble. We lost, but it was good stuff. ;)

Did I notice the mercs calling in ff at one point this evening? :angel:

20-04-05, 02:09
[...]joining the winning team[...]


Join The Winning Team

20-04-05, 02:17
I wanna see more screenies. I would post some but was all caught up in the moment and forgot :lol:

heres a nice one from a proposed skirmish tomorrow...

me vs roguearson...

if the fight lasts more than 60 secs in HN (no zoning, no interferance, self buffs) i get 12 mil, if the duel ends before that then he gets 12 mil.

i should have added in that if one of us refuses to fight then they lose by default and have to pay the 12 mil... but im sure roguearson wont give up at due to the dent it would make in his ego...

:edit: dunno if rogue has a forum act... but if so why not throw your little "yup, those are the rules" post on here?

20-04-05, 08:04
heres a nice one from a proposed skirmish tomorrow...

me vs roguearson...

if the fight lasts more than 60 secs in HN (no zoning, no interferance, self buffs) i get 12 mil, if the duel ends before that then he gets 12 mil.

i should have added in that if one of us refuses to fight then they lose by default and have to pay the 12 mil... but im sure roguearson wont give up at due to the dent it would make in his ego...

:edit: dunno if rogue has a forum act... but if so why not throw your little "yup, those are the rules" post on here?
You seriously are a nib on how HackNet fights go. Duels last less than 8 seconds. Theres no PPUs in HackNet. Rog will kick ur ass.

20-04-05, 08:19
heres a nice one from a proposed skirmish tomorrow...

me vs roguearson...

if the fight lasts more than 60 secs in HN (no zoning, no interferance, self buffs) i get 12 mil, if the duel ends before that then he gets 12 mil.

i should have added in that if one of us refuses to fight then they lose by default and have to pay the 12 mil... but im sure roguearson wont give up at due to the dent it would make in his ego...

:edit: dunno if rogue has a forum act... but if so why not throw your little "yup, those are the rules" post on here?

What if you kill him before 60 secs. expire?

Do you lose?

Bugs Gunny
20-04-05, 08:19
I'll come watch that duel. Even though i think it won't last longer than a minute. But hell 12mil is a lot of money.

20-04-05, 08:46
Rog will kick ur ass.

we shall see. feel free to point him to this thread to publicly ok the rules we set out, bmake sure i didnt cut anything off the chat window etc

20-04-05, 12:33
Couple shots - map before i logged off on sunday, and SoldierZ movin from Gabanium to Malstrond.
Sorry that i made only two screenies, was very busy kickin lores ass ;)

Bugs Gunny
20-04-05, 13:11
Can i take a guess at the preceding line in you clanchat window?

"Guys, DON'T run through H08!" :D

20-04-05, 13:23
Yeah, I think pro-city lost quite a few fighters to H-08 that day.

20-04-05, 13:26
I like this map better.


20-04-05, 13:47

the real dark (not this thing we have now)...

thats a nice map.

oh and rogue... in still hoping you will pop in here and say that the rules i have stated are correct...

no zoning, no help, self buffs, if i last 60 secs i get 12 mil, if not you get 12 mil...

tell ya what... how about you get volvo there too and we up the stakes?

15 mil and the mc5 of the challenge winners choice? if you and volvo kill me in under 60 secs you can have it, if i last 60 seconds or longer i get it?

Bugs Gunny
20-04-05, 13:53
I wanna see your setup jester. You move way too fast in hacknet.

20-04-05, 13:54
I wanna see your setup jester. You move way too fast in hacknet.

i got used to the nc2 closed beta HN speed... its better to adapt the char to you than the char to your environment ;)

:edit: i gotta get back to work now... ill see ya in like 5 hours i hope rogue... ill ask for ya on ooc when i get on

Bugs Gunny
20-04-05, 13:55
The same old confusing sidetracking of the subject and i NEVER get to see your setups :-)

Oh well, i'll have to do with my own then.

20-04-05, 13:56
you didnt ask to see it, you said you want to see it.

so i sidetracked nothing :p

now im off.. laters

20-04-05, 14:58

the real dark (not this thing we have now)...[...]

Wasn't even the "real" Dark, that whole purple were multiple crahnclans.

Only the pukegreen was one clan, guess which. :p

20-04-05, 15:19
*knuddel stormi

20-04-05, 16:25
Only the pukegreen was one clan, guess which. :p

If we are talking about the same timeframe as the original DarK, then the pukegreen was a combination of -uPs- and PAIN. Thats not one clan.

20-04-05, 17:06
I like this map better.

that terra?

20-04-05, 19:23
est']that terra?

in the ups days it was...

E. Cryton
20-04-05, 20:20
jester, i'll try to post a screenshot of the uPs maintime on terra the screenshot stormie posted it nothin compared to that one ... u'll love it ;)

20-04-05, 20:24
jester, i'll try to post a screenshot of the uPs maintime on terra the screenshot stormie posted it nothin compared to that one ... u'll love it ;)
Main time ? Wasnt that about 5 AM when nobody else was online to defend ? :D :lol: *runs away from the flames* :lol:

20-04-05, 21:02
If we are talking about the same timeframe as the original DarK, then the pukegreen was a combination of -uPs- and PAIN. Thats not one clan.

No it wasn't.

20-04-05, 23:45
i was in ups fool :p

and roguearson didnt show...

21-04-05, 00:08
I remember being "allied" with -uPs-. We turned up to an OP to help them defend against an FF zerg, and they killed every single one of us because our PPU was trying to find a stealther, and entered the hack room just another stealther took the first layer. Good game.

Needless to say, we ended up with a truce because Dai couldn't face being beaten by us :p

21-04-05, 12:19
What happened to the uPs/uTs guys?

21-04-05, 13:25
What happened to the uPs/uTs guys?

most play wow.

a few (the ncat group) still play, though not all of us.

erics still around, myself, chopo, mag, eljimben... we are here.

most old -pro- and uTs are gone though

Dr Strange
21-04-05, 13:41
not my place to say anything, but i gotta ask

what's the catch jester?

i mean other than capping the best softwares, or an uber tweaked con setup with the aid of drugs, theres nothing that can even come close to surving 60 seconds in hacknet in a duel

and thats just vs 1 experienced hacker (rogue) how are you planning on living 60 seconds with probably the best 2 hackers on the entire server? fallin off the side of a platform? using the lifts to buy yourself time? i may not have looked at all the angles but then again hacknet doesn't have a ton of them, it's pretty straightforward other than personal build setups and your own style of pvp.

E. Cryton
21-04-05, 13:42
What happened to the uPs/uTs guys?

as jester already said, 95% of uPs moved to wow.
they are all bored of getting zerged daily, fighting those stupid ppu armies etc etc ...
well, i tried to leave nc aswell, but i cant, after 3 weeks i had to log in again ... i'm too addicted ^^

21-04-05, 13:45
not my place to say anything, but i gotta ask

what's the catch jester?

i mean other than capping the best softwares, or an uber tweaked con setup with the aid of drugs, theres nothing that can even come close to surving 60 seconds in hacknet in a duel

and thats just vs 1 experienced hacker (rogue) how are you planning on living 60 seconds with probably the best 2 hackers on the entire server? fallin off the side of a platform? using the lifts to buy yourself time? i may not have looked at all the angles but then again hacknet doesn't have a ton of them, it's pretty straightforward other than personal build setups and your own style of pvp.

if rogue logs on when im not busy tonight... im sure he will spam how i won / why he refuses to pay me / his excuses over ooc ;)

Bugs Gunny
21-04-05, 13:50
It's all about his setup and his tactics.
We did some friendly fights last night, and i could never take him out.
Maybe those guys can, as my hacker is just 130 in hack and 115 tc now.

and Jester, i DEMAND your setup now. That better?

21-04-05, 13:52
It's all about his setup and his tactics.
We did some friendly fights last night, and i could never take him out.
Maybe those guys can, as my hacker is just 130 in hack and 115 tc now.

and Jester, i DEMAND your setup now. That better?

well as you *technically* still havent asked, no its not better :p

21-04-05, 14:10

the real dark (not this thing we have now)...

thats a nice map.

oh and rogue... in still hoping you will pop in here and say that the rules i have stated are correct...

no zoning, no help, self buffs, if i last 60 secs i get 12 mil, if not you get 12 mil...

tell ya what... how about you get volvo there too and we up the stakes?

15 mil and the mc5 of the challenge winners choice? if you and volvo kill me in under 60 secs you can have it, if i last 60 seconds or longer i get it?

hey big mouth, u got a problem with Dark you bring it up with Dark, we still have many original memebers including the original leader. Were really not that different

21-04-05, 14:14
as jester already said, 95% of uPs moved to wow.
they are all bored of getting zerged daily, fighting those stupid ppu armies etc etc ...
well, i tried to leave nc aswell, but i cant, after 3 weeks i had to log in again ... i'm too addicted ^^

could of swore most of them were banned for cheating, you make it sound so mutual

Dr Strange
21-04-05, 14:17
It's all about his setup and his tactics.
We did some friendly fights last night, and i could never take him out.
Maybe those guys can, as my hacker is just 130 in hack and 115 tc now.

and Jester, i DEMAND your setup now. That better?

One of them can correct me if I'm wrong but, I'm pretty sure Volvo is capped if not damn near capped. And unless he's completely gimped his con setup which I doubt, I'd wager he could easily pull off the 60 second text let alone kill him in that time period. Same for Rogue.

Now the only things I can think of Jestor could pull off are;

- An extremely "fast" setup, and somehow just out circling/manuvering the other guy for 60 seconds. This would also leave him fairly weak apon being hit, or leave him fairly weak in his attacks.

- Using the "territory" to his advantage; falling off the platforms to the "ground" underneath to avoid being targeted. Using the lifts to use up time/dodge attacks.

- Insane drug usage. Dragon drugs for resistances obviously, and just about every speed drug there is. This would be sort of a "fast" setup as said above.

That's all I can think of but from the way he talks it seems he has an ace up his sleeve. I've never seen a hacknet fight last more than 10 seconds let alone a full minute. And that's with people using lifts, synching in and out, stopping to heal, etc Granted my own personal experience isn't a huge gauge of all things hacknet pvp but I've seen enough to know the fights are short and can be the deciding factor in many things from op fights to simply traveling various places.

21-04-05, 14:25
could of swore most of them were banned for cheating, you make it sound so mutual

Funny, that's just what I was thinking too. :lol:

21-04-05, 14:54
not many people will recognise me from the forums as i almost never post. that doesn't matter right now. ive been back now for around 1 month. the community seems to have taken a complete turn around. i mean people saying good fight on OOC o_O yeah there have been a few zerg problems but i think the main problem is simply one moment Pro city is ready to fight then a few hours later when many have logged Anti city are ready to fight and vice versa. its been a pleasure to play this game for a long time, and i cant believe im saying this but im actually really enjoying the game for what it deserves.

21-04-05, 15:08
I remember being "allied" with -uPs-. We turned up to an OP to help them defend against an FF zerg, and they killed every single one of us because our PPU was trying to find a stealther, and entered the hack room just another stealther took the first layer. Good game.

The "Buju-Affair"...

Needless to say, we ended up with a truce because Dai couldn't face being beaten by us :p

More like, we were generous. :p

[...]well, i tried to leave nc aswell, but i cant, after 3 weeks i had to log in again ... [ edited ] ^^

I corrected that for you.

could of swore most of them were banned for cheating, you make it sound so mutual

God damn it feels good to be hated.

Did it hurt that much getting owned?

It's the best compliment someone could say, "OMG THEY HAXED!11" when infact not one of uPs ever got banned for exploiting/hacking/cheating.

21-04-05, 15:17
Your a liar my friend or misguided, we were close to some UPS members as some of us were clanned with them in NC1 and indeed they were banned for hacking, hack exploits, stam exploits, need i go on. They werent to bothered by it as they were gonna play WoW anyway so dont make yourself look a fool

21-04-05, 16:01
Calm this thread down, please.


21-04-05, 16:17
Your a liar my friend or misguided, we were close to some UPS members as some of us were clanned with them in NC1 and indeed they were banned for hacking, hack exploits, stam exploits, need i go on. They werent to bothered by it as they were gonna play WoW anyway so dont make yourself look a fool

Guess who makes a fool of himself posting exploit-accusations.

And I highly doubt any Dark was ever a member of uTs.

21-04-05, 16:28
The "Buju-Affair"...

More like, we were generous. :p

1) Thats the one :lol:
2) Generous? I don't think so, we would have happily kept KoSing you, but it was YOUR leader that didn't want his ass handed to him on a silver platter as soon as a PAIN member entered the zone.

Bugs Gunny
21-04-05, 16:44
Guys, those clans are both retired now, let's not keep arguing about who was best.
It's all about the current clans, and enjoying the one you're in now.

21-04-05, 16:59
[...]2) Generous? I don't think so, we would have happily kept KoSing you, but it was YOUR leader that didn't want his ass handed to him on a silver platter as soon as a PAIN member entered the zone.

Yeah, whatever floats your boat. :rolleyes:

Guys, those clans are both retired now, let's not keep arguing about who was best.
It's all about the current clans, and enjoying the one you're in now.

Sorry that I take pride in my clan.

And no we aren't retired, we just don't play NC anymore.

Although we'd start again w/o betting an eye, if there was an NC1-Freeshard.

21-04-05, 19:08
Yeah, whatever floats your boat. :rolleyes:

Sorry that I take pride in my clan.

And no we aren't retired, we just don't play NC anymore.

Although we'd start again w/o betting an eye, if there was an NC1-Freeshard.

if ups came back to it i would join the free shard...

Rogue Arson
21-04-05, 21:56
Rogue didn't show cause Rogue had to work. Its ok though, after you're lil ego trip in here, Rogue won't bother showing now either. You may make whatever assumptions about it you like.

21-04-05, 22:13
Rogue won't bother showing now either

theres a shock

Vae Victis
22-04-05, 02:53
1) Thats the one :lol:
2) Generous? I don't think so, we would have happily kept KoSing you, but it was YOUR leader that didn't want his ass handed to him on a silver platter as soon as a PAIN member entered the zone.
if it was up to me i'd KOS ur clan til the end of time, but then again i wasnt the leader of ups.
tho the leader of uPs DID kill soldierz on his melee tank when my PPU got attacked by them (for hacking their belts).
i remember a CA meeting about allied PKing, I found out the password, went up with smurf, and killed everyone there. hacked all the belts, put stuff in the gogu, went down, killed everyone again, and left to do missions.
if it was up to me, NCAT would still be PKing the shit out of everyone, not the carebear clan smurf made of ncat.

if uPs wanted PAIN dead, PAIN would be dead.
about the Buju affair... DarkH told me in direct that some of PAIN DID use exploits and hacks, I know 99% sure that Buju was one of them. he sucked tho.

22-04-05, 05:11
if ups came back to it i would join the free shard...

I think a lot of people would. :\

22-04-05, 08:33
[ edited ]

Bugs Gunny
22-04-05, 09:06
Dark showed their true fighting spirit this morning, by going after mcpherson when we had 4 people on. They even used the imensly heroic strategy of sending a pro city alt down the ug to kill the people getting poked.

My hat off to their most valiant war efforts ;-)

And, ty to nc-elite for helping our guys out of that rut.
They realy apreciated it.

22-04-05, 09:54
as i know, in our contract is one week op defending support included.... problem is when u call nc- elite for help....... :(

Bugs Gunny
22-04-05, 10:29
Well, i don't know if they volunteered or if they were asked for support, but they are our allies.

I'm confident that the highest ranking officer on duty, made a calculated decision, based on available numbers and expected outcome.

23-04-05, 01:51
just read this thread, and can finally reply:

1) the dark in game now is a remake of the old skool dark that was a big clan in nc1 and the begining of nc2, the main players left cron to play WOW and we could'nt remake the ranks as the leaders had left, so me and preach took it upon ourselves to bring togather the remaining members of the original dark light and create the dark knights consisting of the remaining original members and some guys we picked up while recruiting so basically we are the active Dark clan.

2) ups dude, cant remember your name - no its not a compliment to say that you were haXORing and it was "skill" because i was in the old crahn clan that spawned ups in nc1 and - yes number of your members were banned for hax, and are back in game as i have come accross a few "old friends".

3) . . . its friday night, im too bladdered to remember but i will do in the morning.

Jedi Knight - Dark leader

23-04-05, 10:45
just read this thread, and can finally reply:

1) the dark in game now is a remake of the old skool dark that was a big clan in nc1 and the begining of nc2, the main players left cron to play WOW and we could'nt remake the ranks as the leaders had left, so me and preach took it upon ourselves to bring togather the remaining members of the original dark light and create the dark knights consisting of the remaining original members and some guys we picked up while recruiting so basically we are the active Dark clan.

2) ups dude, cant remember your name - no its not a compliment to say that you were haXORing and it was "skill" because i was in the old crahn clan that spawned ups in nc1 and - yes number of your members were banned for hax, and are back in game as i have come accross a few "old friends".

3) . . . its friday night, im too bladdered to remember but i will do in the morning.

Jedi Knight - Dark leader

uPs werent in nc1...

-pro- and uTs were...

23-04-05, 11:33
and neither one was crahn afaik..

uTs was ts

-pro- was in various factions... but i think we never were crahn... atleast not for a long time...

the only clan that is possible u were in is uTs, because we (-pro-) never had many "international" members

but i think uTs havn't had many international members either (i know of only one tbh)

Vae Victis
23-04-05, 13:07
AFAIK the only international members uTs had, were yumyum and jaz3d.
(i forgot yumyums main char name, but he was NCAT in the end aswell)

uTs was TG also tho... just a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago.
uTs was TG when we still had -eUp-

E. Cryton
23-04-05, 13:24
2) ups dude, cant remember your name - no its not a compliment to say that you were haXORing and it was "skill" because i was in the old crahn clan that spawned ups in nc1 and - yes number of your members were banned for hax, and are back in game as i have come accross a few "old friends".

uPs did consist of 2 clans, -pro (saturn, they've never been crahn afaik) and -uts- (uranus, tg and tsunami, no crahn...)
most of ncat (like 5, 6 i think) joined aswell, but ncat was tg and bd ...

so what are u talking about ?

23-04-05, 13:34
OK, in NC1 i fought both NCAT and uTs, and i dont know of any of them who "hacked". From my experience in pepper park and in OP wars, NCAT and uTs are actually good players, and i cant remember people screaming haxx's when they got beat at an OP war or in PP towards either of these clans, it seems to have arose during NC2.


23-04-05, 13:50
with this whole buju hacking matter, i know buju quite well. been playing nc with him for quite a while. i know he almost definately does have the ability to hack. but he never admitted it to me on the various times i asked him so who knows... :eek:

E. Cryton
23-04-05, 14:01
with this whole buju hacking matter, i know buju quite well. been playing nc with him for quite a while. i know he almost definately does have the ability to hack. but he never admitted it to me on the various times i asked him so who knows... :eek:
u'd be a really shitty friend if u would say something else :p

OK, in NC1 i fought both NCAT and uTs, and i dont know of any of them who "hacked". From my experience in pepper park and in OP wars, NCAT and uTs are actually good players, and i cant remember people screaming haxx's when they got beat at an OP war or in PP towards either of these clans, it seems to have arose during NC2.

well, the first time i got accused of using hax since i joined ncat was after that huge malstrond fight (iCe!!!!), some player called hardcore said, we are cheating, its impossible to kill 30 - 35 ppl with 8 :lol:

but tbh, i was using haxx aswell ...
the removing resist hax. but it worked only on my spy :p

23-04-05, 14:03
[...]2) ups dude, cant remember your name - no its not a compliment to say that you were haXORing and it was "skill" because i was in the old crahn clan that spawned ups in nc1 and - yes number of your members were banned for hax, and are back in game as i have come accross a few "old friends".[...]

The name's Phobos, Mr. Phobos for you.

And yes, spewing out exploit/haxx-accusation without prove, when infact you just got owned fucking bigtime IS one of the best compliments you could make.

Oh and like already pointed out, you never were in ANY clan remotely close to uPs.

23-04-05, 19:47
well, the first time i got accused of using hax since i joined ncat was after that huge malstrond fight (iCe!!!!), some player called hardcore said, we are cheating, its impossible to kill 30 - 35 ppl with 8 :lol:

Ahh, was it the same hardcore who used to punch guards in PP? :rolleyes:

El Jimben
23-04-05, 20:00
I can't count the number of times I fought him in PP1 in NC1 :rolleyes: Does he still play? I saw him months ago when FF were doing fightnights

E. Cryton
23-04-05, 23:43
Ahh, was it the same hardcore who used to punch guards in PP? :rolleyes:

yea, that one ... and he still lost the fights :lol:

Vae Victis
24-04-05, 02:26
its me alright.
checking populations after int release.. if its any better than february then im having u and/or chopo powerlevel me so I cap a new PPU then lom chopo (wether he wants to or not) to pure APU so we can raid everything :D.

Ive got a quote from hardcore btw Eric.. check this:

if u'd like to see real exploiters just look at NCAT :( they cant be the **** good as they are...

SSC forums :)

Eric 30 - 35 ? their number keeps getting higher doesnt it ^^
for the record it was 25 vs NOT even 8, we had 6.
Gerald, mart, you, smurf, me, and someone else, think a spy or something.

smurf and me went slash slash boom boom chop chop. 2 minutes later their party was dead.

K ?

<3 iCe

24-04-05, 10:02
I can't count the number of times I fought him in PP1 in NC1 :rolleyes: Does he still play? I saw him months ago when FF were doing fightnights

Yeh, his spy was pking greens in Plaza 1 a few weeks back.

Dr Strange
24-04-05, 11:31
this thread has run its course hasnt it?

E. Cryton
24-04-05, 12:19
Eric 30 - 35 ? their number keeps getting higher doesnt it ^^
for the record it was 25 vs NOT even 8, we had 6.
Gerald, mart, you, smurf, me, and someone else, think a spy or something.

smurf and me went slash slash boom boom chop chop. 2 minutes later their party was dead.

K ?

<3 iCe

na, we counted their backpacks, maybe some of em logged their alts and died as well ^^
dont forget zodd on his ppu hyb and timpa :p

Yeh, his spy was pking greens in Plaza 1 a few weeks back.
so did i on ym pe's.
there notin wrong in doing it -.-

24-04-05, 12:29
Yeh, but we all know you're still here eric, lol.

E. Cryton
24-04-05, 15:01
sometimes i cant refuse to log in :(

Vae Victis
24-04-05, 15:31
i miss my god.. erm.. PPU i meant :(

24-04-05, 15:45
I miss Trade-NC.

Vae Victis
24-04-05, 16:02
*wonders how the lads are doing without me*

prolly crappy :D

25-04-05, 02:11
one screenshot from todays fight at krupp, ff didnt bring 3 clans (!!!!!!), respect for that, but alone they dropped realy fast ;)

25-04-05, 03:31
one screenshot from todays fight at krupp, ff didnt bring 3 clans (!!!!!!), respect for that, but alone they dropped realy fast ;)
It was a gf . I dont think there was any need for the paint tbh. Just makes you look like more of an ass when you lose. To Ice the guys probably alot better without ya no one deleting the clan on them :P. Naa joe needs a ppu when hes raiding nc there was 10-12 on him at ca hq earlier.

trigger hurt
25-04-05, 04:02
Oh and like already pointed out, you never were in ANY clan remotely close to uPs.

I think street might have been in the saturn version of Black Cartel. I think, possibly.

If he was, he's mistaking what happened to about 6 people in NC1 for remote city comm for "hacking".

Only people I know who actually did any "exploiting by using 3rd party software to gain an advantage over another player" was buju, dank and a few others. Only one I know who is still around and never had anything happen to him, even though he was the one passing the hack out was buju.

25-04-05, 06:43
I think street might have been in the saturn version of Black Cartel. I think, possibly.[...]

So my point still stands, he has never been in a clan which had formed uPs.

25-04-05, 07:52
I think street might have been in the saturn version of Black Cartel. I think, possibly.

If he was, he's mistaking what happened to about 6 people in NC1 for remote city comm for "hacking".

Only people I know who actually did any "exploiting by using 3rd party software to gain an advantage over another player" was buju, dank and a few others. Only one I know who is still around and never had anything happen to him, even though he was the one passing the hack out was buju.
Wern't you the one getting all pissy because dank got banned for getting caught trying to use an exploit kk said they fixed? Saying he only wanted to test if the exploit was really fixed and that he actually doesn't use exploits

25-04-05, 08:04
This is old and as has degenerated into the usual "I pwnz0rized j00" drivel
