View Full Version : Looking for people with experience in Torrents and the UK isp NTL

paolo escobar
14-04-05, 19:12
OK here is the prob. I'm running on a 2mb connection trying to download some "files" :) via a torrent.
Now there a shit loads of peers and a fair few seeds but i dont get a download speed faster than 20kbs at the very best.
I thought maybe my router was causing some probs even tho i know it works fine with everything else, so i removed that and connected directly to the modem. But that made no improvement at all :(
My system is in tip top condition and works fine so i'm totally stumped and its really starting to piss me off.
My only thought is that NTL throttle back ports used for Torrent downloads. Is that possible, is there even a port that torrent clients usually use?

Anyone got any ideas?

14-04-05, 19:23
NTL throttle back ports? Knowing their track record that wouldn't suprise me.

However, have you allowed the router/cable modem to forwarded the BitTorrent ports to your PC?

And what client are you using?

paolo escobar
14-04-05, 23:20
Am using bitcomet and yeah port forwarding is setup on my router.
Also the same problem was happening when i removed the router and connected directly to the modem.

Also NTL are offering free speed upgrade to all their customers, i have gone from 750k to 2mb since posting this thread and i am still having the problem. I pray to god this isnt NTLhell being shady bastards like usual

Dribble Joy
14-04-05, 23:30
What's you maximum upload rate set to?
Also, see how many seeds/leechers you are actually allowing to connect to, if you are only allowing a few, then you won't get decent speeds.

14-04-05, 23:43
I use NTL & BT in the UK and have no such problems. If you've set up port forwarding correctly then the next biggest problem is probably upload speed. BT has to acknowledge each packet and if it can't do that because the upload pipe is stuffed with you sharing out the file you're downloading then the acks can't get out. The solution is to simply ramp the upload rate right down. The other main problem is that BT downloads always start slow anyway so it may be that you just need to wait a bit.

BTW, I don't want to know what "files" you're downloading or I'll close the thread, so think on.


15-04-05, 12:01
I'm with telewest. In the past I have changed the listen port from the default to another value (because I believed there might be some throttling on the TW end of thing). That did improve my transfer slightly.

As someone said before, I noticed the other day that my azurreus was limiting connections per torrent to 80, I removed that limitation and things seem to have improved.

That said, I still rarely get over 80k/sec for a single torrent, and I used to be able to get 150k/sec speeds on decent torrents with plenty of seeds. Maybe more people are throttling their upload speeds these days which is damaging the network. In fact in turn, I tend to download quite a few files at once, which greatly reduces the upload speed I can provide.

Bugs Gunny
15-04-05, 12:04
We all know, everybody downloads "for educational purposes only" files from bittorrent :-)

15-04-05, 13:16
BTW, I don't want to know what "files" you're downloading or I'll close the thread, so think on.

Why, the Neocron 2 game client, of course. Assuming that kk's BT download for it still exists, obviously.

15-04-05, 14:01
Anyone got any ideas?
It's probably as they said the upload/download ratio some Torrent programs allow you to download without having to have a set upload so try a few but i think Bit Comet is very Upload/Download dependent.
Azureus used to work very well for me till it suddenly started taking over every system resource available so why i had a nice steady download i couldn't do feck all else.

Just don't overdo it on the download front coz you get that bandwith cap now they say something like 1gb a day isnt it for 2mb mines bein auto upgraded soon, they said they will mail people who persistently annoy them... although i feel in NTL terms thats "if our reps can be arsed to type out the mail and if it has enough monetry value in doing so".

15-04-05, 15:56
BTW, I don't want to know what "files" you're downloading or I'll close the thread, so think on.


I think he´s downloading pr0n ;) , anyway i am :lol:

Edit : By the way this post has no informative value what so ever....

paolo escobar
20-04-05, 19:23
Ok finally got the files i was downloading, it took 4 days :( even tho i was gettin a fair amount of connections to seeds/peers etc.

Hav tried other torrents and they work just fine.

BIG thanx to everyone who replied to me (with useful info :)). And thanx for the tips on up vs download settings, i'll play around with them and see if i can improve things further still.

And and nid i'm using NTL(hell) if u have not had the pleasure of their service, let me tell you they are totally wank, but the only broadband supplier in my area so they got me over a barrel :eek: