View Full Version : Shortcut keys.

14-04-05, 11:15
Would be nice to get a few. I want a world map shortcut key so i can press shift+M to bring it up. Maybe have shift+MB1 (mouse button 1) automaticly bring up the info on the selected item. Perhaps some hotkeys to raise and lower fog and draw distances so we can change them on the fly when a situation calls for it. Maybe shift+D could automaticly put the targeted persons name in direct. These owuld be fairly easy to impliment and i for one would love to see them in nc2 sometime.

14-04-05, 11:27
shift+mouse1 yeah, nice thinking, but i hope they dont need to break up all other code for it...

//yes. i deleted my prev writing myself, befor i sended it.... to much "heavy modifications" are allready made, so i dont see any hope for the nc2engines. at least i hope we will get some kickass asia coders for more code to replace and finalize our nc2beta0.4

14-04-05, 11:34
lol must be huge coding for that, ya right. They could program right click to bring up the tiny meny just as easily as shift+click to bring up the items menu.

Please if someone knows lots about this correct me, becouse im only guessing, but my guess is probably better then yours :D .

Dr Strange
14-04-05, 12:15
There are so many things I'd love a hotkey for

- World Map

- Graphic settings (the ability to say toggle fog and shit on/off when piloting a vehicle)

- one button Emotes

- one button chat channels (numpad 1 for local, numpad 2 for Alliance, etc all rebindable)

- one button 180 degree third person view (a quick tap/toggle to check out behind you say when yer in a vehicle instead of whipping the mouse around, it'd be more instant)

- one button for Using an item in your inventory (highlight and press whichever button)

- one button for viewing item stats (same as above)

- one, single, button to disable all huds for the hudless screen shots (the three button press is just fucking sad..)

Don't get me wrong I enjoy some of the short keys already, just some need the whole one button press/toggle be really effective. Or better yet a simple use/toggle at all for some that have none (world map would be SWEET if you could just press a button for it, save us from printing the damn thing out ;o )

14-04-05, 12:32
u love shortcuts? u ever played mechwarrior3?

14-04-05, 14:37
Since we've had virtually no new content since the launch of Neocron 2, don't hold your breath.

15-04-05, 00:35
u ever played mechwarrior3
No... but ive played 2 and 4 :D
Mechwarriors 2 mercinaries.... one of the best games of all time.

15-04-05, 00:48
Is it possible to bind say things?
like alt + something would say in current chat "i need s/d pls" or stuff like that.

15-04-05, 01:01
THats what the SMS thing is for. In controls, there is "sms a" etc. Put a messagein there. Now in game press alt-v and then the letter for the SMS.

15-04-05, 01:37
Ah thx alot this helps alot :lol:

Scanner Darkly
15-04-05, 15:19
- one button for Using an item in your inventory (highlight and press whichever button)

- one button for viewing item stats (same as above)

I would love if:

double lmb click = use item
double rmb click = show item stats

So much less hassle.