View Full Version : New Mobile Phone

11-04-05, 00:08
I'm looking to get a new mobile after my 3310 finally croaked, yes this does mean that i cant do another guess the ringtone competition (sorry nid, i know you loved and haxed them up)

Anyway, I need a phone that can do the following:

Capture Video and Photos (pref. decent quality)
Can transfer said videos and photos for phone to pc and vice-versa
Can accept mp3 and/or wav as ringtone
Looks damn sexy
Is preferibly a Nokia, but is optional
Must be compatible with a O2 simcard

So, please suggest which phone is good, and which to avoid at all costs

Ta muchie

11-04-05, 00:15

11-04-05, 00:18
N GaGe? pah Nokie GAme GEar

Imate Jam is supposedly a great phone, does everything a PDA would...dunno about costs tho, not looked into one yet, my 3210's still working :p

paolo escobar
11-04-05, 00:29
the motorola v3 aint too bad, it dont do video capture (tho it does playback) but can do all the rest. And its super small, thin and sexeh. Nice keypad and screen size too.

11-04-05, 00:34
yeah the razr v3 is what ive had my eye on, but to costly for me, a phones a phone, at the end of the day i dont need all the fancy shit lol

11-04-05, 01:05
Yeah, have been after the iMate jam myself, my brother in law works for a blokes digital gadget magazine and reviewed one - he said it was superb. They're available on O2 and vodarobbing bastard from xpansys website. As soon as I can get some free cash it will be mine :) ......

11-04-05, 02:04
that iMates a little too pricey, and not enough phone and too much palmtop

11-04-05, 06:04
Take a ride to Nokia's web site omni, Im sure you wil find easily what you seek. For example I use the 7610 and am very pleased; the lifeblog app is pretty fun...

11-04-05, 23:35
i got a nokia 6230, and am loving it :)

Lucas Warden
11-04-05, 23:55
...what about an S65?


paolo escobar
12-04-05, 00:14
As soon as I can get some free cash it will be mine :) ......
Err there's no such thing as free cash. Unless ur planning another bank job jj?

V3 is £100 on orange, if ur in the uk, go into an orange shop with a friend who is orange customer. get them to introduce you and you will get £50. Give them any old handset and you'll get another £50.
Essentially you get the phone for free then.

And please DF, this isnt Macdonalds, just say that its a good phone and leave it at that :)

12-04-05, 14:05
My Finish 5210 has worked fine for 3 years soon 4, i will change when it stops :)