View Full Version : HUDS, Font's and more. Can KK give us an update?

Dr Strange
07-04-05, 09:18
I realize the current rules are still in place.

However there have been several threads lately, including polls (which yes I know doesn't change anything but at least shows public opinions), dealing with the current HUD setup for NC2 and font's.

Now Nid or Odin or someone can correct me here if I am wrong, but Igorghe (or however his name is spelt, apologies for the misspelling) designed the current NC2 hud and didn't care for changes being made to it since he worked very hard on it? (right, wrong?). And he no longer is employed by KK? (right, wrong?). So if he is no longer with the company, I ask this;

Can we get updates on possible changes? I remember way back in like patch 119 or something (around there, I don't remember) there was talk of the NC1 huds or some other hud option being added. Then a week or two ago someone quoted Igorghe (again sorry for the misspelling) from the german forum saying that had been put on the back burner.

Obviously the Int Release and major additions of item tracking and other stuff is of good importance. But one of the things I'm sure alot of us can agree on is that the current HUD/Font setup will be a detractor from the Int Release. I am aware of past user modifications that contained spyware or "unfair" advantages, but I also believe KK and mods can agree something as simple as a larger font (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=124177), or a different crosshair (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=124207) and even small changes like cleaning up the "clutter" of the current HUD to help those of us who run low resolutions get the maximum viewing out of our screen as we can on our already diminished screen space.

It would help so, so much if say I could increase my font a few points without dropping my resolution even farther. Or removing the excess "connecting bars" of the current HUD, or even move the HUDs around the screen (imagine removing the clutter then moving the 4 main huds to the corners to free up a good chunk of space). Or shrinking/expanding HUDS in the RPO's (inventory plus armor RPO takes up the whole screen on smaller resolutions :( )

I also know Nid, or Odin or someone will reply with "the current rules are in place and yadda yadda yadda" that's fine, do your mod thing thats what you volunteer and/or get paid for. But at the same time, at least see that the messages for this are forwarded to the devs in some fashion. I mean the other threads discussing this (and please don't merge, this thread is about obtaining NEW information from the devs not discussing the current situation really) are there so it's obvious theres enough intrest from the community to warrant a decision on change.

Personally, I can deal with fatals and such, it happens. I am first and foremost the one to bitch abou them when they happen cause I expect the game to not even have them this close to a global box release, but when I do play normally which is the majority of the time, little things like this could increase game play drastically. I'd be able to see that last Chaos Creeper sneaking up my feet or fit the 3 RPO's HUD's I need open onto one screen without excess over lapping, or incease the text size so I don't go blind (come on, not to flame but seriously suggesting changing the resolution isn't an option, whats the point of owning a specific type/size of monitor if people would just suggest a new resolution?).

07-04-05, 10:04
the current GUI isn't fit for all resoulutions, I'll say that. let's not forget, it's been 3\4 months when Holger mentioned that there has been work on the new GUI, and that it should have been released in the next few patches, but that's about it. I for one, don't mind the current GUI, I see it as a very good base for a better one. in this case, I'd love to see what solution could the community give, if such a modification is possible.

07-04-05, 14:07
Igorghe was the one working on the new RPOS and he is no longer with KK.

Dribble Joy
07-04-05, 14:10
I'm one of the few people that acually quite likes the new HUD, I definitely prefer it to the old one.
But we could do with a selection of them.

07-04-05, 14:12
ive got more and more used to it...

even in 1024x768 with the local and chat box at almost double the size, and no transparency.

but given the option i would use the old one.

07-04-05, 14:16
I really like the current one, too, but as so many ppl don't like it, there should be an option to change it back to the NC 1 one or something (I'd still use the new one).

07-04-05, 15:12
I'm one of the few people that acually quite likes the new HUD, I definitely prefer it to the old one.
But we could do with a selection of them.

What rez you running Drib?

07-04-05, 15:13
I'm one of the few people that acually quite likes the new HUD
Same here.

07-04-05, 15:19
The new hud is cool, kinda got used to it.....would be cool to see what other
hud's kk are planning tho.

SiL ..:..

07-04-05, 15:44
I want nc1 hud back :( :( :( the nc2 one takes up whole screen, nc1 did't

trigger hurt
07-04-05, 16:02
I want nc1 hud back :( :( :( the nc2 one takes up whole screen, nc1 did't

it's been said before. I'll say it again. The new hud actually takes up less real estate on-screen. The difference is that the hud looks like the handed a copy of photoshop to a designer and said "make us something to put buttons on" and the person opened up photoshop, broke out the polygonal lasso and never fucking stopped using it.

The reason I don't like the hud. It's far too busy. I wouldn't mind all the 45 degree angles if I could get rid of the little decorations to the sides that "connect" it to the edges of the screen.

The bitmap font that's used isn't condusive to long periods of play. I like to play in 1280x1024, but I have to switch to 1024x768 so I can read the font. I have 20x20 vision (just had an eye exam), so I know there's nothing wrong with my eyes. If I play at too high a resolution, I get headaches and can't play. An interface isn't supposed to do that.

07-04-05, 16:14
its not very good for 1600x 1200 lol

07-04-05, 20:04
If you get boored of hud color change it :p This is a wellknown comand but for those who dont know /set gfx_hudcolor 1 to 10 :D

trigger hurt
07-04-05, 21:16
If you get boored of hud color change it :p This is a wellknown comand but for those who dont know /set gfx_hudcolor 1 to 10 :D

It has nothing to do with hud color. The majority of us who have been playing NC for a while have customized rposcolor.ini files.

I just think, given the amount of time that it took to actually release NC2, that a better interface could have been developed.

Dr Strange
07-04-05, 22:33
It has nothing to do with hud color. The majority of us who have been playing NC for a while have customized rposcolor.ini files.

I just think, given the amount of time that it took to actually release NC2, that a better interface could have been developed.


I mean within my first 5 days of playing NC2 when it was released online, I was editing my rpo's ini's to try and free up screen space, get the colors the way I want them, etc

If I could customize my HUD's, make them smaller and place them where I want them, I'd either play in a higher resolution cause of increased frames, or go smaller to double my frames without clogging the entire screen with nothing but HUDS.

Hell in my current resolution you can BARELY click the ? to put in a GM ticket on the RPO's bar......

08-04-05, 01:34
i run in 1280x1024 which works out to be perfect for all the important bars. as for the bulkyness of the HUD...yeh i don't really like it, by now though i've gotten used to it.