View Full Version : Any real possibility that if I...

01-04-05, 06:23
advertise for an ingame team action in advance, I'll actually get a decent attendance?

For example, I wish to advertise for a Neocron City team to storm the gates of the Dome, smashing the guards, then systematically exterminating anything alive sector by sector, will I be wrong in expecting more than 5 people to join up?

Or if I want to advertise a team action for seizing the Tescom Worm tunnels and rushing the Apparition, thereby ending a drought of Energy Soulblades on Terra, would I be wrong to expect more than 3 or 4 people?

Because, lately, it seems that you need to sit and spam the channels for more than 3 hours to get a half-decent team to take on the *really* hard areas of the game.

01-04-05, 09:55
its really hard to get a fitting group for energysoulblades, when u're unclaned. if your clanmates dont help u, to get it .... u should checkout with your clanleader to do something with your neverhelping friends. check NC-trade sometimes, perhaps someone got the energy soulblade for sale, if u just want it to level somewhere other...

01-04-05, 10:12
sounds cool, but you know as soon as enough people know theres gonna be a team @ (place), they will ruin your fun.
i still havent seen "the apparition",, but has anyone really?
i went there once early nc1,, but saw a big ass hole or pool,
didnt know which it was so didnt go any further. 8 /

01-04-05, 11:21
sounds cool, but you know as soon as enough people know theres gonna be a team @ (place), they will ruin your fun. no comment ... :angel:

i still havent seen "the apparition",, but has anyone really?
i went there once early nc1,, but saw a big ass hole or pool,
didnt know which it was so didnt go any further. 8/
yes, he looks like a soulcluster in there, but he's quite alot bigger than these soullights and feen thingys, its afair 120/120 and got dark blue blinking lights flying arround his middle .... but he's underwater all the time i went there ... when u kill him, u need to hurry alot, because his body disappears alot faster than normal mobs. (and yes, looks like a very big pool and an little isle inside it.)

01-04-05, 11:54
I found when I went there in NC1 with my old clan =THP=, that it was impossible to get out of the pool unless you killed every single mob there. The impact of the SCs hitting you meant it was like taking one step forwards and two steps back, you just ended up stuck in the bottom of the pool.

01-04-05, 11:59
why not killing the other soulclusters? free exp? but i never had a problem with stucking in the pool...

Capt. Rik
01-04-05, 12:24
I found when I went there in NC1 with my old clan =THP=, that it was impossible to get out of the pool unless you killed every single mob there. The impact of the SCs hitting you meant it was like taking one step forwards and two steps back, you just ended up stuck in the bottom of the pool.

*sniff* the good old days. Appirition was one of the hardest cave bosses to kill in my opinion - an absolute bastard to target let alone reach in the first place

01-04-05, 12:52
it's one of them things where an enclosed space and moonies actually work :p

TBH tho - PPU/APU team >all in any dungeon...

Ho hum... :(

01-04-05, 13:24
*sniff* the good old days. Appirition was one of the hardest cave bosses to kill in my opinion - an absolute bastard to target let alone reach in the first place

Aye, Felakin had a fetish for leveling in there :(

04-04-05, 16:29
Right. So perhaps I should just hire a CityMerc clan to escort me into a dungeon where I want something from?

04-04-05, 17:07
Right. So perhaps I should just hire a CityMerc clan to escort me into a dungeon where I want something from?

Would be a quite good idea ;)

04-04-05, 18:01
Right. So perhaps I should just hire a CityMerc clan to escort me into a dungeon where I want something from?

only problem is the doy bots dont let you attack one of them anymore, you hit one and they all start shooting you, we used to go on an apu/ppu combo at j11 back when the place was crawling with doy bots.

been anti city and the bots not attacking was kool we got mad exp.
sometimes 1 of our team m8's would get killed but against 1bot at a time it was easy work and easy cash

04-04-05, 18:19
i had some very fun times in NC1 hunting the apparition, i had a whole cab full of soulblades

i think brought 2 with me, but im not sure, could have been 1

04-04-05, 19:01
I wanna shut down doy and make Crah, bd and ts move back to PP and TG to their canyons and pof, Nc1 in nc2 :D plaza is safezones and stuff, th FA takes back and all :lol: And i want NC1 moddells back!!!! I wanna use my Holster on tank and look like guard again, NC2 moddels SUX :mad: