View Full Version : Hud problem while teamed.

21-03-05, 16:31
When teamed, other players name bars sometimes block the health bars.
(see pic)

Was thinking of changing the colors of the health bars or the color of the team names bar.

Any suggestions?

21-03-05, 17:22
Bully KK to make the HUD always being in front of the team-display.

21-03-05, 18:39
Yeah that would be the fix.

Was thinking of changing the transparency of the color as a work-around for now, but the rposcolor.ini file seems to be a bit more confusing since I last changed anything in it.

21-03-05, 18:42
You can always fill out an ingame bug-report. Ye know, the little "?" on the top right corner of the screen. They have even stated somewhere that KK reads those.

21-03-05, 18:46
Was thinking of that, but I don't think it's considered a bug.
Guess it's worth a try though.

Mr Kot
21-03-05, 19:18
Look in your Rposcolor.ini file and find these values:

//Healthbars Colors
GoodHealth=100 200 150 255
MediumHealth=200 200 150 255
BadHealth=200 80 60 255

They can be changed to just about any colour you want, but i'm not sure if the team bar health meters use the same figures. If so, it wouldn't make a difference.

Btw, use a basic resist 2 in the chaos cave as it gives +15 poison resist. I can see you're a PE so u don't have to use a BR1 ;)

21-03-05, 19:54
Tip : buy new client :p

21-03-05, 21:18
Look in your Rposcolor.ini file and find these values:

They can be changed to just about any colour you want, but i'm not sure if the team bar health meters use the same figures. If so, it wouldn't make a difference.

Btw, use a basic resist 2 in the chaos cave as it gives +15 poison resist. I can see you're a PE so u don't have to use a BR1 ;)

Ok, thanks, and I have the BR2 now, didn't even know it gave poison resist until a couple of days ago.