View Full Version : what nv driver ... neocron2?

20-03-05, 14:22
What nvidia driver works best with neocron2? Since there were patches balanced for the new games like HL2 and doom, I'm wondering which patch would give me best fps on nc2.

20-03-05, 15:09
theres actually this prog/driver u can get to make ur gfx card perform like one a few levels above it.....ill get u linky.

as 4 drivers i would imagine the latest ones?

20-03-05, 19:50

21-03-05, 12:10
Nah dont get omega drivers, yes you get a few more FPS.. but in the long run they suck ass. Long syncs out of undergrounds / caves / any cellar, etc etc.. I recommend downloading Forceware drivers.. they seem to be working good for me. Just treated myself to a 6800 GT :D

21-03-05, 12:57
kayne is that true tbh? the long syncs come from teh omega sex?

that would suck tbh, gotta go home change my drivers then

21-03-05, 13:26
I found that, using Omega-drivers, I got shorter sync-screens, but it took the same amount of time for the game to really sync... The sync-screen goes at 10x the speed it's supposed to, and you get thrown into the game prematurely, which results in the yoyo-bug... :rolleyes: (You can fix this, just set it to use v-sync and you'll be fine)

Some people experienced distorted graphics with the omega-drivers, while some didn't. Yeah, I got them, (after crashes and so on) but the drivers also removed my problem of weird artifacts showing up every 2nd alt-tab that I did...

21-03-05, 14:17
im usin omega drivers on my 5700ultra... working better than official ones.

6600GT on the way... ill see if its better for that too

Bugs Gunny
21-03-05, 14:30
Omega on 6800, but vsync on for preventing the rubber band effect.
Still have to overclock the card after changing drivers, but it's working nicely.