View Full Version : Can it get worse :/

14-03-05, 21:23
just smelled something wierd all night in my room.. now when i went and got behind my comp i saw it was damn dark inside the case.. both ccfl lights gave up the ghost. so now i know what i smelled all night..

so took them out of the case let the side of the case lay up on the laptop ( laptop was closed ) now there are huge fucking scratches on the side of the laptop.. fucking sucks :/ just have the thing for a week and its already fucked up.. :( :( :(

14-03-05, 21:26
KILLER']just smelled something wierd all night in my room.. now when i went and got behind my comp i saw it was damn dark inside the case.. both ccfl lights gave up the ghost. so now i know what i smelled all night..

so took them out of the case let the side of the case lay up on the laptop ( laptop was closed ) now there are huge fucking scratches on the side of the laptop.. fucking sucks :/ just have the thing for a week and its already fucked up.. :( :( :(

didnt quite understand what you said had happened..

but it didnt sound good at all...

14-03-05, 21:43
Life is hell :rolleyes:

15-03-05, 00:52
KILLER']so took them out of the case let the side of the case lay up on the laptop ( laptop was closed ) now there are huge fucking scratches on the side of the laptop.. fucking sucks :/ just have the thing for a week and its already fucked up.. :( :( :(

This one time on the way to work, I had my laptop in my backpack, and was riding my motorbike at about 5am, so pitch black. Of course my headlight bulb had gone so I was using the parking light :angel: didnt help when i went up a bank, got parted from my bike and smashed into a sign post at about 40mph. Its ok though, the laptop broke my fall... buy Toshiba, they survive some heavy shit :D

15-03-05, 01:17
Erm Lexxuk your avatar seems to ANNOY THE FUCK OUT OF ME, I feel like Trashing everytin in my sight cause of it. Had to mention that one.

15-03-05, 01:41
Erm Lexxuk your avatar seems to ANNOY THE FUCK OUT OF ME, I feel like Trashing everytin in my sight cause of it. Had to mention that one.
Use firefox, you can block single images ;)

15-03-05, 08:46
Use firefox, you can block single images ;)

including ascs seriously annoying spinning monkeh ;)

15-03-05, 15:33
Erm Lexxuk your avatar seems to ANNOY THE FUCK OUT OF ME, I feel like Trashing everytin in my sight cause of it. Had to mention that one.


Aww, but bouncy is sooooo kewl :p

Original monk
15-03-05, 15:54
yes bouncy is cool, but not for everyone it seems hehe :)

if you really cant handle bouncy and if youre no firefox user as ascention said then you can always take a piece of nontransparant tape and put it on bouncy everytime it appears :)

refered to as: the manual way, takes a bit more effort but the result is what counts !

atleast you dont have the feeling to trash and kill rl things then darkservent :)

15-03-05, 16:51
A laptop is supposed to be scratched, worn, dented and covered in stickers and held together with duct tape. That way it looks like it's used by a real professional.

15-03-05, 20:50
including ascs seriously annoying spinning monkeh ;)
You for real? how can my spinning monkey be annoying? Its the last views I have of my apu, untill I ever decide to re-activate him :)

16-03-05, 00:20
hegemon, are laptops supposed to be all marked up with a sharpie marker, too?

Aside from a few smears and dings, it almost looks... new... *cough*

16-03-05, 09:39
You for real? how can my spinning monkey be annoying? Its the last views I have of my apu, untill I ever decide to re-activate him :)


psychotic insanity + spinining monkeh = Insanity Overload :eek:

Think of my mental health!!!

What if i was to fall over on the floor with a banana up my nose, and an angel farting in my face.. i mean wtf..... O_o i could... i would...


You could kill me !!!! damn you !! murderer! assassin!!! ARRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!!!

16-03-05, 09:40
*ahem* err... Naimex mate, are you okay? O_o

16-03-05, 17:01
As i said before, Life Is Hell...