View Full Version : How long do items stay?

13-03-05, 06:17
If your account is expired, how long do items and chars stay in the database? I heard it's a few months but does anyone know an actual number? Thanks!

13-03-05, 06:32
For NC2 I would say indefinitely, unless Reakktor changes something in the future

13-03-05, 09:13
i think their official stance was "3 months" (at least in nc1) but people have left for a lot longer then that in NC1 (and nc2) and come back to find their chars intact. i havent actually heard a case where someone returned to deleted chars myself.

but it doesnt matter of course since your not cancelling your account of course *gasp*

13-03-05, 10:56
of course not!

14-03-05, 19:43
i always thourght in NC1 it was 6 months.

14-03-05, 23:30
They have the right to delete your chars after 3 months but there have not been any deleted yet (in NC1 or NC2).