View Full Version : wireless networks / protection

12-03-05, 19:39
I heard on the news and stuff that almost nobody cares about securing their wireless network.. now i always thought i just could see my own. but just figured out i could see 2 other networks to.. both have no wep/wpa encription. but 1 of them has a mac filter i gues cause i can connect for a second and get trown off then.. but the other network is wide open. i can just connect can surf the internet. could even access the router ( altrough not login ofcourse :p )

but still why would people have their networks soo open its not that it takes long to close them. got mac and wep protection on my network.

12-03-05, 19:41
i control access to my wireless network through the blocking and allowing of specific ips on my firewall. Works like a charm as ad-hoc wireless 802.11 b networks dont like encryption :(

Richard Angelus
12-03-05, 20:06
As I read this thread I remembered a article in a german PC magazine about WLan security....
found it and they said it's possible to hack a WLan (with WEP) in around 12 seconds with a programm called 'Aircrack 2.1 and that WPA is better to secure your WLan

some ppl are aware of their open WLan, but doesn't care that other users can surf over their internet account

PS: I have no WLan :D

/Edit: hope it's not against the forum rule to post the name of the programm (name was in the article)

12-03-05, 22:36
not only surfing internet but can do more evil stuff :p but not gonna talk about that here

i can get wpa on this to but for some reason it din't work but both my card and ap can handle wpa..

13-03-05, 11:09
The only way to successfully stop people connecting to your wireless network is to have a firewall block every IP/MAC address that tries to connect to the WAP that isn't on a list.

WEP and other wireless "security" is pointless, as it can be broken very quickly with the right tools.