View Full Version : Audio Conversions

22-02-05, 06:38
I have a few weird audio files like .ogg and .it. My winamp plays em but my DAT player/ Avid does not pick it up. Anyone know any software that can convert it?

22-02-05, 07:27
If the DAT/Avid stuff is a external device, wouldn't an output plug-in (http://www.winamp.com/plugins/browse.php?ctype=P&category=7) for Winamp enable you to record from your soundcards output?

Just taking a wild guess, because I have no clue what DAT and Avid is, except that it's some kind of audio/visual device.... :p

22-02-05, 08:13
DAT is an External recording device I use for field or just store sound/ music on for videos. Avid is an software used for video editing. I have files on my pc that are .oog and .it I need converted to mp3, wav or whatever for my CD burning software can read. DAT is the best quality I heard but the tape holds only 120min and thier expensive.

All i need is a software that can convert .oog and .it to mp3, wav, avi, or whatever, so my burning softwre can read it, and Avid Xpress.

22-02-05, 08:37
Looks like there's plenty of programs out there to convert ogg to mp3...

But there is one that's free...



Hope that's what your looking for......

22-02-05, 17:48
Yep that works, everything I find converts stuff to ogg. But this will work.