View Full Version : How to unknowingly flash your genitals at the pizza guy (woman)

18-02-05, 10:37
Here's a phunqe story for your enjoyment.


Normal week, normal Sunday. Ordered a pizza and jumped into the shower.
After the shower I put on a linen and I remembered I had to check something on the internet. Naturally, I sat down in front of my computer with mothing else on than the linen. The pizza delivery usually takes about 50 minutes, so I had plenty of time.
The delivery is sometimes carried out by a woman. She is from the middle east somewhere and quite nice. Sometimes she even linger a brief moment for a chatter. Never much thought of it as "something" really, just as nice chit chat.
Anyhoo... I was sitting there in my linen right when the door bell rings. OMG! The pizza delivery was early and I had no clothes on. I put on a pair of pants in turbo speed and rushed to the door.
It was the girl this time. She greeted, I greeted. "Here's your ...erhmm...". She suddenly started to look embarrased, but finished the sentence quickly without much pause, "...pizza".
I dind't think of it really, I answered in a linen, maybe I showed too much skin or something. Didn't put more thought into it.
However, she was somewhat embarrased. Not embarrased in a casual way like "Hey, this guy's appartment has a weird odor to it" or "Gee, been drinking early today?". It was something else.

...and it sure was. As soon as I closed the door and went into my livingroom I realised that I indeed had showed too much skin.
Remember when I was surprised by the early delivery and rushed on a pair of pants? That's right... I dind't have time to put on underwear. Also, in the rush I dind't close my fly.
Yeah... it was peeking alright... peeking like a curious snake seeing the daylight for the first time ever.

There you have it.



Freaky Fryd
18-02-05, 12:13
I saw a porno that started like that...

18-02-05, 14:09
l-o-l :lol:

Next time eat pizza then have shower, or eat pizza in the shower :lol:

18-02-05, 14:14
l-o-l :lol:

Next time eat pizza then have shower, or eat pizza in the shower :lol:
maybe next time, if shes pretty hot.. invite her in! and then shower again :p