View Full Version : Superbowl

05-02-05, 16:50
Superbowl is tomorrow for some of ya footblall fans. Patriots vs Eagles. Which team are ya supporting and anyone going to the Superbowl?

05-02-05, 17:01
im only interested in the halftime show

05-02-05, 17:03
im only interested in the halftime show
wont be as interesting as last year :s fecking censorships :angel:

05-02-05, 17:12
Paul McCartney anyone? I'll pass.


05-02-05, 17:17
im only interested in the halftime show

Shame it won't match up to last years show which got so much publicity. I thought the excuse "Wardrove malfunction" was excellent. :)

What amazed me, was how everyone got so uptight and upset about a breast nipple.

05-02-05, 17:43
the nipple was covered by a glittery star...

to be honest nearly every superbowl halftime bonanza ive seen sucked ass big time..well known artists that perform badly - or am i just now getting the point ;)

anyway...unless the patriots have a big error its already won.

and just for the record its not football - american football.

05-02-05, 17:44
i never understood why you need full riot gear and a break every 10 minutes to play a game of rugby :p

tho ill abmit sometimes the superbowl can be a bit entertaining :D

05-02-05, 18:50
curling > football o_O

05-02-05, 18:51
I'm all set for it, got my big foam finger all set as well as meh beer!

05-02-05, 19:00
the first american football i saw live...
lets say in total i saw maybe 5 mins, 2 busy watching the cheerleaders, thought they were waving to me :lol:

05-02-05, 19:09
the chearleaders are a very good thing :D .

it gets called a lot of names by non yanks, i quite like it.
But would really prefer not to have so many pauses and breaks though.

05-02-05, 19:15
I quite enjoy it, Prefer to still be playing it, but I ish all broken still :(

05-02-05, 19:27
i never understood why you need full riot gear and a break every 10 minutes to play a game of rugby :p

tho ill abmit sometimes the superbowl can be a bit entertaining :D We had that exact conversation with the americans on vent 10 mins ago. How come they call it football anyway? Football is a game that you play with your feet

05-02-05, 21:41

oh wait nvm they lost :(

05-02-05, 22:36
what teams better...never herd of them, so tell me what ones better and il vote :D

05-02-05, 22:46
Soccer > American Football.

Rugby is the *REAL* contact sport.

06-02-05, 05:06
Lol I have met Adam Sandler, Rob Sneider, Paul McCartney, several NFL owners. Micheal Jordan and his buddies arrived on a yacht. Damn this place sucks. Too many people here to see the damn game.

"Soccer > American Football."

My ranking:
Soccer= Sucks ass
NFL Football= ok, the best part is the cheerleaders.
College Football= better, then again cheerleaders
Rugby= awsome shit, fun to play. Very nice when 300lbs people play 150lbs peeps.
Paintball= pwns most
Neocron= rules all. :D

06-02-05, 05:27
see i came to a conclusion, soccer is shit, and football isnt soccer, its like softball and baseball, they may look almost the same but they arent. No wonder you think its shit, theres one american footballer in the premiership, and he not much cop, if all your players are worse than him no wonder...you gently pass it to eachother then gently roll it into the goal while the fat mofo you call a keep tries to get off his chair and reach it :p

shit sunday league has more talent :D

its more boreing than german or italian football :p

06-02-05, 06:04
We had that exact conversation with the americans on vent 10 mins ago. How come they call it football anyway? Football is a game that you play with your feet

sig been too tall for how long? :p

06-02-05, 10:41
Pee-wee football is actually better than most things i've seen. Those kids go right at it, no prisoners. They're vicious little bastards.

I suppose that's because their dad's are at the sidelines telling em to maim kill rend obliterate!!11e

Never been a fan of rugby though.

06-02-05, 10:45
what teams better...never herd of them, so tell me what ones better and il vote :D

patriots, by far, they are just too solid, they definitely are the team to beat these days

I predict patriots are gonna stomp eagles by at least 2 TDs

06-02-05, 10:53
Rooting for teh eagles....

Just coz my matey is going for the patriots, that and patriots are teh suxO!n1oneno1

alya venus
06-02-05, 11:04
Patriots, Patriots, Patriots, Patriots, Patriots.

06-02-05, 18:35
Jaguars, Jaguars, oh wait thats right they lost to the Falcons. Now we have yankees invading our Stadium. Noooooooo

Pee-wee football is actually better than most things i've seen. Those kids go right at it, no prisoners. They're vicious little bastards.
Thats true. That is some violent shit.

07-02-05, 01:57

Anyone who is rooting for the patriots gets banned :p

D. <-- look my imposing initial with a full stop! I don't have a wussy hammer, I have a chainsaw :D

*coughs* anyway...go eagles ;)

07-02-05, 02:02
Hey, don't be dissin' hammers now, y'hear? :p


07-02-05, 02:10
Wheres the 'neither' button :(

07-02-05, 08:32
We had a nice Superbowl party at our airport. Chris Rock showed up for a few. Adam Sandlar (We were playing with his golf clubs. ) And Rob Sneider was late for his aircraft. LOL it was a fubar night.

07-02-05, 08:40
Uk / England here , never ever watch it in my life unless its on a movie or sumthin, give me a Dont care button :lol: altho it be nice to see one team Smash the other team to bits & blood & like just break the other team so they cant move etc but i am sure that dont happen hehe.

07-02-05, 14:18
Paul McCartney anyone? I'll pass.

rofl i turned it off before he came on, fell asleep so missed the rest of the action.

been a good few years since i watched american football, back in the hey day of wheen Dolphins and the 49ers used to be good.

lost interest when the cowboys started winning.

got my interest back again last night despite only seeing first 2 quarters.

gotta say on first 1/2 both Brady and the eagles QB(forgot his name now)were dissapointing tho both defences were looking solid.

i just wished the teams wouldnt change there names, was looking at the conference tables and was like holy shit when did they change there name.

Capt. Rik
07-02-05, 14:24
Well if anyone is interested, Patriots won 24-21.

I stayed up till like 3am watching it then caught 3 hours sleep before having to drive 2 hours to work.

Kinda slightly dazed and out of it now :confused:

07-02-05, 16:24
was kinda impressed by the eagles.
some serious amount of blitzing going on too, which is always funny.

fecking paul mc cartney...half time show my arse...had to stop watching.
why would the americans to that to us. why ? why ?

07-02-05, 16:45
I was to busy lvling my new Pistol Spy to watch :D.

07-02-05, 16:52
superbowl? (http://www.wylers.com/giantsoup.asp)

07-02-05, 17:09
rofl i turned it off before he came on, fell asleep so missed the rest of the action.

been a good few years since i watched american football, back in the hey day of wheen Dolphins and the 49ers used to be good.

lost interest when the cowboys started winning.

got my interest back again last night despite only seeing first 2 quarters.

gotta say on first 1/2 both Brady and the eagles QB(forgot his name now)were dissapointing tho both defences were looking solid.

i just wished the teams wouldnt change there names, was looking at the conference tables and was like holy shit when did they change there name.

I believe I fell asleep around Hey Jude :p cuz it's the last thing I remember, next thing I woke up at 10:38 and the eagles had lost...*sniffles* McNabb (qb for the eagles ;)

07-02-05, 19:46
The last good Football game I went to was Dan Marinos last game. Dolphins 7 Jaguars 63. That was a freaken awsome game. I think that was also our best year. The year we made it to the AFC champs.

07-02-05, 22:21
WTF its on itv2 :rolleyes:

im english btw, Spot of tea? chaps!

08-02-05, 08:26
WTF its on itv2 :rolleyes:

im english btw, Spot of tea? chaps!

You do know none of us speak like that, even the boys at oxford lol.

08-02-05, 08:27
theres more different dialects in england than i care to think about lol...theres probly some one who does talk like that lol....i mean from bow, and hour down the road to upminster is a who world different lol

08-02-05, 11:02
You do know none of us speak like that, even the boys at oxford lol.
I say, I'm from oxford old chap and i speak proper. :D

Never watched it due to my uni tricking me and making me think i had an exam at 9 in the morning on monday when in fact i didn't :mad:

No fun and frolics happen with clothes being ripped off this year?

08-02-05, 11:43
Very few people from Oxford sound posh because most of them are ignorant shit-shoveling farmers or spend their time bitching about how unfair it is that the government wouldn't bail out Rover again so they could go on being lazy, violent alcoholics that make wank cars.

/edit - I would have laughed my arse off if Macca had pulled his todger out half way through his set but let's be honest, it wasn't likely.

08-02-05, 15:40
I watched it until the middle of the 3rd quarter. Looks like I missed all the action, points-wise...was still 7-7 when I fell asleep.

And ITV actually got a mention from the US commentators too. :)

Dribble Joy
08-02-05, 17:19
You do know none of us speak like that, even the boys at oxford lol.
I say chaps from time to time. And quite often say 'one' in reference to myself.

Some people keep telling me I am 'well spoken', but I don't believe it.

11-02-05, 23:09
gonna see most Amsterdam Admirals matches.
think it was AA and 4/5 german teams.. germans know how to drink beer.. 0.5 liter glasses and a big "bratwurst" hrhr
(american style: 0.5 liter milkshake and a Big Mac)

24-02-05, 17:55
I am soo glad the superbowl is over. Now all we have to do is chase out the rest of the unwanted people. Here is the new North Floridian motto,
"Welcome to Florida now get the hell out!"

24-02-05, 19:31
Paul McCartney anyone? I'll pass.

Dont Diss Paul McCartney :p I like 60's music ! and with out him we wouldnt have the Beatles songs we have now

24-02-05, 19:47
Dont Diss Paul McCartney :p I like 60's music ! and with out him we wouldnt have the Beatles songs we have now
Very true but have you not heard Mull Of Kintyre or The Frog Chorus.

24-02-05, 20:35
But whats superbowl? A flying Bowl with a coat? And people on the ground is asking " Whats that ? " " is it a plane?, a bird ?, a jerk? " no its.....SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!!!!

25-02-05, 00:14
Now what is this roumor going around about Paul McCartny leaving to go back to NY every day during the superbowl week??? This is the only thing that kept me occupied during the superbowl week. Some pics of Amelia Island Airport. 30 min drive north of Jacksonville.


Small Falcon Jet landing on rnwy 4

Temp ATC Tower with blown over @%$# Houses, messy. And aircrafts on rnwy 8-26

Arcrafts on rnwy 18-36.

Those are some of the superbowl pics i got.