View Full Version : Fix the subway please ...

02-02-05, 23:23
Hopefully someone will fix the subway, please fix it, including bugs such as:

1: The doors wont open when you get to a station

2: Getting kicked out of the car for some reason and then having to wander around on the track

3: Pinging back to the station you just left (now that's a weird one)

Anyone else experienced these ?

03-02-05, 00:13
Yeah, And they need to make the things much faster bucause you can walk faster then those go some times :(

03-02-05, 01:14
Not to mention that some of the cars with doors don't open won't let passengers on them; I've had to wait for the 3rd car in a series at least once lately, because the two before it wouldn't let me on.

And I'm really, really aggravated by the locked viewpoint on both the subway and the taxis. On the taxis, it ruins the sight-seeing point of them. On the subway, it's more than an aesthetic problem, it's a practical problem: with the viewpoint locked straight forward, you can't read the station signs. That's not a problem for me after two years, because I can recognize the stations anyway, but for new people?

There's always been a bug where sometimes the subway car door doesn't close properly. It's fun, because if you get one of those cars, you can jump out between stations, and there's a whole new area to explore. Nothing useful, but fun.

03-02-05, 02:19
on the subways in general i think they should be made unsafe zones again.. cause of al the DOY zone whores. (or n e zone whore in fact, if u chasing a allie PK'r)

edit: oh yeah and definatly make us be able to look around again.. it sooo shit if u can only face forward.. u cant look at person sitting next u etc.. and also agrre on sight seeing for taxies (no point unless u a n00b cause u can out run.. so let them be to look around).

03-02-05, 10:35
on the subways in general i think they should be made unsafe zones again..

Nooooooooooo, i love to GR to OZ Subway and run to the safespot to wait for SI

TBH - Non-Safezone Subway was fun :)

Mr Kot
03-02-05, 22:15
1: The doors wont open when you get to a station
KK remove doors - problem solved

3: Pinging back to the station you just left (now that's a weird one)
happens at midnight NC time. Always check the clock before hopping on. The midnight bug also causes the doors to stick.

03-02-05, 22:47
on the subways in general i think they should be made unsafe zones again.. cause of al the DOY zone whores. (or n e zone whore in fact, if u chasing a allie PK'r)
Or pro city when Doy seem to be kicking ass.. yes ive seen it done ;)

04-02-05, 00:16
Why cant they let us on the tracks, so many uber hidden dungeons could be hidden down there. I cant think of more cyberpunk than secret rooms and meetings taking place in old disused parts of hovercab track :D.

Go for it KK, half of the works already done for you there :P (you could even move some of the existing 'not very used' dungeons down there)

This reminds me of something I did last nite, I went with my mate to TH, and we just explored it, top to bottom, I remember feeling suitably impressed, even tho ive been there 100 times before, with the raw size of the place. Just the feeling of being deep underground, with cold, forgotten rooms deep below the surface.

The subway is the ideal place to create a secret, lost, underground of the city. Connect it up with all the sewers, the subway tracks being the linking system of all of NC's sectors anyway, why not link all the subways to here and have it fulfill even more of its purpose as a 'hub'.

Then connect some part to the secret passage and have it so anti city could maybe sneak around the sewers. That'd be so exciting.

04-02-05, 00:24
Or pro city when Doy seem to be kicking ass.. yes ive seen it done ;)

ok fair play but "they started it" nah seriously yes as pro city i have hoped through synch to save my ass but if u think about it im often first on the scene as i keep a eye out when in area, suddenly usally a tank, apu and ppu leap out, i get dmg boosted and par'd.. sort para with drug but then a rain of plasma and holy lighting hit me.. both at same time with dmg boost i anit lasting long lol... the option there so temptation to great...escecillay when everyone else does it lol... if the temptation wasnt there, yes, i would have died... but i would have killed more then own deaths each week :D

04-02-05, 02:16
on the subways in general i think they should be made unsafe zones again..
They were only made safezones because some people found it fun to AoE attack the cabs and kill people. Belt dropped on the tracks and was unreachable.

04-02-05, 02:38
The subway is the ideal place to create a secret, lost, underground of the city.

Its called Main Sewers. You may never have been there. You may never even have heard of it it. They are huge - something like 9 zones of more. They are horribly confusing and easy to get lost in. And, as far as I can tell - there is nothing interesting down there - save links with the secret passages and somewhat sparse Aggies. And maybe some cloppies left from the event. There really should be some interesting stuff down there. - as a rule, Neocron rewards exploring - I keep finding new things in strange places, all over the world. Main Sewers is a dissapoinintg exception to this.

04-02-05, 06:31
Main Sewers are fun to get lost in except there are a few buggy spots. This would be a good place for GM's to set up some kind of stealth event. Something for people to just find at some point. Also if they connected the main sewer to the subway by way of the underground level from the NC1 demo it would be a nice trick.

Oh and yea bring back the freelook in hovercabs and taxi's

04-02-05, 19:18
true but insteadof making a fuck up and giving a huge entry point to Neocron they could of fixed it so u cannot take DMG in a cab..

07-02-05, 13:54
Bring back Cab freelook and bring back the OZ station bargain discount traders!!!!

07-02-05, 13:57
The traders are still there - visit OZ mall.
Ilove all the peoplewho keep saying you have to go topoint red for level 2 imps.
They sell them (and all the usual village stuff) at OZ mall, and doznes of locations around the wastes.

07-02-05, 13:59
Subways been fubar since NC1 and they still havent fixed it so what makes you think they will do it now?

07-02-05, 15:59
The traders are still there - visit OZ mall.
Ilove all the peoplewho keep saying you have to go topoint red for level 2 imps.
They sell them (and all the usual village stuff) at OZ mall, and doznes of locations around the wastes.
For most people PR is easier than OZ mall. The GR fee from an apt is negligible after all.

I preferred the vendors where they were before partly for convenience but also because it gave the place some life. It looks silly now that it's all boarded up.

08-02-05, 00:17
The part that seems silly to me about Outzone Station being all boarded up is that they added the Neocron City crowd noise background sound effect at the same time. Unless my memory is playing tricks on me, back when it was a busy thriving shopping area all you could hear in the background was the thrumming of the ventilation system. Now it's a ghost town ... that sounds like it has thousands of people in it.

Of course, it's no weirder than the fact that CityAdmin still plays ads for Yakarma on the PA system.