View Full Version : nc2 got the mcwhoop...

05-01-05, 00:25
Most of you may know me as Apocalypze/Nocturne/Benediction on saturn/terra.

I just got out of a 2 month debacle with shit2pay. Once I finally got back in game it only took me 1 day to realize how this game has worn out its welcome to me.

I went on to play WoW, although the popular consensus on this forum is that wow sucks, to me it doesnt. That game is more addicting that neocron ever got.

I tire of the fatals, shitty fps constant rollbacks and server item curruptions, some of my best spells turning into milky rens from the merge from nc1 to nc2. Most of all, i tire of the lackluster material and the dependance on the community for the dev team to come up with content for this poorly designed game. Is this a critique? Yes it is. I was a faction councellor at one point as well. That job became a chore when I got NO support (NC1) for the saturn events i tried to put together. I was ignored and in my opinion, the fsm project was devoted to the german community. This led me to walk away frustrated.

I gave nc2 its fair chance. It deserved it. In the beta this game was awesome! High fps, fatals every other day (now its every 15 minutes) synchs that were measured in nanoseconds over minutes. This game was not ready to go to the public. Releasing it is a joke. This game will never be the success some of us fanboys wish it could be.
The story and the potential for this fpsmmo are enormous. Its a shame that KK doesnt have the resources to properly run a mmo of 300 some odd people without shitty lag or the pathetic tekktonic engine. Already WoW has this game beat hands down in graphics material game world content and pvp. Yes its a click pvp over the traditional pvp, but guess what, I dont have to worry about 5 fps at a contest for land, fatals at the most critical times (usually in the middle of a fight) and most of all. I can macro openly and not have to worry about being banned over it. The game, in my opinion lifted a big burned off my shoulders that was called neocron addiction. I can finally walk away from the clutches of this pathetic yet potential filled game once and for all

I am giving all my shit away and deleting characters. So, if you want a free ds or one of my many all 120 holy lightnings or whatever, send me a direct or email me.


Devils Grace

and the others that have slipped my mind. See you on Skullcrusher!
if you want something my acct expired 2 feb. Catch me before then! yahoo messenger Websh0ck or websh0ck@yahoo.com

Long live pre 160 patch NC1!

05-01-05, 00:27
Leaving thread, closed.