View Full Version : Change the LE

04-01-05, 21:27
As the LE works now it really punish the players who don't want the PvP and PK part. Or even when you are tired of allied PK'ing.

You hear often the answers of allied killers is 'well just put your LE in'. As it is now you can't put it in when you reach skill level 35. You could choose to make your pure LE char but if you want to do the epic well only one faction for you then the FA. FA epic is the only epic i heard of where you don't have to do an epic kill. So with this rule you actually give allied killers more to shoot at.

I thought the req hase been made to prevent allied killers to hide behind LE while bad SL and doing missions to get it up. Well now they can do that by making ress/recycle/cst missions inside a HQ which are safe zones. But player anoyed by allied or pk can't just pop the LE back when doing the epics cause you have to take out your LE for epic kill. Then you can't put it back in cause of the reqs now and your rank when you reach epic kill. Then you are still low level and easy pray for high pker's.

So my suggestion is to link the LE to SL instead. If you have bad SL you can't get it in and when you have good SL you can put it in. This way bad SL allied pk'ers can't use it as protection. Good SL allied pk'ers are probably not interrestet in LE cause its aginst their way to play the game.

The allied kill situation got much better in my opinion, but i still think ppl should have the right of choosing PvP or not and still be able to do epic. Its ok you can't join a clan or take OP's with LE cause that is PvP related stuff. But epic items is playing missions, roleplaying and leveling witch are not PvP minded unless the one epic kill mission. Often players pay for the kill anyway so its defenetly not PvP, so LE players should get a chance for doing their epic and play their roleplay.

04-01-05, 21:42
This is probably the best suggestion I've heard so far. It'd need some sort of tweaking, as PKers could regain soullight in a matter of minutes and put their LE's back in, but it gives those people who dont want to do PvP freedom to play the game to its full extent.

04-01-05, 21:58
I 've actually enjoyed doing some of the epics lately (btw- NEXT doesnt require an LE either). They're probably the closest thing to storyline/roleplay in the game. Would be nice if LEs could do them as well since they're not repetitive.

Plus even if you are non-LE, actually trying to find the person for the epic kill can be a pain. Just take the epic kills out imo.

04-01-05, 22:20
you can't put it in when you reach skill level 35.30, not 35.
FA epic is the only epic i heard of where you don't have to do an epic kill.You're new, aren't you?

N.E.X.T. has been non-PK since Epic Run's inception. It was the only non-PK Epic until NC2 and the arrival of the FA Epic Run.
i still think ppl should have the right of choosing PvP or not and still be able to do epic.Then make a non-PK fork of the epic.
Its ok you can't join a clan or take OP's with LE cause that is PvP related stuff.Tradeskill clans can certaintly make use of a common cabinet system, even without ops.

04-01-05, 22:34
So my suggestion is to link the LE to SL instead.

Been there and have done that.
I brought this suggestion up about a year ago and we had a very nice thread going with ideas, but KK never touched it.

Oh well, who gives a shit anymore??? :(

As a side note, I just went to my favorite NC resource site and the guy who runs it is quitting because he's fed up.


04-01-05, 23:03
Sounds like a great idea and would be cool to implement into the game as well as LE's being able to make a clan amongst themselves to share items and cash and easily find friends online. Also the Tsunami Epic is pvpless you have to kill a Black Dragon "Contact" NPC which a bunch of them can be found around DoY. Instead of the epic pvp kill they should all change them to NPC's of that faction that you have to kill. And if they want skill involved make the NPC have a higher rank and do more dmg to make it require some kind of skill.

04-01-05, 23:30
Was said back in the days when the LE changes were still on the test server, a good idea but one of many KK choose to ignore.

04-01-05, 23:46
so true. I myself enjoy PvP but those that dont enjoy and and just want to create characters and just play without the fear of being killed at every whim and just play with a group of friends KK should implement something like this b/c from what ive seen on Terra there are masses of people with their LE in and the game should appease to pvpers and nonpvpers alike.