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04-01-05, 14:42
Christmas Contest

Once upon a time ...

Two Gamemasters and a Mod challenged the eerie number of TWENTY THOUSAND(!) answers, ...reading & evaluating.
...and so they spent hour after hour dealing with how contestants view the world of Neocron. Doing so, they gathered an incredible amount of intense, amazing, astonishing and completely incorrect perceptions... and of course, we won't withhold them from you:

- One of the most sought-after NPCs right now, by the name "Kev Critter" (who participates in quite a lot of epic-runs), inhabits not only the NEMA office, the old canyon and El Farid village .. but also the small stone house in K_14 - ATTENTION: If you happen to stumble across the fella, please point him to his desk at the Blakkmist Garbage Dump in F_09, because that's where we expect him to stay! (5)

- We are seriously worried about some of Neocron's constructors. They still seem to spend hour upon hour trying to construct a Soulblade. For the sake of entertainment: do not tell them it can only be looted off the apparition in the worm tunnels. Never will anyone will manage to construct one of these. (10)

- the subway however, seemed to have been examined a lot in the last weeks. How many poor souls may have travelled through the tunnels.. counting... counting WRONG. If you enter the sub at Outzone-Station, go round the track once and hop off at plaza, you count the exact amount of ...correct, 11 stations. no more, no less ;) (11)

- The new tradecenter... well, we didn't know it was founded in 1999 or even 2002. Thanks for letting us know! In fact, the men & women who built it, did so a "little" later: 2633 to be precise. (12)

- The most mysterious "yellow ball" was discovered by a runner in a volcano in the far east... may Crahn attend to his poor soul !!!! (37)

- Whoever believed there were no "big playas" in Neocron may find himself mistaken! Didn't you know that "Bullenbeisser" and "Johnny Bravo" secretly took over the CEO position of NEXT Systems Inc? (we didn't tbh.. again, thanks for letting us know)

- Even Ra-TM-aN McCruel seems to have a secret. In Crahn's name, why didn't he tell us he was working as the "Syndicate Advisor" for Tsunami !!!
Of course, he didn't hesitate long and got a pretty psi-monk to accompany him: codehex !

- As you might guess, Reza is not the only one who rules over Neocron. He secretly relies on a decent amount of employees... by name: MJS, Snowcrash, Thanatos and .. of course .. the whole bunch of Screaming Horse agents. BUT, its not that different when we take a look at the Dome of York. Yager did not only employ Ronald Rodriguez and Thomas Gentry... he also declared Mecando as a leader, which is, to say the least, a little surprise to the two leaders just named.

.. days and nights and nights and yet more nights went by... litres of coffee and many other legal "keep-the-eyes-open" drugs were ..uhm.. annihilated by our judges who pulled their hair out more than once.

108 points total was the maximum to be acheived... and here goes the list of our winners:

1.) Volkert Feierabend - 107 points
2.) Jonathan Reichert - 98 points
3.) Benjamin Wolff - 97 points
4.) Merlin Bock - 96 points
4.) Rainer Burmeister - 96 points
5.) Sven Sterner - 94 points
5.) Christoph Horstmann - 94 points
6.) Ryan Z - 93 points
6.) Carsten Kneuper - 93 points
6.) Erik Wegger - 93 points
7.) Jan Budke - 92 points
8.) Marcel Roenisch - 91 points
9.) Roland Hummel - 90 points
9.) Engl Stephan - 90 points
9.) Jens - 90 points
10.) Robert Sessini - 89 points
10.) Alexander Czyrny - 89 points

Many congrats to all winners & contestants who did a great job!
The winners are asked to contact us (contest@reakktor.com) via the email account they used to submit the questionnaire form. Please do not forget to let us know what character (and server) of yours you wish to receive the prize!

The correct answers were as follows:

Q: Name the four classes you can choose from when starting to play Neocron 2.
A: Tank, Spy, Private Eye, Monk
Source: Neocron 2 character creation menu

Q: Which factions start with an apartment in Via Rosso?
A: Tangent Technologies, Biotech, ProtoPharm
Source: Neocron 2 game world, Neocron 1/2 manual

Q: Where is it (Shot 0000.jpg)
A: Juggernaut Facility in i_09
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: How many factions are enemy to TG?
A: 7 (CityAdmin, Diamond Real Estate, BioTech, Tangent Technologies, ProtoPharm, N.E.X.T., The City Mercs)
Source: F6 Faction window of a TG runner in Neocron 2

Q: Where can you find Kev Critter?
A: Blakkmist Garbage Dump in F_09
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: What are the names of the three original gliders?
A: A: Butterfly, Sky Cruiser and Windglider
Source: Neocron 2 manual (N.E.X.T. history paragraph), Neocron 2 homepage (Guide -> Factions -> N.E.X.T.)

Q: How many apartment lifts can be found in Plaza One?
A: 3 (Mainstreet Enter A; Skywalk Enter A and B)
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: Name all the vehicles that sport a 30mm cannon.
A: Reveler Chaincraft, 4x4 Chaincraft, Troop Carrier
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: Where is it ? (shot0001.jpg)
A: Ceres Temple in F_02
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: What are the weapon parts needed to build an Energy Soulblade?
A: Trick question: it is a drop-only item from the endboss (Apparition) in the worm tunnel
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: If I got onto the subway car at Outzone Station, rode the subway for one complete circuit, and then got off at Plaza, how many times did the subway car stop?
A: 11 times
Source: Neocron 2 game world (starting from 1, going against the clock to 11)

(4.)Plaza Plaza (3.) (11.)
(5.)ViaRosso ViaRosso (2.) (10.)
(6.) Pepper Pepper (1.)(9.)
(7.)OZ OZ (8.)

Q: In what year was Tech Haven founded?
A: 2633
Source: Neocron 1/2 manual (Neocron History [2258-2750] paragraph, [year 2633]), Neocron 2 Homepage (Guide -> History)

Q: Where is it ? (shot0002.jpg)
A: One of the Ceres Labs (B_06/C_10/E_05/F_10)
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: Where is the Secret Fallen Angels HQ?
A: in TechHaven (we will not give out a detailed location, it’s not called “Secret” FA HQ for nothing :p [Of course we asked for a detailed location in the Quiz])
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: Name all Techparts you need for a rare Raptor drone.
A: Frame, Core, Component, Hull, Tech, Addtech, Addhull
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: How many outposts can be conquered throughout the Wastelands?
A: 36
Source: Neocron 2 game world, Neocron 2 world map

Q: Name the boss of a Worm tunnel dungeon.
A: The Apparition
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: Where is it? (shot0003.jpg)
A: Desert Racetrack Start/Goal area
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: How many entrances from the Wastelands to Neocron City do exist ?
A: 5 (3 main entrances [A_07/A_08/A_09], 2 secret passages [A_06/A_08])
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: Who is supplying the weapons for the COPBOT and STORMBOT units?
A: Tangent Technologies
Source: Neocron 1/2 manual (Tangent Technologies description paragraph), Neocron 2 Homepage (Guide -> Factions -> Tangent Technologies)

Q: Who are the rulers of Neocron City and the Dome of York ?
A: Neocron City: Lioon Reza; Dome of York: Hagen Yager
Source: Neocron 1/2 manual & VotR

Q: The ProtoPharm HQ and Lab connect which city sectors?
A: Plaza 2 and ViaRosso 2
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: Name the two transportation systems in Neocron City.
A: Hover Cabs and Taxi Cabs
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: Where is it? (shot0004.jpg)
A: Gaya Mine Entrance in F_13
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: What is the equivalent in Dome of York for a CityCom Station?
A: A Wireless RN Station
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: Where is it ? (shot0014.jpg)
A: Neofrag 1 Deck 1/5
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: Where can you relax and party in the Wastelands ?
A: Twister Bar in i_09
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: What does the abbreviation "NCN" stand for?
A: Neocron City Network
Source: Neocron 2 CityComs

Q: Name the drugs you can loot in a Swamp Cave and from whom?
A: Kri'nakh Nightshade & Kri'nakh Mushroom from the Kri'nakh Shaman
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: Where is it ? (shot0015.jpg)
A: HackNet -> Doy -> Desert Race Track
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: What was the name of the gas used to create an atmosphere similar to Earth's on Irata III and Mars?
A: Gabanium
Source: Neocron 1/2 manual (Neocron History [2258-2750] paragraph[year 2637]), Neocron 2 Homepage (Guide -> History)

Q: The PSI Monks were originally found by one of the two most war-like tribes, which tribe was this?
A: The tribe of Crahn
Source: Neocron 1/2 manual (Neocron History [2258-2750] paragraph [year 2523]), Neocron 2 Homepage (Guide -> History)

Q: What is the name of the CEO of NEXT?
A: Craig Diggers
Source: Neocron 2 manual (N.E.X.T. description paragraph), Neocron 2 CityCom Faction Info Tab

Q: Where is it? (shot0020.jpg)
A: Doy Tunnel KOS
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: Tangent Technologies was originally part of another company, what is this company's name?
A: BioTech
Source: Neocron 1/2 manual (Tangent Technologies paragraph), Neocron 2 CityCom Faction Info Tab

Q: How much faster than real-time is game-time?
A: 10 times faster. 10 in-game minutes are 1 real minute
Source: Neocron 2 HUD & a stopwatch ;)

Q: Where can you find the Big Yellow Ball?
A: In the Military Base (we will not give out a detailed location, it’s sort of an easter egg [Of course we asked for a detailed location in the Quiz])
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: How can you obtain a STORM Laser?
A: By slaughtering a Malfunctioning STORMBOT in the Gaya Mines.
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: Where is it ? (shot0023.jpg)
A: Secret Passage 1
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: Acronym: What do the letters 'CRP' commonly refer to?
A: Canyon Reloading Point
Source: Neocron 2 world map (sector called ‘CRP’ there) & GenRep Station CRP (named ‘Canyon Reloading Point’)

Q: Where are the furniture shops in the Dome of York?
A: Sector 4 / Sector 8-Black Dragon Sector
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: Weapagram: 'Inherent lust'
A: Silent Hunter
Source: The letters of ‘Inherent lust’ can be rearranged to form ‘Silent Hunter’

Q: Acronym: What do the letters 'WBT' commonly refer to ?
A: Warbot Titan
Source: Neocron 2 Community

Q: What is the maximum 'damage' (in percent) you can get on Passive Psi spells?
A: 576%
Source: Neocron 2 item info of a Passive Psi spell

Q: How many slots does an "Experimental Construction Slotenhancer V 0.9" guarantee?
A: 1 slot
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: Who is the 'syndicates advisor' of the Tsunami Syndicate and what class is he?
A: a PSI Monk called Reginald Axom
Source: Neocron 2 manual (Tsunami Syndicate paragraph), Neocron 2 CityCom Faction Info Tab

Q: In which sector is the so-called "Area MC5"?
A: H_14
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: What was the name of the former PSI shops in Neocron City?
A: Yakarma
Source: Neocron 2 CityCom Faction Info Tab

Q: Where is it ? (shot0024.jpg)
A: In a Subway Cab at Via Rosso Station
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Q: What is the earliest year that the fleet forming the great trek to Irata III could arrive at it's destination?
A: 2840
Source: Neocron 1/2 manual Neocron History [2258-2750] paragraph [year 2750]), Neocron 2 Homepage (Guide -> History)


Apartment Contest

You and the jury voted for the best apartments of Mars, Terra and Mercury :

1.) Beggar Jeggar (Terra)
2.) Ria Burkard (Mars)
3.) Akina Chan (Mars)

Congratulations !!!

The winners will get a mail this week for a date to get the prizes !

Notice: The polls of the community were nearly the same as the jury voted, which were in the apps !


Because of the great response to both of the contests you'll be happy to note that these wont be the last! Be prepared to be tested still further!

A big thanks to all (GMs, Mods, Runners) who helped with these contests!

04-01-05, 16:04
congratz to teh winnars. too bad i was too stupid about my neocronology.

Capt. Rik
04-01-05, 16:13
Yeah congrats guys. I counted only 5 that i think i got totally wrong but it was a good laugh!

04-01-05, 16:18
I got 2 wrong and one could have been more accurate (the HN one).

I didn't win anything :confused: .

Congratulations to the winners though and thanks to the organisers.

04-01-05, 16:28
I got 2 wrong and one could have been more accurate (the HN one).

I didn't win anything :confused: .

Congratulations to the winners though and thanks to the organisers.

Right answers does not mean the most points! More specialized answers = more Points, not only right (as you could read in the announcement of the Quiz ).
You can read the specialized answers in my post before.
A few runners wrote a " Novel " with all possibilies they found.

04-01-05, 16:31
Yeah, I read that - that's why I gave full answers (not novels - only relevant info).

No biggie really, I'm sure the prizes will get more use elsewhere, just surprised to lose 20 points is all.

04-01-05, 17:01
Good work guys.

May we have some more screenshots or those anti-clipping movies of the winning appts like in the NC2 trailer? That'd be awesome.

04-01-05, 17:26
oh! oh! Beggar Jeggar wins, eh?

I'm sure he'll be overjoyed at the publicity for his upcoming club.

04-01-05, 17:39
Shame that some of the detailed parts of answers and the extra info could be found in the GERMAN Neocron 2 manual. Good bit of bias there.

04-01-05, 18:49
I wonder who got the LOWEST points on the quiz.....

04-01-05, 19:37
Shame that some of the detailed parts of answers and the extra info could be found in the GERMAN Neocron 2 manual. Good bit of bias there.

yeah sounds about right :rolleyes: same old shit eh!

04-01-05, 20:02
108 points total was the maximum to be acheived... and here goes the list of our winners:

1.) Volkert Feierabend - 107 points
2.) Jonathan Reichert - 98 points
3.) Benjamin Wolff - 97 points
4.) Merlin Bock - 96 points
4.) Rainer Burmeister - 96 points
5.) Sven Sterner - 94 points
5.) Christoph Horstmann - 94 points
6.) Ryan Z - 93 points
6.) Carsten Kneuper - 93 points
6.) Erik Wegger - 93 points
7.) Jan Budke - 92 points
8.) Marcel Roenisch - 91 points
9.) Roland Hummel - 90 points
9.) Engl Stephan - 90 points
9.) Jens - 90 points
10.) Robert Sessini - 89 points
10.) Alexander Czyrny - 89 points

Congrats to the winners. Little confused with one thing though...should the positions not be:

1.) Volkert Feierabend - 107 points
2.) Jonathan Reichert - 98 points
3.) Benjamin Wolff - 97 points
4.) Merlin Bock - 96 points
4.) Rainer Burmeister - 96 points
6.) Sven Sterner - 94 points
6.) Christoph Horstmann - 94 points
8.) Ryan Z - 93 points
8.) Carsten Kneuper - 93 points
8.) Erik Wegger - 93 points
11.) Jan Budke - 92 points
12.) Marcel Roenisch - 91 points
13.) Roland Hummel - 90 points
13.) Engl Stephan - 90 points
13.) Jens - 90 points
16.) Robert Sessini - 89 points
16.) Alexander Czyrny - 89 points

? :confused:

04-01-05, 21:04
well done people...though i suspect you had manuals and logged in to check stuff out :o .

quite surprised by how many i got right considering...maybe i do know the game .?!

04-01-05, 21:06
Congrats to the winners. Little confused with one thing though...should the positions not be:

1.) Volkert Feierabend - 107 points
2.) Jonathan Reichert - 98 points
3.) Benjamin Wolff - 97 points
4.) Merlin Bock - 96 points
4.) Rainer Burmeister - 96 points
6.) Sven Sterner - 94 points
6.) Christoph Horstmann - 94 points
8.) Ryan Z - 93 points
8.) Carsten Kneuper - 93 points
8.) Erik Wegger - 93 points
11.) Jan Budke - 92 points
12.) Marcel Roenisch - 91 points
13.) Roland Hummel - 90 points
13.) Engl Stephan - 90 points
13.) Jens - 90 points
16.) Robert Sessini - 89 points
16.) Alexander Czyrny - 89 points

? :confused:
I'm sorry, but you've just completely confused me.

04-01-05, 21:19
1-10 is referring to the prize theyve won

Mr Kot
04-01-05, 23:24
Shame that some of the detailed parts of answers and the extra info could be found in the GERMAN Neocron 2 manual. Good bit of bias there.

Hmm, i wondered why a lot of the winners seemed to be german names. Still, i checked for the info on the in game citycom and it's staring me in the face once i knew where to look.

Well done to all the winners. Now turn off your PCs and go outside for some fresh air :p

05-01-05, 00:49
Shame that some of the detailed parts of answers and the extra info could be found in the GERMAN Neocron 2 manual. Good bit of bias there.

Yeah, I thought that was a little unfair.
Oh, and can I come see the winning appartment?

Dr Strange
05-01-05, 01:45
Q: How many slots does an "Experimental Construction Slotenhancer V 0.9" guarantee?
A: 1 slot
Source: Neocron 2 game world

Haven't the dev's said currently slot enhancers do not work, but may/will in the future? If so, wouldn't this question then be invalid since they may guarantee 1 slot but since they don't work....

05-01-05, 09:09
Haven't the dev's said currently slot enhancers do not work, but may/will in the future? If so, wouldn't this question then be invalid since they may guarantee 1 slot but since they don't work....

they worked every time i tried them (from NC1 to recently)...

when didnt they work?

05-01-05, 09:24
when didnt they work?
A loooooooooonnngggggg time ago.

05-01-05, 10:22
Congratulations to the winners :).

Thanks to the organisators and all who work on this quest, also to all who participate on this test :).

we need more christmas days, like this, in year :p


05-01-05, 10:44
At every source/answer of the NC Manual you can find the hint, that there is another source in the Guide on the Homepage :
History (http://cp.neocron.com/10/history)
Factions (http://cp.neocron.com/10/factiontable)

The first winner got his prize - the wee Crab Family ! :angel:
Take a look on the screens (dark, because of MB app)
Screen 1 (http://forum.neocron.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=7702)
Screen 2 (http://forum.neocron.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=7703)

Mr Kot
05-01-05, 16:55
The first winner got his prize - the wee Crab Family ! :angel:
Wow, that looks sweet.

Now then.... cute pets.... or tonight's dinner?

Hmmm...... crab soup... *drool*

05-01-05, 20:43
Shame that some of the detailed parts of answers and the extra info could be found in the GERMAN Neocron 2 manual. Good bit of bias there.Every detail you needed to get 100% of the points could have also been found in ENGLISH. Check the sources given for every answer.

05-01-05, 21:01
I can't really see the point of a WeeCrab family in your apartment, it'd just seem like you'd got a rodent infestation.

Now, it it was a pet Drom that would be altogether different.

05-01-05, 23:17
I can't really see the point of a WeeCrab family in your apartment, it'd just seem like you'd got a rodent infestation.

Now, it it was a pet Drom that would be altogether different.

And then the server crashed.. oh shit my wee-crabs all gone!!! NOOOOO :(

06-01-05, 00:29
What happens if you kill the wee crabs?

I'll give you free sex if you make a Base Commander spawn in my appt

06-01-05, 14:12
Any No-Germans on the list ?

06-01-05, 14:14
Any No-Germans on the list ?

(EDIT: Bleh, you edited too fast)

I think they should have done a separate competition for each community, so that each community can be judged on the resources they have access to.

06-01-05, 14:58
The source mentioned in the answers is the official source, not the only source. To clarify what has already been stated - all of the answers were available in English as well as German.


06-01-05, 19:41
The 2nd Prize has got the WeeCrab Family. This Family has now its own room with a nice garden :angel:

Screenshot (http://forum.neocron.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=7720)

Obsidian X
06-01-05, 20:15
IF someone came into your apartment and went 24th century on those crabs, would they respawn? Or do they have god mode enabled?

07-01-05, 13:55
hows about we fry one up and eat it to celebrate... might even put the other crabs in order! congrats :).

07-01-05, 14:33
Good work guys.

May we have some more screenshots or those anti-clipping movies of the winning appts like in the NC2 trailer? That'd be awesome.


09-01-05, 23:18


11-01-05, 15:14
Next time get a contest for ugly'st app too :D not base apps of course :p Well i made a little storage of a plaza lvl 1 app ( unfurnished ) :D

18-01-05, 11:22
Where do I get the book called

Neocron 2 game world

Since it had all the answers ?

18-01-05, 11:50
Where do I get the book called

Neocron 2 game world

Since it had all the answers ?

And where is the english manual? I never saw one, and from what I can see, 90% (give or take) of the winners are german... biased contest? Naw.

18-01-05, 12:57
From nc homepage:

The Neocron2 Game Manual with all the information you need:
German Version
PDF version ~ 3,7 MB
Contains pictures!

DOC version ~ 155 KB
Contains no pictures!

English Version
The English Version of the Neocron2 game manual will be available in December 2004.

i didnt do the quiz, but id have to agree on the biased arguement ...

ps: its allready passed december 2004

18-01-05, 13:05
clicky (http://cp.neocron.com/10/guide)

18-01-05, 14:32
German Version
PDF version ~ 3,7 MB
Contains pictures!

DOC version ~ 155 KB
Contains no pictures!

English Version
The English Version of the Neocron2 game manual will be available in December 2004.


what else can you say about something like that?

18-01-05, 15:03
clicky (http://cp.neocron.com/10/guide)

Here (http://cp.neocron.com/10/factiontable)

and here (http://cp.neocron.com/10/history)

as i wrote you in your PM.
The one who wrote the answer-table for the Forum has found the answers there - this was meant.

The most prizes are give out, so its ended.

... till the next contest will come.