View Full Version : Goodbye NC2 Community

25-12-04, 01:41
I finally hit the Cancel button on my only NC2 account. I'm sure the mods and many others will be glad to finally stop seeing my DeepSkyBlue posts, but it's probably pretty damn clear why I'm leaving.

NPC Playershops - we begged and begged for a status update on this long awaited feature that was in the DoY Plan files. Without this feature, the Faction-Based Item system is skewed. Without this feature, people who are Trade-Oriented instead of PvP-Oriented get screwed in low population hours. And then those who can't play 24/7 are doubly screwed. These needed to be in from the beginning and weren't. It's that simple.

Item Tracking - This one doesn't even need explanation - but when KK forced everyone's items, save the slots we were allowed to keep when moving into NC2, to be WIPED - that was the best time to implement the Item Tracking. The least number of items that NC2 Servers would *ever* see. How will every item in the game get tracked now that there are millions upon millions of them? I have no idea, but I'm done paying for a game where some sort of item security is implemented. Helpdesk's "Sorry we don't track shit" reply will not do for me anymore.

WoC Items - Even if I did play every single day right now, what would I do? OP Battles now almost require 100+ person clans due to the need of a ground force AND HackNet characters. That idea would be great if we didn't have an active playing population of 300ish people at peak times. So I level lots of the time. Killing mob, after mob, after mob, working towards WoC I guess... but guess what, Wisdom of Ceres Skills aren't even 100% implemented yet. I have yet to see anyone using a WoC item. I know of people who have the disc, have the money, have the exp, but they're stuck.

Accessories - One of the few actually "new" concepts in NC2 - removed after Beta because it's not done. RPOS fixed to remove it. Yeah... another slap.

RPOS/GUI Updates and Alternatives - It needs revision and alternatives. The pre-patching was built-in several patches ago to lay the groundwork for the update - yet nothing has happened and if we comment about it or ask, they point at the current ThemeWeek and say that's the focus. ThemeWeeks = Scapegoat

Incomplete Texture Upgrades - Going from Plaza 4 to Viarosso 1, you can see the difference from the upgraded textures to the old NC1 textures. Just more weight to the whole NC1 -> NC2 being a rushed hack-job idea.

Bug Lifespans - The current Implant bug makes me sick. This isn't the first issue introduced by a patch (breaking something that worked fine before) and then stays for the duration of several patches. It's killing the income for all Pokers, it has OP Wars totally screwed up, and it's been around for over a month. Sorry, but that's BS for a bug, especially one of this area of effect to last.

HackNet - It's cool and useful in theory - but it's so buggy and inconsistent. The "software" is poorly implemented and is a mere knockoff of PSI Modules. Which leads me to ask, what 'features' are new in Neocron 2 that are reasonably complete and bug free?

- Juggernaughts are Warbots increased in size.
- The Juggernaught Facility is the same Point Red Style dungeon
- The Ceres Cyclops are just Cyclops with increased stats.
- The Ceres Cyclops Dungeon is just a Lab Underground.
- New Character Models? Tank Haircuts are screwed up. The "big-lip"bug still exists. There are still Green PEs like in Neocron 1.
- DoY is new - but it's 10 zones with dungeons - which SHOULD'VE been an add-on (which I would've even paid for), it added nothing to the actual world-map.

I read over the Patchnotes for NC2 on nc.syn and there's just so many entries that say "Fixed". These are things that were put in the game in a broken state. Things that should have been "Fixed" in beta.

After my HackNet Attempt (http://neocron.jafc.de/showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=120735) today - it just struck me so deep how everything about NC2 is still in Beta Testing and Development. And you know what, maybe someday KK will actually be producing a really COMPLETE MMORPG - but if they want to get to that point someday in the future, they can do it without my money. I'm tired of forking over my monthly donation to a company who has left so much unfinished and sits silently behind an iron curtain.

I'm not leaving for any other game at the moment - NC2 was the only thing I played in the time I had to sit down and play games. But after being here since August of 2002, I'm at the point where you know what? Playing NO game is better than playing Neocron 2. As with every other long-time vet of the game though, there is a deep sadness within me knowing that Neocron has the greatest potential of any game I have *ever* played. As things are now however, that potential, in my opinion, will never even come close to being realized and that is thanks to whoever makes game-direction decisions at Reakktor. Maybe it's because they're a small company. Maybe it's because they refuse to accept assistance from ther community. Maybe it's because of their inability to set realistic deadlines or adequately meet the featurelists and deadlines they set for themselves... who knows. But this community is overflowing with ideas, creative input, and die-hard members who want the game to be successful so badly, they're still here torturing themselves. And I hope the volunteers, mods, and everyone that's still here trying to make NC a successful game know I don't mean them.

I feel I've done as much as I can to be a decent community member. I actively contribute Brainport Posts (http://www.synergyxr.net/fn-brainport.php). I'm getting new admins for nc.synergyxr.net (http://nc.synergyxr.net) so it will stay up. SXR I assume will stay around. But like many of the SXR members who have left NC2 for real life issues or other games - they don't miss the game. They don't miss the frustration from KK. They only miss the community and the clan.

So with all that said, and I'm sure I missed saying 100 other things, but whatever. I've said it all before in other long posts. NC is a great game with great potential. Maybe someday it'll get there... but for now, I'm answering this question for the last time:


Goodbye NC2. Goodbye Forum Account. Goodbye all. Thank you to everyone I've played with and against in my years here. I've had a blast :) Keep in touch on the SXR Forums (http://forums.synergyxr.net/)!

25-12-04, 01:44
NOOOOOOOO! One more old player gone :(

25-12-04, 01:49
Take care m8 - sorry to see you go. I won't patronize with the "You'll be back" bollocks

Merry Xmas too dude

25-12-04, 01:50
Leaving thread, closed.