View Full Version : Ion Crossbow, now what?

12-12-04, 05:01
Ok. I really want that damn gun. So what i heard is that you gotta get 2 slot enhancers 1.5, WP 9+10. So i spent a whole night getting those and now the damn NPC just wants to sell me some junk.

He`s also giving out a mission, but thats another one i think, cause he says he wants some of those juggernaut parts and he`s gonna pay 25k for it. Also heard that run is broken as the warbots got new names and dont count for the mission.

I can remember i talked to him and he said, get me said parts and i`ll build a new gun for you, but hes not talking about that anymore.

Can someone help me out here? Run broken? My char broken? Bad luck? :mad:

12-12-04, 05:43
yea kid, i have all the parts the juggernaut parts. But 1. Warbots drop the wrng parts. They are different than what the smuggler asks for. ANd 2 Warbots arent registering as killed. Liek if they were the wrong ones.

12-12-04, 05:58
yeah ive wanted one for ages, got 2 sets of the Juggernaught parts, the WP and the Slot Enhancers, but he wont build it....just gives me the missions....

12-12-04, 09:06
Yeah i also tried the mission, had all the parts he asked for. Still didnt work.

Got a helpticket though. The run is broken, we gotta wait for the next patch. :(

12-12-04, 12:11
take mission to bring him WB parts and talk to him again.
He will tell you to bring 2 1.5 slot ench's , 2 wp9 and 2 wp10

12-12-04, 12:19
take mission to bring him WB parts and talk to him again.
He will tell you to bring 2 1.5 slot ench's , 2 wp9 and 2 wp10

he wont because the quest is bugged since the last 2 patches

12-12-04, 13:03
I have loads of 9 and 10's Kid. Ask me when im next on.

12-12-04, 13:13
Something to do with the names of the mob now and the name they were b4 the patch so the database dosen't recognise them as the same mob cuz as far as it's concern the ones your killing aint nothin to do with the quest

12-12-04, 16:03
Something to do with the names of the mob now and the name they were b4 the patch so the database dosen't recognise them as the same mob cuz as far as it's concern the ones your killing aint nothin to do with the quest
why am i getting this NASTY feeling the 6 parts i have aren't gunna bee worth toffee next patch?

12-12-04, 16:10
You must have 2 Const 1.5 Slot Enhancer, 2 WP 10 and 2 WP 9 in your inventar. And talk to the NPC and don't accept the mission.

12-12-04, 16:27
i do, i have all that...

12-12-04, 17:28
why am i getting this NASTY feeling the 6 parts i have aren't gunna bee worth toffee next patch?
Oo i dunno just a name change of a mob i think not loot or anything

Unless decide you all need to start fresh lol

12-12-04, 20:13
That bow need a nerf imho... Shreads a monk in matter of sec. 1 hit and almost the whole bodyzone is down to 0.

A PE should not have access to it should be 115 dex or so.

12-12-04, 20:35
Monks and melee have been overpowered for ages, and not much gets done about it, as soon as Pistol PEs or Spies are everyone calls for a nerf lol, all i hope is it doesnt get a nerf till i get one, ive never been over powered hehe :p

12-12-04, 21:18

The thing is if I can cap a HL and give my selfe a shelter then I wouldnt say a shit. A APU should do alot of dmg they die like flies anyway unbuffed.
The thing is that it gives both force and xrr which is mostly deadly for a monk.

Give the spies that weapon dont hand it to the PE that is what I say, dont see so many speis anyway in a op war...

12-12-04, 22:09
i see plenty of spies at op wars....tho mainly it is PPUs, APUs and some MC Tanks...

13-12-04, 00:38
omg it kills monks....nerf it :rolleyes: