View Full Version : Drones

10-12-04, 02:48
Right now drones are the one thing that puts me off the game the most. They are just too powerful for how hard they are to hit and the armor/heal that drones have...

Do you think they need a damage nerf and there hit box made bigger?

10-12-04, 02:57
dont know about a dmg nerf, but they need a HP nerf...i unloaded a full clip of healing light into an ion mk-3 last night in battledome, it barely dented that drone, two mins later a CS tank shot that same drone at least 4 or 5 times, was barely half dead....thats bs if u ask me...i killed the droner tho =) so it all worked out i guess

10-12-04, 03:04
I am mainly tanking about the Raptors.

10-12-04, 03:12
I have to agree, the drones are way to hard to kill, with their small target box. If you attack an outpost, and there's a droner there, then you're out of luck. O_o

It's a pity they are so overpowered right now, as the droners have had that much trouble in the past, but this goes beyond reason. :rolleyes:

10-12-04, 03:24
Isn't the raptor the one that's bugged to always look friendly/green?
The Mk2 ions die alot faster than that. So wanna sell that Mk 3? :D

10-12-04, 03:26
Isn't the raptor the one that's bugged to always look friendly/green?
The Mk2 ions die alot faster than that. So wanna sell that Mk 3? :D
Nope thats the ion drones that aloways look green.

10-12-04, 03:59
Who attacks the drone? Attacking the drone doesn't even do any good; if you kill the drone the droner just puts another on in the air. Kill the droner - he's an unarmed stationary target who almost certainly has fewer hitpoints, lower resists, and less armor than anything else in the game.

10-12-04, 04:01
Who attacks the drone? Attacking the drone doesn't even do any good; if you kill the drone the droner just puts another on in the air. Kill the droner - he's an unarmed stationary target who almost certainly has fewer hitpoints, lower resists, and less armor than anything else in the game.
You cant last long enuff to find the droner... If a Raptor atacks you your dead no matter what (unless you are near a zone line).

10-12-04, 04:11
Raptors sure could use a slight nerf, or then the targetting box altered so that there is even a slight possibility to target it.

10-12-04, 04:13
How is a TL122 Gatlin drone (Raptor) is overpowered? Overpowered compared with what?

10-12-04, 04:17
Overpowered compared to anything.

Don't get me wrong with this, i'm not a carebear or ppu rights activist. But i still think that raptors do a bit too much overall damage. Just a tiny tweak, like cut the RoF a bit, or the damage.

10-12-04, 04:21
the drones are way to hard to kill
Don't shoot the drone. :rolleyes:

Some people really can't be helped.

10-12-04, 04:23
Don't shoot the drone. :rolleyes:

And die to the drone before you can find the meatsack?

10-12-04, 04:24
Don't shoot the drone. :rolleyes:

Some people really can't be helped.
What the fuck are you suposto do? Run away and die in the prosess?

10-12-04, 04:36
Raptors sure could use a slight nerf, or then the targetting box altered so that there is even a slight possibility to target it.
by the way, there is no recitle for the droner so its very hard to aim :(
Kinda like flying blind till your hit box lines up perfect

10-12-04, 04:37
Overpowered compared to anything.

Don't get me wrong with this, i'm not a carebear or ppu rights activist. But i still think that raptors do a bit too much overall damage. Just a tiny tweak, like cut the RoF a bit, or the damage.

and you want it NERFED? OMFG. CS IS OVERPOWERED, So are PPUs, Nerf them all .

10-12-04, 04:47
And die to the drone before you can find the meatsack?It's really not that hard to avoid a drone or to defend against them.

/edit to clarify - If you stand there like a numpty waiting for a reticle-lock you deserve to die. If you run (not in a straight line away from it) you can easily throw off the drone's aim and a little common sense can find at least partial cover within a few seconds of anywhere on the map.

10-12-04, 04:48
Lol? no reticle = hard to aim? dude, what have you been smoking?
Point & Click hard? Have you ever even tried to hit a drone with anything that has reticle? you've got the whole thing upside down..

@jernau: even buffed tank with H heal running can't outheal raptors.
And it's not about con setup.. If the droner notices u, ur dead. So basicly the only choice is to get a spy to look for the meatsack.

I'm not really whining, about it. I just think that the raptors RoF needs a small tweak. nothing like OMGOMGOGMOGGM NERF DRONE CAUSE I GOT PWNED. Naah..

edit2: ohyeah, just a note - i do have a droner too.

10-12-04, 05:30
@jernau: even buffed tank with H heal running can't outheal raptors.
And it's not about con setup.. If the droner notices u, ur dead. So basicly the only choice is to get a spy to look for the meatsack.
Even if that were true (which it isn't IME) how long does anything else last against a tank with HH running?

I'm not really whining, about it. I just think that the raptors RoF needs a small tweak. nothing like OMGOMGOGMOGGM NERF DRONE CAUSE I GOT PWNED. Naah..
Considering how pathetic the meat-sack is I see no problem. If you nerf drones then you need to boost the droners (ie the bodies) because atm they are boned the second anyone sees them.

i do have a droner too.
Then you should know all the best ways to fight droners when they attack you. I know my years of droning taught me a LOT about what drones can't do and that I use every part of that to fight them. The same way I use my inside knowledge of every other class to fight them.

10-12-04, 07:17
I dont think the negitives outweigh the advantages of droning as far as the "oh im a defensless meatsack if you can find me" argument goes. But you're right shooting a drone is pointless, hes got atleast 19ish more to send right back at me :D now true enough a stupid droner who flies straight from his body to you (pending on the netcodes mood) can give away his position after a couple relaunches, but thats just the general direction and the odds of making it anywhere near him in the wasteland zones on anything less than a PPU or stealther are pretty slim(on top of that even if you do get close he can keep track of your position and easily relocate if you get too close for comfort).

If you stand there like a numpty waiting for a reticle-lock you deserve to die. If you run (not in a straight line away from it) you can easily throw off the drone's aim and a little common sense can find at least partial cover within a few seconds of anywhere on the map.

Sorry, I can weave in and out of 4-5 people and have a raptor keep a fairly steady stream of fire on me, thanks to no reticle and superb vantage point, and I dont have much of a problem doing the same as a Droner (not all that used to maneuvering though so it affects my aim a bit :\)

More on-topic: I don't think any direct adjustments need to to be made to damage output of drones, Raptor is about the only truely frightening drone ive encountered, and every class deserves a good weapon, my problem stems more from the fact that most drones can fire from outside everything but a riflers range, and even if you can fire back the only thing the droner is losing in a small fight situation is his cheap ass easilly replacable drone, well that and the fact that drones STILL tend to do that little freeze up in mid air and become invinsible as they warp around bit :D

10-12-04, 10:10
I don't know how the heck they're doing it, then. Because unless I'm flying so low that the drone is easy to hit, your average gentank or private eye with maxed runspeed is almost completely untargetable for a droner. And gatling drones have next to no ammo, so if I just blast away I might get lucky and hit a leg and slow them down, but more likely I'd just waste the drone's flight.

If it weren't theoretically impossible, I'd suspect that somebody had an aimbot.

10-12-04, 10:30
I thought the community had finnally moved away from "nerf this" threads. Guess not.

10-12-04, 10:50
Kill the drone, watch for the next one - run in that direction. It's going to work most of the time. Either that or the droner will spend so much time moving the drone around you to come from another direction that you'll have time to find him anyway.

Hard to hit a drone with a recticle? Why not use an APU.

There's ways to defeat every class in the game. Every class / profession is vulnerable in some way. You just have to learn how to use those vulnerabilities.

Athon Solo

10-12-04, 11:08
I dont think they should be nerfed, however, they do need a slightly bigger
hitbox. Some of the drones ar fast as hell, and jump around all over the place,
so you target it, wait for your reticle to close a bit, but then it's not there

Kind of annoying.

- Primate

10-12-04, 11:16
Dont think anyone mentioned PvM damage with drones.
I havent done any testing lately, but iirc the PvM damage was not correct compared to other weapon classes (TLs).

Also the "update time" should be more increased. This was done with one of Theme week patch, but drones still does "jump around" and "lags" through walls/mountains/etc.

10-12-04, 11:21
A drone is hard to kill, yes, but then whats the point of killing the dronne, a minute later another one replaces it.

If you make drones easier to kill, then you need to offer a Dronner more protection, like a proximity sensor similar to local, so he then has a chance to escape dying, as right now he is fully exposed.

Dronnes hard to kill, so far I have never found a dronner who got away.

Also Droners loose 2 things when killed
1) Active drone
2) Belt

So droners should loose only one item if thats the way we are gonna work...

In the real world you kill someone with a rifle in their hands, you can hen take the rifle, you kill a droner and search, you can get the drone ...

In NC you can't get the rifle, unless he has it in slot 2, and then there is a random chance, but you can get the drone.....

Think before you ask for nerfs to one of the hardest chars in game

10-12-04, 12:15
Lol? no reticle = hard to aim? dude, what have you been smoking?
Point & Click hard? Have you ever even tried to hit a drone with anything that has reticle? you've got the whole thing upside down..

Sorry for intervening. It should be hard to hit a drone with a reticle weapon.

@jernau: even buffed tank with H heal running can't outheal raptors.

Well, my droner can´t outheal a Tank with CS . Even full buffed. :rolleyes:
Maybe your Tank can`t outheal an APU? Or a Spy with HL? A Raptor is a weapon with a TL>100!!! It is meant to damage even a Tank...

The last times i took part in a fight as a droner i was killed in mere seconds. Thats because many players know every possible hiding point in an Op-sector / Level spot. And for me it was allways the same. Start drone. Start shooting. See Tank/Spy race around looking for my meatsack. Dead.
And that with a rank of 91/55. Thats ***. :p

The damage to mobs is lousy compared to the damage other classes deal.

10-12-04, 12:25
dont think there's any real problem here.
Maybe except the clipping problem and the size of the drone target box. Even if its not recommended there are some situations where a drone need to be shoot, and most of the time its impossible due to bugs.

But there's one really annoying bug which needs to be taken care of - lack of clan/faction tag of the drone. I can see drone from far away yet most of the time, the only way to check if its hostile is to show myself to them and wait for attack... Which is very bad idea.

Droners are balanced due to the fragility of their bodies. Its a hazard job, just like apu - u kill the droner or the drone will killu. And its balanced.
Just like with melees - if u see a melee inside a smalll building u should run because u have very little chance of surviving, if u see a melee outdoors, he/she should run because you will win most of the time. Same case with drones, if u see a drone outdoors when there's no hiding spots - you should run. If u have some hiding spots, u can try to kill a drone. Regardless of your actions, you should try to find a droner and kill him. Simply as it is.

Though i have to admit, most droners are pretty clever and it takes me ages to find them, but more respect to them.

10-12-04, 12:51
my experiences as a PE on op fights are up to this day limited to 5 seconds of running around, being shot, before i hit the ground permanently.
Never did i called for other classes to be nerfed. i just acknowledged the
fact that i suck. as i can't speak for any one else's suckyness without being
offensive i can only express my deepest desire that people don't immediately
call for a nerf for anything they can't beat. as a droner you get the shittiest
defense around. combine that with a shitty weapon and the endresult is
shit². what's so fun about playing that?

Bugs Gunny
10-12-04, 13:48
Hitbox of drones is a little small yes.
Overpowerd? not realy.

And from experience i can say that the best drone hunter in the game is a bomber. If you take them high up, all that's left is for people to search the buildings.

10-12-04, 15:52
their damage output has always been fine imo, i was a droner in nc1 for god knows how long....but unless two of us were severly bugged the other night, they need a damn good HP nerf....a CS could kill a droner in 2-3 shots....why cant it kill the drone in 4-5?

10-12-04, 16:02
their damage output has always been fine imo, i was a droner in nc1 for god knows how long....but unless two of us were severly bugged the other night, they need a damn good HP nerf....a CS could kill a droner in 2-3 shots....why cant it kill the drone in 4-5?
Maybe because the CS is a really bad choice of weapon for hitting drones?

10-12-04, 16:36
I think you guys are forgetting the idea of droning. Don't attack the drone, it's a machine, It can be replaced and lauched very easily. Find the droner and kill him, the threat is then eliminated.

Run in one direction if the drone flies over your head as to protect the droners body then you know you're going the right way.

10-12-04, 16:50
Agreed, find the droner.

Anyway, the drone target box was increased a year or so back because back some of the drones (the Particale Beam) were too small to hit. Now the tagetting area is just fine.

One on one the drone will prob., own, but if you find his body then the droner is almost dead in one CS burst, but as stated above I wouldn't use a CS to take out a drone. You need something that can target much quicker.

10-12-04, 17:07
Wrt hit-box size - it was made much bigger at one point and that meant drones couldn't go through doors.

10-12-04, 17:14
my experiences as a PE on op fights are up to this day limited to 5 seconds of running around, being shot, before i hit the ground permanently.
Never did i called for other classes to be nerfed. i just acknowledged the
fact that i suck. as i can't speak for any one else's suckyness without being
offensive i can only express my deepest desire that people don't immediately
call for a nerf for anything they can't beat. as a droner you get the shittiest
defense around. combine that with a shitty weapon and the endresult is
shit². what's so fun about playing that?
For one i dont play a PE anymore. And for two what the fuck are you saying they have a shity gun :confused:. sorry but if a raptor can take a self buffed tank out in 6 bursts that is a little over powerd imho.

10-12-04, 17:20
Overpowered compared to anything.

Don't get me wrong with this, i'm not a carebear or ppu rights activist. But i still think that raptors do a bit too much overall damage. Just a tiny tweak, like cut the RoF a bit, or the damage.

So a raptor is overpowered compared with a say a TL7 SMG. Sorry, I don't buy the argument.

No one has done a comparison between a raptor and say a speedgat. (Pick suitable tank's gatling weapon.)

Droners have to level until nearly cap to use the TL122 drones. No other class has weapons with that high requirements. Even then unless you spec for pure droning, it's still pretty hard to cap.

I am suprised at one thing. No-one has complained about the Mk3 Ion drone.

10-12-04, 17:22
For one i dont play a PE anymore. And for two what the fuck are you saying they have a shity gun :confused:. sorry but if a raptor can take a self buffed tank out in 6 bursts that is a little over powerd imho.
Without a PPU what can survive 6 bursts from that tank's CS?

Want to compare TLs now?

10-12-04, 18:34
Without a PPU what can survive 6 bursts from that tank's CS?

Want to compare TLs now?
My high tech PE can stand up to 13 CS bursts with a heal runing my hybrid can stand 14 bursts with a heal and my friends spy i usto play could take 9.
And we are not comparing TLs... We are comparing the best weapons each class can use.

10-12-04, 18:37
My high tech PE can stand up to 13 CS bursts with a heal runing my hybrid can stand 14 bursts with a heal and my friends spy i usto play could take 9.All shots landing from every burst from a capped CS with a sensible ammo mod?

I don't believe you.

Six is probably a bit weak but then again six bursts from a raptor doesn't really kill a well setup tank either ;).

/edit - make the CS TL122 and we won't be comparing TLs.

10-12-04, 18:40
All shots landing from every burst from a capped CS with a sensible ammo mod?

I don't believe you.

Six is probably a bit weak but then again six bursts from a raptor doesn't really kill a well setup tank either ;).

/edit - make the CS TL122 and we won't be comparing TLs.
Yes the ammo mod was xray for the PE and hybrid and it was fire for the spy... And yes all shots hit on all bursts.
Edit: a tank cant get str 122 very easily because of the imps.

Darth Slayer
10-12-04, 19:05
I would'nt say this is a nerf thread more a Whine thread. Someones been killed by a drone on ther Ubar setup Tank/Pe/ fill in the blank and they can't except it. Boo Hoo cry me a frikking river grow up boy and while your at it grow a set of balls.
Jeez I knew these threads where coming but so soon....... :rolleyes:


10-12-04, 19:05
All shots landing from every burst from a capped CS with a sensible ammo mod?

I don't believe you.

Six is probably a bit weak but then again six bursts from a raptor doesn't really kill a well setup tank either ;).

/edit - make the CS TL122 and we won't be comparing TLs.

It is somewhat easier to control a character to a drone, drones have more speed, but also need more control ...

I think someone died and now is venting, more than taht, a dronners weakness is his drones alway need to go home, follow the drone and you find a victim

10-12-04, 19:30
I died to a Mutant Gunman the other day....

They need nerfed also......


10-12-04, 20:08
I think drone damage is fine. What needs to be updated is the rate at which a drone's position is updated to clients. Too often they go 'through' things or simply don't visibly show up until you're half dead. Fighting a drone in the cities, NC or DOY, is just plain ridiculous with the number clipping problems due to location update and sheer 'ghost-like' properties because of their constantly wrong location display.

10-12-04, 20:09
I think drone damage is fine. What needs to be updated is the rate at which a drone's position is updated to clients. Too often they go 'through' things or simply don't visibly show up until you're half dead. Fighting a drone in the cities, NC or DOY, is just plain ridiculous with the number clipping problems due to location update and sheer 'ghost-like' properties because of their constantly wrong location display.
If they fixed that the dmg would be fine because you could hit them.
Edit: They also need to reduce the flash after you are hit when flying a drone though.

11-12-04, 00:13
@ jernau - I think your arguing about this at the far end of the spectrum, and of course I understand why your being a bit biased in your opinion being a droner and all

the point you made about a CS not being the best weapon for hitting drones? thats rediculous, why is it the best tank weapon for hitting anything else?

also why is it, that a drone can take more damage than the droner itself? I mean what do droners lose when a drone dies? some synaptic?

what if a drones constitution was based of its user? I think that would balance things out a bit....

and to the tools who say "find the droner"....coming from a droner, id have to say anyone Ive shot at who didnt have stealth was dead before even making an attempt to find me, so thats a bullshit answer too

again drone dmg output is fine....but me shooting a gun 15 times at something that can kill me in 8, and I actually have to have skill to aim, theres a problem there....if you cant fucking see that, then we all know what the real problem is here

Darth Slayer
11-12-04, 01:45
Oh nozzzz I can't hit that small fast moving object with all the burst from my CS NERF THE DRONES. Get over your self Extract. Drones are fine as they are.
KK finally got them right and almost bug free.


11-12-04, 02:25
@Extract - Yes I have been a droner for years but it hasn't been my primary character for around a year now. I mostly play on my hybrid these days if you want to know. I'm not denying some bias from my history of droning but I also know that most people here (not saying you or anyone specific) don't have a damn clue what they are talking about as they have either never touched a drone or at best used them only to cap a tradeskiller in a cave.

wrt the CS - It's shite for hitting drones for lots of reasons - aiming and range make it tricky to get a lock, even if you do many shots still miss, that combined with the RoF means it doesn't blind the droner as much as a gat and it doesn't knock the drone about as much. Get a solid lock with a speed-gat and the next thing the droner sees is 4% SI, use a CS and he'll laugh at you. Your call but if you insist on using the wrong tool for the job don't blame the other guy.

11-12-04, 02:25
But there's one really annoying bug which needs to be taken care of - lack of clan/faction tag of the drone.I have no idea what you're talking about. Drone faction and clan tags are visible at exactly the same range that they are on any player. Yeah, my life'd be easier if that range were doubled, too, but not just because of drones, but because of laser rifles and sniper rifles.

if a raptor can take a self buffed tank out in 6 bursts that is a little over powerd imho.I'm boggled to hear that anything in this game other than a capped PPU can take six full-on CS bursts one right after another with no time to heal up between them. I've never seen such a thing. Even when I had a nearly capped spy with the best available armor and a pretty good CON setup in NC1, I could consistently be brought down in 4 or 5. Six completely accurate trigger pulls from any rare weapon is a serious threat.

a dronners weakness is his drones alway need to go home, follow the drone and you find a victimYeah. I can't shake the feeling that drones are way, way overpriced still, at least if you're going to use them for PvP, because honestly in PvP how often does even the winner get his drone back? Your average drone has about the ammo capacity of maybe 5 clips of ammo, and except for PvM has to be treated as just about as disposable.

11-12-04, 02:49
Oh nozzzz I can't hit that small fast moving object with all the burst from my CS NERF THE DRONES. Get over your self Extract. Drones are fine as they are.
KK finally got them right and almost bug free.

Well thats what we are saying... Its too small and it warps around so its nearly imposible to kill it unless your a monk...

11-12-04, 03:13
lol said a few weeks back people are going to start shouting for a droner nerf
and here it is :rolleyes: only thing that needs nerffed as far as drones go is the
Ion Mk 3 it out dmgs drones which have a way higher TL

SiL ..:..

11-12-04, 04:24
I really don't like the drones especialy the raptor if you start hearing that tap tap tap at CRP you know it yeah you are fucked. I don't care what anyone says every person falls like a sack of shit too that thing its evil and fast as hell. Another thing that pisses me off is they warp around all over the place so you can't see it cos its in the fuking wall next to you :mad: according to your game client :rolleyes: . I get 80 ping constant if your wondering

11-12-04, 05:38
Well thats what we are saying... Its too small and it warps around so its nearly imposible to kill it unless your a monk...


I really cant reply to this other than to laugh, as I'm sure it'll get editted, so i'll save Nib the time.

If any of you whinning about a nerf had a clue what droning was about, this would be as laughable to you as it is to me . . .

You can decide how another man needs to live once you walked a mile in his shoes . . .

11-12-04, 06:00

I really cant reply to this other than to laugh, as I'm sure it'll get editted, so i'll save Nib the time.

If any of you whinning about a nerf had a clue what droning was about, this would be as laughable to you as it is to me . . .

You can decide how another man needs to live once you walked a mile in his shoes . . .
I have played a droner... I caped a spy droning and after a few weeks of pvp lomed him to trade skills. As a droner its so fucking easy to kill anyone that doesnt have a ppu in there ass. And how the fuck can you say its hard to aim a drone :confused: its just point and click like a monk.

Darth Slayer
11-12-04, 14:18
lol said a few weeks back people are going to start shouting for a droner nerf
and here it is :rolleyes: only thing that needs nerffed as far as drones go is the
Ion Mk 3 it out dmgs drones which have a way higher TL

SiL ..:..
Actually Sanity it's damage is about right taken into context. It does 50/50 energy xray, which I'd have thought the bulk of the damage coming from the xray part. Maybe the mobs have no xray resists ?........ :lol:
Drones are also mean't to be hard to hit seing as if you hit one the droner is blinded. But still to make you all happy lets change the hitbox to that of a Grim Chaser that should kill of droning which it appears alot of you whiners want.
Tostino just because you leveled a Spy with drones and spent two weeks Pking with one don't make you an EXPERT at it. I've spent two years now using em through all the bad times and now the semi good times. SO do it as long as myself and a fair few others and come complain, or should I start a nerf the CS/Healing Light/Holy Lightining/SLasher as all those can kill me really easy too ?......... :rolleyes:


11-12-04, 16:28
Drones are also mean't to be hard to hit seing as if you hit one the droner is blinded. But still to make you all happy lets change the hitbox to that of a Grim Chaser that should kill of droning which it appears alot of you whiners want.
No all i want is it enlarged by 15-20% which is not that much.

11-12-04, 16:57
No all i want is it enlarged by 15-20% which is not that much.
I think that was all it took to render them unusable before.

I'm not saying it isn't a bad theory just that in practice it wasn't so good.

11-12-04, 17:07
I have played a droner... I caped a spy droning and after a few weeks of pvp lomed him to trade skills. As a droner its so fucking easy to kill anyone that doesnt have a ppu in there ass. And how the fuck can you say its hard to aim a drone :confused: its just point and click like a monk.

I re-read my responce, and still can't find any statement i made about aiming.

As a droner its so fucking easy to kill anyone that doesnt have a ppu in there ass.

By this statement alone, you are showing those of us who drone for a living that you really don't know what drones are about, how much dmg they all can do or when you really, as a droner, come into your own and become a force to be delt with . . .

I understand you got pwn'd by a drone, maybe several times in one sitting. I get pwn'd by everyother class, save tradeskillers. Two, three shots max and I am down. I can't combat anyone at anytime, face to face. But, I do have the opportunity to rain death from above and soe confusion with my enemy. It wild to watch folks scatter like roaches when the shots start to fly.

On the other hand. I can only imagine what its like to come on a droner's meatsack and giggle to yourself. Maybe even waiting a moment or two, Savoring the fact that no matter what that droner does at this point, they are DED! Knoiwing he/she has NO clue your there and in complete control of not if, but when they go back to the gr, sans that fancy drone they're flying and some random item from inv.

Like I said, walk a mile my friend, cuz leveling a spy to cap and then lomin' aint a mile. Its like 60 yrds er so . . .

11-12-04, 17:07
I think that was all it took to render them unusable before.

I'm not saying it isn't a bad theory just that in practice it wasn't so good.
Ahh well that sucks :'(

Darth Slayer
11-12-04, 17:16
You do know Tostino that drone hitboxes where increased back in NC 1.
I seriously doubt they gonna make em bigger.


11-12-04, 17:42
I re-read my responce, and still can't find any statement i made about aiming.

By this statement alone, you are showing those of us who drone for a living that you really don't know what drones are about, how much dmg they all can do or when you really, as a droner, come into your own and become a force to be delt with . . .

I understand you got pwn'd by a drone, maybe several times in one sitting. I get pwn'd by everyother class, save tradeskillers. Two, three shots max and I am down. I can't combat anyone at anytime, face to face. But, I do have the opportunity to rain death from above and soe confusion with my enemy. It wild to watch folks scatter like roaches when the shots start to fly.

On the other hand. I can only imagine what its like to come on a droner's meatsack and giggle to yourself. Maybe even waiting a moment or two, Savoring the fact that no matter what that droner does at this point, they are DED! Knoiwing he/she has NO clue your there and in complete control of not if, but when they go back to the gr, sans that fancy drone they're flying and some random item from inv.

Like I said, walk a mile my friend, cuz leveling a spy to cap and then lomin' aint a mile. Its like 60 yrds er so . . .
The aiming coment was not at you there were a few other ppl that said drones are hard to aim :lol:. And if you have stealth you should be fine to get any were on the map without being cought so you dont need to fight anyone face to face... And its not like when you die you lose any think worth much other then your PA. I just think that you should be able to kill a drone before it kills you with other weapons then HL.

11-12-04, 19:42
I just think that you should be able to kill a drone before it kills you with other weapons then HL.
You can, it's just not guaranteed and you may have to carry a secondary weapon for that task in some cases.

IMO that is exactly right.

11-12-04, 20:10
You do know Tostino that drone hitboxes where increased back in NC 1.
I seriously doubt they gonna make em bigger.


heh idd, if theyre getting any bigger they wont be able to fly anywhere in tight spots, and bump into everything O_o

11-12-04, 20:25
the point you made about a CS not being the best weapon for hitting drones? thats rediculous, why is it the best tank weapon for hitting anything else?

cause normaly the tank is almost standing on it's target :D

Not all drones have the same size hit box.


11-12-04, 20:30
sorry spys but the raptor is too good...

in a op war all you have to do is dmgboost and apu and the raptor will kill the apu in 2 sec...

on my tank i got dmg boosted and killed by 2 raptors in less that 3 seconds

they drop ppl as fast as apus.. and thats just wrong... fact

11-12-04, 21:57
-offtopic- what happened to the drone test vendor? :D

11-12-04, 22:01
-offtopic- what happened to the drone test vendor? :DDrone Week ended. It's Hacknet Week now - can't you tell? ;).

11-12-04, 22:02
sorry spys but the raptor is too good...

in a op war all you have to do is dmgboost and apu and the raptor will kill the apu in 2 sec...

on my tank i got dmg boosted and killed by 2 raptors in less that 3 seconds

they drop ppl as fast as apus.. and thats just wrong... fact
Yeah, raptor damage is insane. Some days ago i got killed by a raptor. I went down so fast, i didnt even know what was happening. :(

11-12-04, 22:02
Drone Week ended. It's Hacknet Week now - can't you tell? ;).

well, to be honest, no i cant tell :p

havent seen any hacknet test vendors yet, lol :D

12-12-04, 00:11
Oh nozzzz I can't hit that small fast moving object with all the burst from my CS NERF THE DRONES. Get over your self Extract. Drones are fine as they are.
KK finally got them right and almost bug free.


this may actually be good, if I actually said I couldnt hit the drone, you obviously missed my point completely, which in fact does make me better than you, cause I got a brain, I never said I couldnt hit it, in fact what I said was I hit it so much and it never died....that is what I said

biased are we? was that you I killed the other night?

12-12-04, 14:23
get some poison resist...

learn to aim...

drones arent a problem, its people refusing to adapt to killing them.

E. Cryton
12-12-04, 14:41
drones are too hard to kill ?
how funny ...
2 Holy Lightings on max dmg and my raptor's down.
if a ravager tank is shooting my raptor, i cant see anything --> raptor down
because of the nice f12 exploit my droner is safe nowhere ---> droner dead

@ deac, just becoz ur PPUs cant outheal a single raptor it isnt too powerfull :rolleyes:

12-12-04, 14:50
-offtopic- what happened to the drone test vendor? :D
Pretty sure there's still one in TH on Terra

12-12-04, 17:22
Pretty sure there's still one in TH on Terra

The one in TH was removed a while ago I believe.

12-12-04, 17:51
The one in TH was removed a while ago I believe.
Maybe, I just know I bought a RAPTOR off a vendor there yesterday

12-12-04, 19:03
drones are too hard to kill ?
how funny ...
2 Holy Lightings on max dmg and my raptor's down.
if a ravager tank is shooting my raptor, i cant see anything --> raptor down
because of the nice f12 exploit my droner is safe nowhere ---> droner dead

@ deac, just becoz ur PPUs cant outheal a single raptor it isnt too powerfull :rolleyes:
I know that some guns do TONS of dmg to drones... but how many PEs or spys can use a rav or holy lightning??

12-12-04, 19:08
I know that some guns do TONS of dmg to drones... but how many PEs or spys can use a rav or holy lightning??
So use what they do have. Almost all classes have a weapon that they can fight drones with and those that don't should have defences to cope.

E. Cryton
12-12-04, 20:47
I know that some guns do TONS of dmg to drones... but how many PEs or spys can use a rav or holy lightning??

spies --> stealth ---> droner down after 2 mins

and tbh healing light is like ravager, almost same dmg, but the healing light aiming is much easier ...

12-12-04, 20:48
and half the time you dont know your getting hit by the Healing light, specilly if you've not got a s/d up

Darth Slayer
12-12-04, 21:19
this may actually be good, if I actually said I couldnt hit the drone, you obviously missed my point completely, which in fact does make me better than you, cause I got a brain, I never said I couldnt hit it, in fact what I said was I hit it so much and it never died....that is what I said

biased are we? was that you I killed the other night?
This is so funny I have'nt stopped laughing.
For the brain point nope you certainly not got one.
For the death point well unless your a UPS droner then nope you ain't killed me. But well have your little fantasy seems thats all your good at.
Unless of course you was that UPS droner then well done.
Oh and I did'nt miss your point your a whiner nuff said.


12-12-04, 21:35
spies --> stealth ---> droner down after 2 mins

and tbh healing light is like ravager, almost same dmg, but the healing light aiming is much easier ...
Ahh yeah i forgot about the HL... your right that is just as good for drones as a rav.

E. Cryton
12-12-04, 23:05
Ahh yeah i forgot about the HL... your right that is just as good for drones as a rav.^

u'r talking about a spy using HL ?
a spy dont fight the drone, he fights the droner ...
stealth and after 2 mins the droners dead . fullstop