View Full Version : Lost in Doy

Capt. Rik
08-12-04, 22:18

I'm looking for a place with Aggie Captains in inside the Dome. Apparently theya re in Storage Level 8 or something. I can't find any of these... only Lvl 1 dungeons :(

Does anyone know where i can find them?

(Also, does anyone have a link to the DoY map that was kicking around in Beta?)


08-12-04, 22:22
The level 8 storage areas are located in the sectors that don't contain fac HQ.

And I'll try to attach a map.

Enjoy . . .

Capt. Rik
08-12-04, 22:28
Ah perfect, that's the map i was looking for.

The Dome is visually impressive but bloody confusing first time in. Doesn't help that i'm a monk and have no stamina

08-12-04, 22:28
Head to citycenter then set your navray to FA HQ and you will pass it just befor you zone into the FA sector if you end up in the FA sector you have gone past it. Also just as you enter the FA sector there are some wireless links (city coms) to grab missions very handy :)

08-12-04, 22:52
Head to FA sector, then head out of that sector (north) following the TS signs. You get to sect 05 and there is an aggie place just near there when you zone in.

Capt. Rik
08-12-04, 22:52
And what's with the Water Cleaning Stations? Fantastic looking dungeons but completely empty

08-12-04, 22:54
apart from a few dogs and spiders here and there i haven't been able to find much in them either. :(

Darth Slayer
10-12-04, 19:59
Oh and welcome to DOY Capt Rik........ :)


11-12-04, 02:38
The second biggest handicap in the Dome (after the fact that Navray is consistently broken) is that there are no dungeons as consistent as the ones in Neocron City. No Rat Runs for the starter characters, no Aggie Cellars.

If you want to crank missions consistently and fast, your best bet is to take Mutant Corporal or Mutant Warrior missions and head for the level 4 abandoned sidestreets, which is why you can pretty consistently find a crowd in the one right by City Center.

If you absolutely must find Aggressors or Aggressor Captains in the Dome, try level 8 Storage. There's one in abandoned sector 5, middle of the south edge of the map, and there's a less over-crowded one in abandoned sector 9, just south of the center of the map at ground level. But those dungeons spawn everything from bats to cyclops launchers, almost totally at random, only one to three mobs per room, and the respawn rate is incredibly slow; compared to the Aggie Cellars it'll take you forever to get five of any one thing.

The Water Cleaning areas should probably best be thought of as the best looking level 2 sewers the game has ever designed. They're very cool. They're very atmospheric. And they're beneath the level of any character who's played for more than a couple of days. I wish anything for high level characters was anywhere near as cool looking as the water cleaning areas and the abandoned sidestreets.

11-12-04, 03:19
At 1st: In Neocron are no "dungeons" or "Spells", we have Caves, Sidestreets, severs and Moduls :p

The Cleaningzz are really empty, but not long time ago, u could sync through an entrance and sync out in Neocron Placa 1 or 2 :lol:

And without Stamina u r lost in Dome... we have no transprot systems anyway, but who knows, maybee there will be one in 2 or 3 Years :lol: :lol: