View Full Version : Maybe it's time...

04-12-04, 01:20
Never thought you'd see this one coming did ya KK :p Probably your most loyal fan here, signing out for the very last time.

I haven't logged on in weeks. No money, no intresting ways to get money, no reason to get money. You made one hell of an awesome game KK, and to be honest I don't think it's you who is forcing me to leave, I've just grown more and more disinterested.

The community of Neocron has always been thriving and lively, with friends and assholes alike. It was one hell of a rollercoaster ride, and I just wish there were a few more loops to keep me intrested.

I rememberr my first days in Neocron, the thing that got me hooked was the atmosphere. It really is a drug, Neocrack. The first time you take it, its one hell of an experience and makes you want more. Eventually the thrill goes away and all you care about is getting your next fix (kill.)

Maybe playing a spy for ages on end has created this bordeom for me, maybe its the reason I stayed so long.

As always with the long winded leaving threads, I will give a couple of pointers to KK. Increase communication (theme weeks = gooooood) and make the stuff you promised priority. You will draw so many leavers back just by fullfilling one of these two.

Well guys, I really don't wanna do this, but I suppose I must. In a way it's like admitting defeat, in some ways its a relief I've come to terms with my growing lack of intresting in 'Cron.

All the best for the future Mods, GMs, Devs. Keep on tranglin'.

Special thanks to:

All members of DarK Light (esp. Tupac, Dell, Nvidia)
All members of BRTF (esp. Xtro, Descent, Ascen, Shelly, Chumble and anyone else on vent)
BH zanzan for being such a great nemesis.
Cannings for being such a fuckass.
Fenix for being the MAN.
Centuri for those lovely RP convos we had in Plaza 2 :)
Vixxen, Trill and Freee for being the most hip babes in all NC.
Aule_ for your amazing insight.
REMUS for all your girl advice and great Fight Nights.
Heavyporker for being.... um..... you!
Kramer for putting up with me at the first few Fight Nights.
Max Power for being my final reason for staying in NC2.
Danae for everything we shared. Ima miss you honey :(
ICIE for being on Vent when I was bored to hell.
Opar for being the guy I always talked to yet never actually met within NC :p
Anyone and everyone I fought with - you made this game worthwile to me.

And finally ultra special thanks to the man-of-many-names, best known as -=Blackbeard=- or Ramb0. Without you this thread would have come so much earlier.

I end with this.

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."

Have fun guys, play safe and kick some major ass. All the best for the future. See you in other games hopefully.

Teh Saza.
The original pistol spy, signing off.

04-12-04, 01:29
lol, wtf?? I might as well cansel my account too , olmost evry one is gone :( :(

Sorry to c ya go, cya.

04-12-04, 01:30
Good luck, Saza!

We'll see you when you get back.

As with all leaving threads. . .

Thread closed.