View Full Version : GM's rule, but I'm leaving anyway....

03-12-04, 03:01
our rhino just got wrecked [ edited ], we were shooting ppl with it (LE'd driver / non-LE gunner)

now before the patch anyone could easely damage the rhino with an LE'd driver, but apperantly this has changed, nice of u all to inform everyone, and thank u for destroying the Rhino...

im quiting this [ edited ], au revoir.

03-12-04, 03:06
i didnt quite get that, your saying that since the patch vehicals cant be attacked with a LEd driver, but then say yours got blown up? and ive been killed hundreds if not thousands of times and never know what it was, probly sniper or some sort of lag, but not once have Invisible GM popped in there...

mainly coz all the GMs ive known arent 5 year old EX CS Kiddies...

03-12-04, 03:07
The community doesn't need [ edited ]like yourself. Go and cry to mummy, [ edited ].

03-12-04, 03:08
Leaving thread.

Thread closed.