View Full Version : Stay-O-Meter

02-12-04, 09:29
Just finished talking with an old NC friend on Vent. He's playing WoW now. He admits that yeah it's new, and that may wear off. But it's undeniable the amount of work that was put into making that product vs the limited production scale NC has had.

WoW is out and sucking players like mad from NC2.

The Matrix Online is coming out next month.

EQ2 has sucked away a few players.

Click2Pay has conveniently shut out a number of players at this point who's first subscription ran out - perfect timing. 95% of them say fuck it and go play WoW or HL2 or any of the other great titles recently released.

There's been no word from KK about any of the issues the dwindling community has asked about. Item Tracking. NPC Playershops. Instead they pull a marketing change towards Asia, skip a Theme Week, the only decent thing going for the KK/Community relationship, then they make the next Theme week for Hacknet.

After talking to many people and just stepping back and looking at the promised NC2 in September and the actual NC2 in December - the actual NC2 having WORSE population counts during off-peak than NC1 - my Stay-O-Meter reads like this:

Leave [||||||||||||||||||||] Stay

If I left - I don't think I'd even miss the game at this point. I'd just miss the people and community more than anything. Neocron, since day one, has been an awesome concept game. It has the absolute best potential of any MMORPG, hands down. Sadly, I truly believe KK will never let NC realize it's true potential and watching it fail is just depressing. I'm not leaving yet, but in the next week or so, it will probably take a miracle to keep me around. Logging into Terra and seeing it as the most populated server with <10%... There's no "Massive Multiplayer" in this game at all.

KK, you need to take your head out of your asses and realize your competition is surmounting. Your community just wants some of the basic things promised in NC2. Go read your own fucking .plan files if you can't figure out what you're supposed to be doing instead of these Theme Weeks that are nothing more than a scapegoat for not accomplishing what you originally set forth.

All the goodbye threads, the chat in-game about why people have left, lack of communication from KK again minus the scraps being thrown in the Theme Weeks forum, lack of population, seeing servers at 0% when there are only FOUR, lack of a 1 Slot International Server ever existing due to KK's inability to populate the servers, and about 500 other things are just damn depressing.

The fact that even SIMPLE things like updating the god damn 15k banner on the fan site can't even be done - why on Earth we ever expected Implant Popping and Apartment Passwords to be fixed within a month is beyond me. It's so SO sad that even the little things like that are 'expecting to much' from our software producers.

The last Neocronicle was a month ago. Used to be weekly.

KK, are all your employees leaving like the community is? Take a good hard look at what's been updated in the past month. Take a look at the details... the unresolved patch issues... the non-updated fansite... the remaining drone bugs never fixed... the lack of (at least in the English Community) RaTMaN's support team... sinking...... fast......... and you don't care.

And yes, "KK's Inablity". They're the game producers. THEY are ultimately responsible for keeping this game alive. As a community, we've submitted more damn Brainport Ideas, both decent and dumb, than deaths I've incurred in NC2 (and that's a lot), pushed word of mouth a fuckton, and did everything we could to at least TRY to see some marketing. As a community I think we've done a pretty damn good job keeping NC from being a completely barren wasteland. I honestly don't think the game will last another 6 months without some serious progress. And for the record, I also doubt Item Tracking will ever make it in-game in perfect functioning order and that NPC Playershops will only ever see the implementation phase. Accessories? Forget 'em. I think they'll be completely removed in the attempted rpos update. WoC Skills? There aren't enough people even playing anymore to give a shit. Vets are leaving left and right. Noobs will be done with NC2 long before they get to the Vets status.

Pessimistic? Yeah. Adding to the demise? Probably. But anyone who knows me and how much I've *tried* to help this game via ideas, suggestions, the resource site nc.syn, attempted to volunteer to RaTMaN who probably doesn't even fucking play anymore, knows that I've been around for a long time. Maybe helping NC just croak would be better for everyone. I don't think it's pessimism anyway, just realism *sigh*

I'm tired and going to bed.

02-12-04, 09:34
I agree on most of the stuff you said..

im also thinking off leaving

my account expired and having trouble getting it back up.. and wondering i can bebothered.

HL2 has got me into it....

02-12-04, 09:36
my account expired and having trouble getting it back up.. and wondering i can bebothered.

As of now, I know almost a dozen people who are saying *exactly* this. The timing sucks like I said, there are other titles out there who WON'T give people the hassle C2P has evidently. And to add to the injury, there is absolutely no visible sign on KK's behalf to even attempt to keep up player retention. That's what's really sad here.

02-12-04, 09:42
_o/ admits that the same thing has crossed my mind...

i really don't know if it's worth of all the hassle with Click2getPissed. I've tried to ask them about what is happening... and all i get is 5 e-mails within 20seconds saying like. (in short)

account: payment succesful
account: closed.
account: ended
account: started / payment succesful
account: CLOSED..

..... really pissing me off... i wonder when the WoWs European beta starts...........

02-12-04, 09:53
I agree with you on basicly everything. A while before NC2 open beta i left this game. I have now upgraded my account, like less then a week ago or something, simply because of my friends in-game, wich has kept me paying for a looong time before i even left.

The first thing that happends when i log on is I try to run to cycrow. I had no trouble running there from DoY but well inside the cyrow zone i just drop dead. I was like WTF?!?!... No problem, i genrep to tezla and run back, same shit... and again, and again, and again... also noticing that my implants didnt pop, and since i was in a safezone, no beltdrop aswell... anyway after a while i get to the ug... Talked to some friends, and they explained it was the healing light + netcode problems... If the shooter is far away you dont see the beam, and because of the netcode issues, you dont see dmg, untill it all comes in one big hit, and then your dead. Wonderful.

When i logged off terra was @ 15%... How the hell can you have netcode problems with hardly any people on? unless your netcode is pure shit.

After talking to some friends they filled me in on the current status. No playershops... No itemtracking... TG is not a huge OP... your implants dont pop, Healing light is fucking overpowered coupled with the netcode problems.

Annoying stealthing spies come to cycrow to PK... Sure... But you all know how fun it is to hunt a stealthing spy... And after a while when you finally get him down, he's back in 3 mins...

I honesly belive this is some kind of a test. They are testing how much untill a community cracks... And we are well stupid for participating. We should have all been out of here a long time ago. But as you say, NC has the best potential of an MMORPG, it's to bad KK dont realize this.

Hope i'm making sence, it's reeeaaally early in the morning.

- Primate

02-12-04, 10:14
....I honesly belive this is some kind of a test. They are testing how much untill a community cracks... And we are well stupid for participating. We should have all been out of here a long time ago. But as you say, NC has the best potential of an MMORPG, it's to bad KK dont realize this.....

test successfull, it was not that hard to dont play for 2 weeks now. No reason to do. my supporter is not needed in any way and pure huntin is no fun for me and i try to avoid PvP.

there are too many things i dont like about NC atm. no patch, no nema (maybe even no story, cant judge on that because im not on).

its not that im angry because of that missing features. its about all the small things.

02-12-04, 10:17
i wonder when the WoWs European beta starts...........

Already started mate, closed beta, you needed a ticket to enter, my mate was trying for 6 hours to get in since everyone else in Europe was trying to as well.

I agree with you on basicly everything. A while before NC2 open beta i left this game. I have now upgraded my account, like less then a week ago or something, simply because of my friends in-game, wich has kept me paying for a looong time before i even left.

The first thing that happends when i log on is I try to run to cycrow. I had no trouble running there from DoY but well inside the cyrow zone i just drop dead. I was like WTF?!?!... No problem, i genrep to tezla and run back, same shit... and again, and again, and again... also noticing that my implants didnt pop, and since i was in a safezone, no beltdrop aswell... anyway after a while i get to the ug... Talked to some friends, and they explained it was the healing light + netcode problems... If the shooter is far away you dont see the beam, and because of the netcode issues, you dont see dmg, untill it all comes in one big hit, and then your dead. Wonderful.

When i logged off terra was @ 15%... How the hell can you have netcode problems with hardly any people on? unless your netcode is pure shit.

After talking to some friends they filled me in on the current status. No playershops... No itemtracking... TG is not a huge OP... your implants dont pop, Healing light is fucking overpowered coupled with the netcode problems.

Annoying stealthing spies come to cycrow to PK... Sure... But you all know how fun it is to hunt a stealthing spy... And after a while when you finally get him down, he's back in 3 mins...

I honesly belive this is some kind of a test. They are testing how much untill a community cracks... And we are well stupid for participating. We should have all been out of here a long time ago. But as you say, NC has the best potential of an MMORPG, it's to bad KK dont realize this.

Hope i'm making sence, it's reeeaaally early in the morning.

- Primate

Made perfect sense to me mate.

02-12-04, 10:20
KK should sell the game to someone who cares and wants to make alot of money by doing things right...err, by using plain old common sense.

Seriously, just sell the game and be done with it because fuck if I know what the heck you guys are thinking anymore. :confused:

Oh well, sucks to be us. :(

@-FN- Great post!

02-12-04, 10:22
My Stay-O-Meter currently looks like this:

|. . . . . . . .|

Notice how there's no bar in there? Well, that's because Click2Pay decided to fuck my account. When this happened, I decided to take a three week break from NC.

I'm just going to sit back and see what happens. Hopefully in three weeks they'll have fixed some of the outstanding issues that are currently pissing me the fuck off. :(

02-12-04, 10:23
Brad']Already started mate, closed beta, you needed a ticket to enter, my mate was trying for 6 hours to get in since everyone else in Europe was trying to as well.

Really? Oh fuck.. missed that one *sob*

Notice how there's no bar in there? Well, that's because Click2Pay decided to fuck my account.

Join the club :/

02-12-04, 10:24
TBH NC1 is way better than NC2 at the moment, for the past 2/3 years NC has grown on me, and now NC2 is here and everything has changed, and KK not delivering what they promised, and I'm hating it. I find myself going on one of my characters for about 10 minutes then logging out, because theirs nothing new for veterans or anything. I've played all classes, I've had a high level APU and Spy, and at present I have a capped Rifle PE and a High level HC Tank, and im fed up with having nothing to do. Its so annoying to see that im spending my money on playing a game where shit all happens. I could cancel both of my accounts, help support my CoD Clan and get more out of donating money to a website, than to playing a game, thats how I feel about it now. I would prefer to donate some money to a website which has a quite a few things, than play a MMORPG.

02-12-04, 10:26
I hope they would sell NC2 to some company, who would make this game work, 'cause NC got a lot of potential to be a damn good game. :(

02-12-04, 10:27
Several months of NC1: xxx$

Upgrade to NC2 + 1month: 21$


I guess this comes to clonclusion that NC2 has become priceless for most of us, and to me too. I'll be going back to full time freelance artist yo all.

02-12-04, 10:29
I hope they would sell NC2 to some company, who would make this game work, 'cause NC got a lot of potential to be a damn good game. :(

Agreed, KK please do something for NC, I havnt seen shit happen in ages, if your not going to update the game with better patches for give us a better story line, just sell the game to somone who will do it for us.

02-12-04, 10:30
Several months of NC1: xxx$

Upgrade to NC2 + 1month: 21$


Lol... lemme quess..Nordeas Mastercard? :)

02-12-04, 10:39
No actually Sampo combi card with all that is worth pwning, mastercard & visa.

And still it's priceless ;)

I hope they would sell NC2 to some company, who would make this game work, 'cause NC got a lot of potential to be a damn good game.
They could sell the remains of NC to me, so I'll have something to kick around the studio while designing "better worlds".

02-12-04, 10:42
They could sell the remains of NC to me, so I'll have something to kick around the studio while designing "better worlds".

now THAT would be something called priceless :o
And if not, for a very cheap price.... which reminds me, I should tape a NC logo to my punching bag and have fun.

02-12-04, 10:43
I think the best idea is to put your char into a a good position financially and possesions wise and take a vaction until the boxed version is gonna be released. Realisticly there won't be a major increase in population until that time and after 10 or so theme weeks the majority of things may actually be working as they should :D

Personally though, as all my chars started over I have a lot to do so will be stay. Plus if they decide to take any community votes or whatever I will be here to give input and try and fight the retarded views. :D

I think the next patch (better come soon!!!) will have a huge impact on if Terra will have enough people to be worth it.

02-12-04, 10:49
I think the best idea is to put your char into a a good position financially and possesions wise and take a vaction until the boxed version is gonna be released. Realisticly there won't be a major increase in population until that time and after 10 or so theme weeks the majority of things may actually be working as they should :D

Yeah but the amount of people thinking of this "option" would have huge impact on KKs income so I think the next theme week could be the last one :D But my chars will be on ice, they should indroduce option to longer the charater age in database so I wouldn't have to reactivate my damn account every now and then, or atleast e-mail me when there is last chance to reactivate before my chars are gone.

Tho you can powerlevel your chars to their current status, but the money, items and name value are much harder to get.

02-12-04, 11:10
Very nice post FN. 5 stars.
I have seen KKs reluctance in answering all these justified griefs, and this is the secong time i think this is happening. For some reason no more news, nothing. I dont understand why this is happening and the "we focus in specific areas" is not a good excuse anymore.

02-12-04, 11:16
yep yep, true true, im gonna leave too when my account expires somewhere in the beginning of january, wohooooooo

02-12-04, 12:06
Good post, I think there are very big problems with a game that seems less than its predecessor. What worries me the most is that even the forums are slowing down, not as many posts as a month or two ago. Easier for the mods I suppose, but bad news for the game.

Bugs Gunny
02-12-04, 12:12
Well, i've found renewed interest in the game by finding new things to do.
Currently we're exploring all the posibilities with the vehicles.
Last night we did a cool bombing run with two bombers and the object is to see how many bombers we can take in a zone before the zone crashes ;-)

Seriously if you just log on, then pk some people nearby and log off the game is getting boring realy fast.

Just try to find some people that want to go in the same direction and put a trademark on the things you do. And seriously, if you're realy bored roleplay a bit.

Now i'm not a KK fanboi, there are still major issues with C2P and the stability and content of neocron (lost a bomber last night due to fatal synch, and they realy should get to work on the stuff they promised. Right now i feel like i've paid for neocron1 all over again).
But they have a good concept here with lots of possibilities.

02-12-04, 12:13
I think you're speaking for a lot of the community there FN - it's really hard to figure out what KK's master plan is. I have this picture in my head of a manilla envelope with "The Plan" written on it, but inside it's just.. empty.


BTW, no one should even think about playing MxO when it comes out.. you are going to have to give it 6-9 months to mature before you start paying to play that game. Trust me on this.

02-12-04, 12:39
low really low...

02-12-04, 13:02
KK, are all your employees leaving like the community is? Take a good hard look at what's been updated in the past month. Take a look at the details... the unresolved patch issues... the non-updated fansite... the remaining drone bugs never fixed... the lack of (at least in the English Community) RaTMaN's support team... sinking...... fast......... and you don't care.

Short answer - YES

Sums up the fealings perfectly - but im sure we wont get a reply, apart from a probable close.

02-12-04, 13:04
Haven't played for over a month now, cancelled shortly after NC2 began as I found it to be a huge disappointment, mainly in terms of stability (i.e no improvement in it).

DoY was the one thing keeping players motivated to stay during NC1. FRE? lack of content? lack of players? Ah it'll be all good when DoY hits! It came, it made the game worse IMO. What do you think when you have a problem now? ... this is how it will always be ...

I've "quit" several times in the (almost) 2 years I've played NC, but usually around this point I'm missing the game and considering coming back, not this time. Not because of any other MMO, don't intend on starting a new one for a while, regardless of how many good things people are saying about WoW ;) I simply don't enjoy what NC has turned into.

I do still frequent the forums, out of habit perhaps, or that shred of hope that something good might happen to make NC the game I once loved. Or maybe I feel I've been around too long to miss the day NC finally goes completely tits up.


02-12-04, 13:07
Well, i've found renewed interest in the game by finding new things to do.
Currently we're exploring all the posibilities with the vehicles.
Last night we did a cool bombing run with two bombers and the object is to see how many bombers we can take in a zone before the zone crashes ;-)

Seriously if you just log on, then pk some people nearby and log off the game is getting boring realy fast.

Just try to find some people that want to go in the same direction and put a trademark on the things you do. And seriously, if you're realy bored roleplay a bit.

Now i'm not a KK fanboi, there are still major issues with C2P and the stability and content of neocron (lost a bomber last night due to fatal synch, and they realy should get to work on the stuff they promised. Right now i feel like i've paid for neocron1 all over again).
But they have a good concept here with lots of possibilities.

I can't help agreeing there, I'm still having fun. Not a fanboi (look at some of my flames from the past ands you'll know). But at the moment the game is what you make of it, it always has been.

Of course I'll be playing WoW when it comes out, but I hope to play both NC and WoW. Nothing beats the darkness of the NC world. However the instability, the laughable payment issues, the missing content (almost forgot server/character wipes) all contribute to pissing me off and if there not sorted then more and more will just drift away to other games. And with lower pop counts that will also cause peeps to leave. KK really REALLY need to get this under control! I understand that there has to be a balance between getting the revenue in to do it (Asian markets) and hiring programers to do the work. But if people can't even pay to play the game, there is something seriously wrong! Someone at KK needs to be making some very nasty phonecalls...


02-12-04, 13:09
Im not saying that im leaving. But right now it feels damn close. I havent had any problems with c2p but KK just aint trying hard enough, And this crap with marketing Neocron in Asia. Marketing a game that is not even completed makes me even more pissed off. I have yet so far played a mmorpg with more bugs and certainly not with bugs that has lasted for years.

02-12-04, 15:11
I've been waitin 3 days now since talkin to C2P....they don't do somethin soon I'm outtie myself...

02-12-04, 15:19
Im considering it, I cant bring myself to loggin at the moment which is a waste of money. If they just unlocked GR's so I could go to op fights without messing around.

02-12-04, 16:38
-FN-, you've said what I couldn't. I was thinking about puting a post together about that sort of thing, but then I thought... it's just not worth it. And thats how I'm starting to feel about Neocron.

All you have to do is look at my signature... I love this game so much I've devoted hours to creating a Character Manager for it, and will continue to do so. I've spent the past few days playing it non-stop, because I love it that much. But I can feel it dying. The fun is still there, but I know that as the community dwindles, so will that feeling.

What happened to the promised communication, Holger? I look over the stickies, and there's no answers to any of the questions people have. We want to know what the progress is on the game we're all (wanting to, for some) playing! Instead we have Press Releases... strangely enough we're not the press, and whilst this information is good, it doesn't fill anyone with a sense that the game is heading in the right direction. That's all we need, really!

What would that involve? Well, in my opinion all it needs is a daily, or at the very least, every two days, a post giving some feedback on what's happening. What are you guys up to? Even if it's just "still working on the Asia release" or "making some new models for Hacknet", it's something! Silence does not keep paying customers happy, it's just simple fact. This might seem extreme, and undoable, but it can't take more than an hour a day to jump on the forums and post, and I have no doubt that someone will translate it to the other languages here.

I don't see this as an optional thing to keep the game running... it is GOING to die if something is not done, there is no question about it. You can discount us as inexperienced and not knowing a thing about running a business, but I guarantee that it's going to happen. Why?
- People can't log in anymore. Click2Pay, nothing more needs to be said. Stick a hot poker down their pants, because they're screwing you over big-time.
- People have no idea about the progress on X issue. Sure, it's a minority who complain about one issue, but with the amount of issues there are, the minorities add up.
- People feel hopeless. The number of frustrated threads here make people feel like they're not getting listened to. Ignore people long enough, and they WILL find somewhere else.
- People don't see you guys playing the game. I spotted Iorghe in-game a few weeks ago, and that's the first time I've seen a KK employee (not a GM) actually playing. Take time out and play the game you're making. Not just so you can see what's wrong with it, but so you can see what's right with it! It's an awesome game, but a part of me hopes that if you can see the potential that is being wasted, you will feel spurred into action.

I think I've said all I can at this moment. This won't be read by the people it's meant for, and if by some stroke of luck it is, it'll be discarded as just another arrogant community member. And that's sad.

02-12-04, 18:18
Well, i've found renewed interest in the game by finding new things to do.
Currently we're exploring all the posibilities with the vehicles.
Last night we did a cool bombing run with two bombers and the object is to see how many bombers we can take in a zone before the zone crashes ;-)

Seriously if you just log on, then pk some people nearby and log off the game is getting boring realy fast.

Just try to find some people that want to go in the same direction and put a trademark on the things you do. And seriously, if you're realy bored roleplay a bit.

Now i'm not a KK fanboi, there are still major issues with C2P and the stability and content of neocron (lost a bomber last night due to fatal synch, and they realy should get to work on the stuff they promised. Right now i feel like i've paid for neocron1 all over again).
But they have a good concept here with lots of possibilities.

Unfortuanetly your suggestions for what we should do *are* what we've been doing for the past year or more. As soon as Nc1 began to decline we were told to hold on, they're working on DOY and it'll fix up everything. We've done everything possible as a community to try and improve the game. Then NC2 comes along and we're still in the same position. Trying to make the best of a broken game while we wait/hope kk fixes it. We've had tons of player run events, We've had alliances/agreements between clans to play nicely, We've had renewed interest in rp. It always fades away again, because community supported entertainment can only go so far. You begin to wonder why you're paying kk for the right to entertain yourself.. And how long will you wait for kk?

02-12-04, 18:57
I don't see this as an optional thing to keep the game running... it is GOING to die if something is not done, there is no question about it. You can discount us as inexperienced and not knowing a thing about running a business, but I guarantee that it's going to happen. Why?
- People can't log in anymore. Click2Pay, nothing more needs to be said. Stick a hot poker down their pants, because they're screwing you over big-time.
- People have no idea about the progress on X issue. Sure, it's a minority who complain about one issue, but with the amount of issues there are, the minorities add up.
- People feel hopeless. The number of frustrated threads here make people feel like they're not getting listened to. Ignore people long enough, and they WILL find somewhere else.
- People don't see you guys playing the game. I spotted Iorghe in-game a few weeks ago, and that's the first time I've seen a KK employee (not a GM) actually playing. Take time out and play the game you're making. Not just so you can see what's wrong with it, but so you can see what's right with it! It's an awesome game, but a part of me hopes that if you can see the potential that is being wasted, you will feel spurred into action.

As a company who publishes a game, you would think things like this would be semi-easy. Block out half an hour every couple days to answer some questions on the forum or in IRC. I used to love the IRC Chats that were scheduled with Sierra Devs back when Tribes was still a popular game. Talk about REAL Company-to-Community Communication. KK loves to live in a shroud of darkness and I think they seriously believe this to be a good business practice... I wanna live in that dreamworld.

I think I've said all I can at this moment. This won't be read by the people it's meant for, and if by some stroke of luck it is, it'll be discarded as just another arrogant community member. And that's sad.

Too true. And I'm sure KK absolutely hates me by now. Tons of Brainport posts, many long posts of frustration - I think it'd have a sort of funny irony if that did considering how much of a supporter of thier product I've been since Beta in 2002 *sigh*

02-12-04, 18:57
You know what...I will never leave unless the company cancels the game. And you know what...with the people that have left, that is what I am scared of. I don't know how much mods and KK actually talked to people before i became a member of the community but i'd love to here more about whats going on from the company/higher up people/gms. Even if it is just "No we haven't gotten to that yet". I wish people would stop flaming KK and gm's so much. You can express dissapointment without going as far as most do. I think better communication would sooth everyones nerves. I would love to hear a coder post a message about completing his part of the next upcomming patch and being happy about it. And letting us know what he's doing next. I'd like to here a guy post just to say "yeah guys still working on <fill in blank>...taking a little longer than I expected". If people were less flamey and coders/reps/gms posted a little more I'd be happy as hell. I'm not leaving...NC is too much the game I've wanted for a long time...I'm not really annoyed at the lack of "patching" or fixes. I'm more frustrated about not being in the loop. If you want KK, let me know whats going on and I'll post summaries of stuff. I'd happily be a board moderator/go between. I like a community of gamers but without the communication there's no community.

02-12-04, 19:18
I wish people would stop flaming KK and gm's so much. You can express dissapointment without going as far as most do.
The flames come probably because people care so much really, a-lot of us have been here for a long time and seen promises and false infos and even after a point the pure silence, everyone seems to see the potential of this game and what it needs, we play it everyday we point out balancing issues, bugs glitches etc and then it seems like a milenia till kk actually show they've taken any notice to it

It's probably not so much dissapointment as more to anger now that all it evers appears kk wanna do is nerf there own game, hundreds of good ideas come up some more feasable than others, lotsa topics askin for infos and half the time you wont hear a sound from kk unless it gets really really bad.

What angers is me is there approach didnt exactly work wonders with nc1 pop so wtf are they still using this approach now?
Even if you have a board where no one can post cept kk staff where they put what they were workin on today or something, kinda like a blog it would be better than the silence.

02-12-04, 19:21
Amen. A fucking men, not a untrue or unjust word said.

For the first time since i started playing im feeling like jacking it in. Its like i think to myself, wtf am i here for, KK dont give a shit, people are leaving left right and center, the populations are dropping like flies, 101 good ideas that EVERYONE likes never get even thought about. Ive not seen one, ONE goddamn GM or Dev in game since NC2, plus on top of that C2P is raping half the community...

but then i think, where else would i go, coz the fact is ive played EQ, UO, Horizons, Eve, Planetside, Earth and Beyond, Project Entropia and a few others, and not one held my interest, or captured my imagination, or whos story line was as gripping as NCs, but if KK dont do something then they will go down, i get the feeling most of the people have left via the life boats, and atm it's just the captains going down with their ship...KK dont read these forums enough, or they dont take enough of it on board, which is why they appointed ratman, who ive not seen for fucking ever....

(eXo) Opaleye
02-12-04, 19:37

You have eloquently put into words what is in the minds of each and every one of us, KK please communicate with us or we will have no choice but to go find a game where the publishers/developers do so.


You are also right on target, BTW thanks for your awesome contributions to the game in general, also thanks to -FN- for your contributions.

Thanks, like this, should come from KK and the mods/ devs but I have to assume that they are leaving that up to me? All they have to say in reply seems to be negative retractions on promises and juvenile responses to upset paying customers that have the right to be upset.

10tacell, KK you have an awesome community here to draw from. Why dont you take that small step down from that high horse you believe you are perched upon, its not even real - take a hard look, and accept our support to build this to be what it should be. Give these hard working/ talented people the support in return for their efforts and some credit/ praise for a change.

Ask this community for small solutions to your smaller issues and you will find yourselves supported like you obviously can not imagine. Dont know what you should address next? Poll us more often on what changes are most important and how complete the fixes have become once implemented.

If you do not value our opinions, dont want our support or input, have to have it your way - no matter what than have the balls to tell us all to sit back and STFU. That way we all know where we stand in relation to each other and can make informed decisions on whether this is our game together or just yours.

What ever decisions you are contemplating please make them quickly or we all will soon find that it is a mute point. There soon will be nothing left to make a decision about.

paolo escobar
02-12-04, 19:59
hey FN i agree with what u say. this is just following on from ur previous thread (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=119178) concerning such issues.
Since then i too have been giving real thought to hanging up my CS and canceling my accounts.
Its got to the point where with all the BS i'm gettin from c2p (yes 2 of my accounts are suspended for the very same reason that many other ppl are complaining of). And the serious issues that myself and a large and increasing percentage of the community has with KK. Is it worth the money to keep my accounts running?

KK are masterminding their own destruction. I hope this fate is not already sealed. But lets face it, things dont look good.

02-12-04, 20:07
hey FN i agree with what u say. this is just following on from ur previous thread (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=119178) concerning such issues.

Another large part of the motivation behind this post, was that last post and the absolute lack of reply on KK's behalf. There was that nice thread awhile ago - the "Polite Request for a Sit-Rep from Holger" that was ignored. I just tried again. Instead we get a Marketing Change and a News Release about Atari. Both are decently good news...

But the *existing* community... the *paying* community... the people who can post here because we're active members and pay the fee... haven't gotten jack shit for answers on important issues that we keep asking... and reasking... and bet your ass I'll be posting another request of status thread soon enough. They're simple fucking questions about issues that are months old - if they'll take 6 more months to even start on - just fucking tell us. Or are they afraid we'll just leave... they probably should be, because I know I will :rolleyes: Mayhaps KK keeps their mouths shut because if we knew any truth on their ETAs we'd have left a year ago :p

02-12-04, 20:36
sad sad sad....I can't even be bother to post/bitch on forums anymore cuz there will be no reply from kk anyway....next week will be desiding if am to stay or cansel 2 of my accounts. It hurts so much to c this game going down like this, it has great potential. But I am sure that there will be another game as good as this one and Devs wont make the same mistakes...

02-12-04, 20:52
Well I blame myself for the failiure that was my "A Polite Request.." thread.
Everytime I post something interesting or meaningful, it sinks like a raft made from sponges. Maybe I should have gotten someone else to post it on my behalf.

I R Ubar Threadslayer!

02-12-04, 21:20
Im considering it, I cant bring myself to loggin at the moment which is a waste of money. If they just unlocked GR's so I could go to op fights without messing around.

join us tx... we always have something to do :p

plus we can laugh at ego's on ventrillo... when they suddenly stop spamming trade cos they are dead :D

02-12-04, 23:02
Neocron's payment methods for the game have always been one of its features, its like a minigame itself trying to figure out how the fuck you navigate their websites, and how the fuck you hand over your cash for their product.

03-12-04, 00:07
I've reach the point with NC that I can't even be bothered moaning about the stuff that annoys me. For me, that's one step away from uninstalling.

What's the point highlighting problems when KK won't even fix the huge glaring obvious ones that are plain to see? The #1 problem I see now is that NC2 is not fun. It's not fun for several reasons, but the moment a game becomes like work it stops being worth playing. Most of the concepts in NC2 - that were implemented - were fine in theory, but don't seem to work in practice. As a community we've more than done our bit to suggest how to fix things. It comes down to KK, and if NC2 fails then they've no one to blame but themselves.

I do feel kinda sorry for the people there who are producing high quality work - and there are plenty such people - but in all the wrong places :(

03-12-04, 00:29
test successfull, it was not that hard to dont play for 2 weeks now.I haven't played since Halo 2 was released. Occasionally I feel like logging in, but then I'm reminded of the database problems Saturn, er, Terra is having and the utter lack of core features (item tracking, player shops) promised for NC2. I end up playing something else, like Civ III...

03-12-04, 00:36
I haven't played since Halo 2 was released. Occasionally I feel like logging in, but then I'm reminded of the database problems Saturn, er, Terra is having and the utter lack of core features (item tracking, player shops) promised for NC2. I end up playing something else, like Civ III...

Right there is, what, 11 accounts KK will be missing soon? :lol:

03-12-04, 00:53
Right there is, what, 11 accounts KK will be missing soon?Just four or five, but it explains why I've never sent any updates to you about what's in the databases. Hell, are the databases even finished yet?

I'm paid up for quite a while as all my accounts are on six month cycles. Maybe the Asians will force KK to wake up and smell the Item Tracking coffee. God knows they're going to rip the client to shreds within hours of release. Too bad I can't read Korean. :-)