View Full Version : You got to laugh !!!

29-11-04, 14:38
Last night I was standing by TH's GR and transmitting my CST / REP services through the NC trade channel. This is a normal procedure, a routine for me. I get back from RL work, make myself something to eat, switch the TV on by the pc, log my tradeskill'er and eat/watch TV while I'm advertising for in-game CSTing / REPping. After I finish my dinner I turn to levelling other runners. So what? you will ask.. Well, let me tell you

All of a sudden, I guy which I won't state his name DMed me and asked for CSTing of a low TL item "for his noob alt". I told him I was at TH... The guy cried that he was sort of ncl to GR to TH and back so I felt sorry for him and GRed to NC myself. I was prepared to CST for free and perhaps give him some ncl if he was polite.

At NC now I meet the guy and he gives me a bp only. The following happens:

Argie: Hi
X: Hi Argie. There is the bp but I have no money for the parts. Can you help.
Argie: Yes, sure mate.

By that time I had got I my 150 cst tool and the cst glove and was looking for the necessary WPs in my gogu.
After a few seconds..

Argie: OK I got everything now. Let's hope that we get slots...
X: Do you have a 150 tool and machina glove?
Argie: I do.
X: Good. Coz I need them for my alt.
Argie: What th.. - - BANG BANG - -

Now whether the hacker was in it or not, I really can't tell. Some sick people..
PS Thank God I only dropped some crappy helmet!

29-11-04, 14:43
Well, I have a hard time deciding between laughing or crying. Sure, you must admit he was creative and abit funny. But actually, creeps like him are the reason we dont get any new players into the game.

29-11-04, 14:45
I dont think you can even drop the tools / gloves.
At least i never did. Only tool i ever dropped was hacktools/remote repair tools.

Funny story though. :)

29-11-04, 14:46
You cant say his name on the forums but you can in game in an 'RP' sense, and in the same 'RPish' way I'm sure lots of people will be only to happy to kill him.

29-11-04, 14:48
Go ahead, say his name, I'll be happy to kill him for you :).

Bugs Gunny
29-11-04, 14:49
If he thought he would get them tools like that, he realy was a noob :-)
The only thing that drops is your cst glove and remote repair tool or hacktool.

I know this, as i was afk once and got rezkilled for eveything i had :-)

29-11-04, 14:51
Go ahead, say his name, I'll be happy to kill him for you :).

29-11-04, 14:51
You cant say his name on the forums but you can in game in an 'RP' sense, and in the same 'RPish' way I'm sure lots of people will be only to happy to kill him.

Well you got a point here, but if people start stating alleged scammers then numerous reputations will be jeopardised. As far as I am concerrned, this guy could have claimed the same about me or anybody else...

PS I actually laughed to be honest. It WAS ridiculously funny :p

29-11-04, 14:53
Yeah, that was almost as exiting as Matrix.. only without, you know, gayness.

But this is not actually that uncommon, everytime someone asks me to come far far away to do something and I don't know him WELL (I really mean well, have been jacked by half friends) I just think of killing him instantly, same is with the epic kills, usually bring with me my clan ppu so that the other guys don't rip me off (e.g. don't rezz me and I don't get my money or they rezzkill me and I still don't get my money).

29-11-04, 15:01
that´s sad...

have to resort to that kind of means...

may he get diarrhea for the next month.

29-11-04, 15:04
Don't name the guy on the forums. Just kill him in-game.


29-11-04, 15:08
Don't name the guy on the forums. Just kill him in-game.


uhh, Niddy´s post..


it´s official now..

KEEL HIM!!!!!!111

Bugs Gunny
29-11-04, 15:16
Capped PE walks up to mid level spy and taps him on shoulder:

"Hello, xcuse me mr spy, but would you be so kind as to face me and those 20 other guys standing in line?"

"Huh? what for?"

"Well, this is a GM approved gangrape thing, and it's more of a roleplay event when you at least TRY to put up a fight"

"Ohhhh shit........ *BLAM* ..........."

29-11-04, 15:21
Aw right, event with all others in godmode and skammers and PKrs not, tradeskillers payback!!!!

The leetness makes my eyes bleed.

29-11-04, 15:30
Post it on the in-game forums, we can all read the name then, well at least until a server bug deletes the post.

29-11-04, 15:31
This is typical of the shite we face in game :(

That's why i only cst/res in faction HQ's!

If they don't want to come to me in HQ then tough, if they really want something built/ressed they will walk the couple of zones:)

Pm his name I'll Pk his ass in game yeah! sex his Dead body!

29-11-04, 15:33
Don't name the guy on the forums. Just kill him in-game.

how ?

we cant kill everyone :D

29-11-04, 16:59
"Well, this is a GM approved gangrape thing...."
Naturally, my comment was aimed at the thread starter only.


29-11-04, 17:15
lol, mayb nidd can give all the trade skillers godmode and they can punch him to death ;)

29-11-04, 17:42
Naturally, my comment was aimed at the thread starter only.


Oh thanks Nidhogg! Could I possibly borrow that Game Moderator 3 Implant to get the DEX 50+, INT +50, STR +50, CON +50 I need to match the dude who tricked me? :)

And if possible, that Allied Ganking 3 implant to get some +100 SL would be great too :D


29-11-04, 19:02
Unfortunately this is all too common.

My policy is - if I don't know them take along an alt or a clan-mate (preferably a PPU). Team them and get them to go through first, lose their SI, buff up and get in position. If you have 2 accounts it's best as you can have the alt standing right behind them with a full reticle lock and your finger hovering over the mouse button.

The second they try anything it's para and DB time. People hate para - for some reason it makes them think they are about to be ganked ;). Usually it messes them up enough you can drop them on the first char even if he's wounded

Obviously you can get a mate to cover you but it's rather satisfying to do it all yourself.

If you are feeling a bit sneaky don't get your teamed mate/alt to attack him just get him to swap whatever you drop in your belt for a green poison gland or a databook with an appropriate message on it.

Worst case the PPU can just grab your belt.

29-11-04, 19:37
If you want to just PM me his name and i wil be happy to take care of him for you :D

Mr Kot
29-11-04, 23:03
I guy which I won't state his name DMed me and asked for CSTing of a low TL item "for his noob alt". I told him I was at TH... The guy cried that he was sort of ncl to GR to TH and back so I felt sorry for him and GRed to NC myself. I was prepared to CST for free and perhaps give him some ncl if he was polite.

At NC now I meet the guy and he gives me a bp only. The following happens:

Argie: Hi
X: Hi Argie. There is the bp but I have no money for the parts. Can you help.
Argie: Yes, sure mate.

By that time I had got I my 150 cst tool and the cst glove and was looking for the necessary WPs in my gogu.
After a few seconds..

Argie: OK I got everything now. Let's hope that we get slots...
X: Do you have a 150 tool and machina glove?
Argie: I do.
X: Good. Coz I need them for my alt.
Argie: What th.. - - BANG BANG - -

Clever. VERY clever. :lol:

I always had an inkling at the back of my mind that someone might pull this stunt on me. I thought i was being paranoid and that no-one would have the balls (or the cheek).

It just goes to show that u must play the game like RL. Trust no-one. Ever. I have become hardened to sob stories over the years (in game and RL)

There was just one clue in the setup that you didn't spot: A genuine noob would have had little money and would be powerless against you. If the guy really knew his stuff and wanted to make the scam watertight, he would have done the deal on his real noob and got his capped accomplice to gank you. As it was, he claimed to be skint on his capped character. Capped chars should have plenty of money or at least be able to make some very quickly after a few minutes hunting. Enough for a few weaponparts at any rate. That's where i would have seen through his plan. A real rank <30 noob would get my attention (and money) but high level ppl asking me for items for free or credits just get a two-fingered salute and short sharp advice on where to EARN it.

When i get DMed from ppl, i usually run to a citycom to check their details too. The clan they're in may be a giveaway. Shame it doesn't show money and rank anymore.

Still, the story made me chuckle. Can we have another one tomorrow?


29-11-04, 23:14
I got to admit that did make me chuckle a little, but if it had happened to me I think I would be jumping a bit. Last time I checked, TL150 cst tools dont drop, but the CST glove can.

Anyway, looks like X and his friends are in for a hard time. PM me his name as well, I fancy some target practice!

Dr Strange
30-11-04, 00:45
Don't name the guy on the forums. Just kill him in-game.


Wait a second now. You mean to tell me you can get jacked by a complete asshole ingame in this manner, but you can't for example, ask for help in killing him on the forums by giving out this name?


"Hi, you may scam other players, steal their items, lie to them, cheat them and pk/gank them at will. Oh and we will protect your precious names from becoming public on our forums"

That's basically the sum of the "dont reveil his name" order. You gotta be kidding.

30-11-04, 01:03
If you are feeling a bit sneaky don't get your teamed mate/alt to attack him just get him to swap whatever you drop in your belt for a green poison gland or a databook with an appropriate message on it.

Worst case the PPU can just grab your belt.

My fuckin god this ust cracked me up even more. FUCKIN HILERIOUS.

30-11-04, 01:49

And for all those that aren't fluent in PAINish, this basically means any zone inside the city is not safe for said runner. Dark, tell me his name ingame and I'll quite happily give him a silver lining, so to speak :p

30-11-04, 01:52
My fuckin god this ust cracked me up even more. FUCKIN HILERIOUS.

Just like your spelling.

Agent L
30-11-04, 02:35
lol, my lazyness prevented from leaving TH so far.
Tools doesn't drop, and glove is worth less then 50k.
Too bad you can't state his name here. I can't PK him as I have no combat chars, but good to know anyway.
PM everybody his name : P