View Full Version : [MERGED] Hotfix what?

26-11-04, 21:14
Before I go away for the weekend as I usually do, I just wondered if KK forgot that they publish this game called Neocron 2. They patched it awhile ago and in that patch brought some pretty serious issues (http://neocron.jafc.de/showthread.php?t=118350). That was literally 2 WEEKS AGO - this is turning into the Soulcluster in NC1 Issue. Implanters are all but out of a job. Every lift in every city now has a default password of "-" again like in NC1 and two people who get apartments in the same lift are fucked.

I know you're busy [KK]. I know you guys love to sit behind the curtain and say you're planning this, that, and the other thing. But for fuck's sake - isn't TWO WEEKS a little long to let patch issues like these remain? What happened to hotfixing critical gameplay issues? Do you guys have *any* pride in your product at all? I can already see the Asian Market Briefing now:

"Oh, and by the way, the password feature on all the apartments people buy, it's broken so tell all the Asians to keep thier starter apartments for now. And poking? It's kind of a useless tradeskill as nobody's implants drop when they die. Oh, and when they die, they just disappear and you can't tell if they log off or tap out. And they'll most likely be overloaded and stuck at whatever GR they pick. But that's ok because they'll probably have to relog anyway as their Pants have a good chance of really being their Pistol Ammo in disguise. Hopefully they won't get the 0 Soullight/0 Cash bug and can relog straight away. If they lost any items while relogging, make sure to tell them straight out - tough shit, we can't track anything. This should reduce our helpdesk emails, thus improving the overall performance of the Internet and our servers. Should they need to reconstruct the lost item, wish them good luck since we made everything faction specific but lack the NPC Playershop feature to promote any type of decent economy..."


Bring on the HackNet Weeks. Drone Weeks were a 90% success in my opinion. Excellent bug-fixes, good introduction of some debugging techniques, new droner content, new in-game items, and it would've been a 99% success had any sort of Droner-Specific Armor that's been foretold since NC1 been introduced; or even better the great Holovest ideas been followed through on. So hopefully HackNet will be cooler when this is done.

But there are BIG ISSUES STILL AT HAND that shouldn't be just fucking ignored.

Item Tracking
NPC Playershops
WoC Items
RPOS/GUI Updates and Alternatives
Incomplete Texture Upgrades
Patch 120/121 Issues

HackNet Week will be nice - but when was the last time the Community had a "HackNet needs work!" outburst? We're devoting these 'weeks' to small fish to try to appease the community. You don't want to deal with the bigger issues first? Fine. [ edited ] As flat out bitchy as I'm sounding - it's largely due to the fact that as a long time community member, one of a quickly dying breed, I just hate seeing KK hanging themselves and our pasttime right in front of us. Goodbye Threads are on the rise. Populations are dwindling. Hopefully KK will get clue that these issues listed that many of us keep ranting about are indeed the most serious... hopefully before the community is gone...

Ok, I'm out. Sorry for the bitch/rant, but the Asain Marketing Idea coupled with the new knowledge that the next Theme Week is on freaking HackNet... [ edited ]

26-11-04, 22:08
Thats exactly how I feel and I'm getting close to canceling my accounts I have not played propper for a long time. I'm losing faith in this game I don't think its gonna last long it won't if KK don't get there finger out. If you don't address these issues we the comunity keep ranting about everyday you won't have a comunity left playing your game !

paolo escobar
26-11-04, 22:09
FN ur spot on there with everything u said. And i think a large % of the community share you views, as do i.

This is just snowballing into one big joke, or should i say even bigger joke. It was a big joke to start with!
We rarely get any official statements regarding such issues and fixes are almost as rare.
This only serves to drive a wedge further between the community and kk.


26-11-04, 22:19
They've buggered off to asia to do some manual marketing, CoDi is handing out fliers and MJS is yelling at people from a big stand.

You expect this thread to get an answer? :/

26-11-04, 22:22
We rarely get any official statements regarding such issues and fixes are almost as rare.
I don't even know where to begin, so I'll just point you at the new forum up at the top that has plenty of official statements and bug fixes, not to mention new features.


26-11-04, 22:44
Great post FN. I'm going to agree with you completely and give this thread 5 stars.

26-11-04, 23:16
As usual all good(sad) points, 100% agreed. Great constructive post *****

26-11-04, 23:32
Amen, FN.


5 Stars. Get your priorities straight, KK.

26-11-04, 23:43
[ edited ]

27-11-04, 00:40
Not that I disagree with the asian thing - but I do agree with FN...

I've smelled gas for a good few months now - fix it - before I light a match.

27-11-04, 00:53
I don't even know where to begin, so I'll just point you at the new forum up at the top that has plenty of official statements and bug fixes, not to mention new features.

The one with three posts this month? The one with the last update two weeks ago? You're holding this up as an example of good communication?

As for the hotfix...dream on. Unless the problem is causing the servers to fall over every 30 seconds - and possibly not even then - there's bugger all chance of a hotfix.

27-11-04, 01:08
yup, all problems ive thought about and wondered when/if they'd get fixed....surprised it took this long for some one to say something...

KK better get their fucking finger out....ive not played NC all this week, week before that logged on for like 4 hours, im getting less and less reasons to log in...

27-11-04, 01:33
I do wish for the love of God and all that's holy that Reakktor would publish, somewhere, a list of the known bugs and their bug status. I mean obviously leave out the ones that are exploitable, but all that means is that if there isn't an "exploitable flag" in the bug tracking database then add one. (There ought to be anyway, to make sure those bugs stay at the top of the top priority list.)

Players would feel a lot saner if they at least knew that KK knew that the bugs existed, and could plan their characters a lot more easily if they knew which bugs weren't anywhere near the top of the priority list.

27-11-04, 06:31
5 stars *****

27-11-04, 07:03
what I don't understand is how come it came down to producing special focus weeks to fix bugs on certain topics.

27-11-04, 07:06
I do wish for the love of God and all that's holy that Reakktor would publish, somewhere, a list of the known bugs and their bug status.

Heh heh yeah except the FRE, that's actually a bug that we all accept will never be fixed.

A friend of mine asked if he should come back to Neocron 2 and what had changed. I said they still hadn't fixed the clothing changers. He was suprised at my answer and laughed (a lot, he wont come back). Looking at Neocron's actual situation is so completely saddening and hopeless. My guess is this thread, which makes complete sense will be ignored by KK as the truth. Never admitting what isnt possible or how badly they fucked up. I dont give a shit about drone month or hacket. The idea is to show the community they are talking to us and really changing things. The result is working on much less important things and avoiding the important ones. The drone bugs were known by reakktor and if they had been fixed that would have been enough for now. I'd rather have any of the other major features that were left out of DoY.

27-11-04, 07:20
Yup its turning into NC1.... i think they forgot what the word patch means again. Hey it can't get as bad as MC5 closing for what was it.... 2...3....4months?

27-11-04, 07:44
remember they appointed a "Community Representative" (i think thats what they called him) to relay our thoughts to KK and such.....

27-11-04, 07:57
remember they appointed a "Community Representative" (i think thats what they called him) to relay our thoughts to KK and such.....

So KK and him dont actually read the forums or play Neocron? o_O

27-11-04, 08:13
apparently not

27-11-04, 11:30
[ edited ]

27-11-04, 13:08
110% agree.

BTW, unless you're including it in the RPOS/HUD enhancements category, you forgot the apparently already completed fix for the broken drone hud a number of DirectX 7 users are experiancing.

Did I mention how I noticed KK patched on a Friday, which they said (and have held to for quite some time now, with good results) they would not do so that they could hotfix issues that were broken.

Athon Solo

27-11-04, 13:10
I don't even know where to begin, so I'll just point you at the new forum up at the top that has plenty of official statements and bug fixes, not to mention new features.

Where's the OFFICIAL announcements about fixes for the drone hud, player apartments, player shops (which last I checked are 'whenever we get around to it'), etc, etc, etc?

Where's a patch within that last 2 weeks to fix atleast some of the mentioned issues, 3 of which (implants, drone hud, apartments) came from the last patch itself, which as I said above, came out on a Friday, which KK said they would not do so that they could hotfix these issues.

Athon Solo

27-11-04, 13:31
I don't even know where to begin, so I'll just point you at the new forum up at the top that has plenty of official statements and bug fixes, not to mention new features.


What Paolo is refering to (I think) is what's called an ETA, you know ?
Which is updated on a regular basis, in order to let the community know where you stand in your investigations and/or corrections.

I'm beta testing quiet some games.
All editors offer ETA on at least major game issues.
Answer time to a new issue is usually less that 6h.
ETA are updated at least once a day on "active" (being worked on) issues, and at least once a week for "under investigation" ones.

Not that I hope you would/could do the same.
But just remember we're "supposed" to be OUT OF BETA since more than a month.

And you know what worries me the most ?
The fact you obviously still DON'T understand why your community is a little unsatisfied, and why we're looking for feedback on "important should have been corrected a long time ago" issues.

From your point of view we (your community) have all reasons to be happy, and you just don't understand why we keep banging on your head.

Can be only for one good reason.
We (your community) just don't understand at all what gaming is all about.

Basically you'd be better of without us.

paolo escobar
27-11-04, 17:01
The one with three posts this month? The one with the last update two weeks ago? You're holding this up as an example of good communication?

And i thought it was just me, thanx ppl glad u feel the same too.
No news isnt good news like the old saying would suggest. Especially when we're paying.
It would be nice for instance if kk post about progress of various projects on each friday or bi-monthly on fridays, updating us on how things are going. It dont have to be totally indepth techie shit, just lets us know.
Hell even if things aint going too well with ur efforts to fix a particular problem. At least the community wont feel like its being kept in the dark.
Which TBH is how i feel.

27-11-04, 17:50
these theme weeks are all good and all and they brought some good droner stuff last time.. now there was a week without a theme and now we'r gonna get hacknet with more stuff.. but i rather have them put a week in for the fixes like the implant thing and the new appy things. or put a week in for playershops or the zoo.. or other stuff that should have been ingame but aint.. hacknet is there.. more stuff added to it is nice but there are alot of things just not there i would like to see them in first..

maybe rearrange the theme weeks ?

27-11-04, 17:51
I find it funny that half the people in this thread that say they fully agree also posted in the recent hacknet thread saying "awesome!" "great!" "kk is wonderful!" ; )

anyway, yea, I really hate to constantly be so negative when kk *is* improving things and seems to be honestly trying to do better... But then they do stuff that totaly doesn't make any sense. Good intentions aren't enough if you're gonna keep blundering through and make the same mistakes.

27-11-04, 18:18
I find it funny that half the people in this thread that say they fully agree also posted in the recent hacknet thread saying "awesome!" "great!" "kk is wonderful!" ; )
Well I'm guilty as charged there, but I don't care. The hacknet theme week covers all the things I wanted covered, plus a few I'd never considered that sound cool. Not only does it show that KK have a plan, but that they're listening. So I'm quite positive that the theme week will greatly improve hacknet, and I'm not going to knock KK when they do something right.

But, and it's a pretty big but, I can't see how hacknet was decided on as top priority. I don't think a slightly buggy hacknet is driving away players or creating this huge cloud of pessimism that seems to be over NC. I'm sure they'll do a great job with hacknet, but I'd much rather they addressed other issues first. Show stopping bugs would be pretty high on that list, also class balance, the need for easier movement between factions (especially nc -> doy), and the general feeling that there's not much to do now in NC. I'd say NC2 is 95% of a brilliant game, but that final 5% is dragging down the rest a horrible amount.

27-11-04, 18:41
Well said FN.

The silence has pretty much neutralised the hopes I had after the improvements last month.

It seems KK can only maintain an acceptable QoS for about a month at a time and then have to take a year off.


(I actually think the Asia thing is good I just don't find it acceptable that it has become the latest excuse to ignore urgent issues.)

27-11-04, 19:07
maybe it is because the current community isn't worth being listened to?

Maybe because profit comes before quality of product?

if reakktor is having a tough time with the community as small as it is, how can they deal with a whole new part of the gaming world? I don't see how anyone could let fixing bugs slip to a distant priority. It's going to be hard to sell a somewhat broken product.

It's like going to a store, say you want a treadmill. It's missing the key, but it's still priced as is, no mark down, no 25% off nothing. Then you got the salesman for it, good luck trying to sell it.

it just makes sense that fixing bugs should come way before trying to market this game anymore, unless that's the goal of gettiing another huge customer base only to watch them leave slowly because not many things will be looked into or fixed.

27-11-04, 19:39
maybe it is because the current community isn't worth being listened to?

Maybe because profit comes before quality of product?

if reakktor is having a tough time with the community as small as it is, how can they deal with a whole new part of the gaming world? I don't see how anyone could let fixing bugs slip to a distant priority. It's going to be hard to sell a somewhat broken product.

It's like going to a store, say you want a treadmill. It's missing the key, but it's still priced as is, no mark down, no 25% off nothing. Then you got the salesman for it, good luck trying to sell it.

it just makes sense that fixing bugs should come way before trying to market this game anymore, unless that's the goal of gettiing another huge customer base only to watch them leave slowly because not many things will be looked into or fixed.

Sad, but true.

Freaky Fryd
28-11-04, 02:45
Another well-said post...

Vid Gamer
28-11-04, 03:25
I find it funny that half the people in this thread that say they fully agree also posted in the recent hacknet thread saying "awesome!" "great!" "kk is wonderful!" ; )


The community and KK is a real love/hate relationship. One moment when KK announces or does something cool, the community goes nut and sex's KK and all that other crap, yet then the same people bitch and complain about something going wrong like a bug issue.

TBH, I, for one, never liked KK and their practice of business. I am VERY surpised NC lasted this long. I am also surprised people would still be willing to pay for this product, not to mention with NC2 it got raised $5 making it a total of $15 a month.

With the release of WoW and EQ2, and the upcoming released of other MMORPG's like MEO and MxO, that MMORPG market will be flooded with newer games that are just a total step up from NC2. I know when MxO hits the market in January I am cancelling my account and playing that. I am sure others have done the same but have already done this with either EQ2, WoW, and even SWG:JtL probably.

Also, KK's major concern should be advertising and releasing NC2 here in the states besides Germany. Everyone else should come second. Why does Asia get the stuff first when we, USA, have been playing the game for years?

Neocron itself has had the potential to be the best MMORPG ever, but KK just never seemed to grasp this and take control of the situation. [ edited ]), it's a shame.

28-11-04, 03:43
With the release of WoW and EQ2, and the upcoming released of other MMORPG's like MEO and MxO, that MMORPG market will be flooded with newer games that are just a total step up from NC2. I know when MxO hits the market in January I am cancelling my account and playing that. I am sure others have done the same but have already done this with either EQ2, WoW, and even SWG:JtL probably.
People have said that since day one and it's just not true. People leave NC for a LOT of reasons but it's never (or rarely) just because they found something "better". Of all the times NC's population has taken a dive not one has been related to a new game coming out. People are pushed out of NC, not pulled out.

There is nothing else like NC out there so comparisons to any other game are flawed fromt the start. The only game on the horizon that is like NC looks like a cheap copy and isn't even out yet.

Also, KK's major concern should be advertising and releasing NC2 here in the states besides Germany. Everyone else should come second. Why does Asia get the stuff first when we, USA, have been playing the game for years?
You can ask that the other way round - Why pick the US first?

They have a partner in Asia. Maybe they haven't found one in the US, maybe they don't want one, maybe they haven't looked but for whatever reason they seem to be better positioned to start the Asian version at the moment.

Neocron itself has had the potential to be the best MMORPG ever, but KK just never seemed to grasp this and take control of the situation. [ edited ] it's a shame.
True :(.

28-11-04, 13:01
There is nothing else like NC out there so comparisons to any other game are flawed fromt the start.


And this is what makes us so sad/mad.
We like the game, would like to see it become even better.
Unfortunetly, over a month AFTER beta was supposed to end, we're still at beta stage, and not all advertised content has yet been implemented.

KK made a very good move with their theme weeks.
They again gained some momentum and confidence from the community.
What did they do ?
Before the theme week even ended, they diverted attention to something different.
Half the droners are still waiting to see what the new HUD looks like (they can't play in the mean time, but who cares).

As if they had not enough problems to concentrate on.

They don't advertise their game in their existing markets (US, France) but run after yet a new "market".
Has any market study been done showing asia is THE market for NC ?
Showing more potential than the US ?
Does someone at KK understand what a market study is ?

Neocron itself has had the potential to be the best MMORPG ever, but KK just never seemed to grasp this and take control of the situation. [ edited ]), it's a shame.

/agreed :( :( :(

28-11-04, 22:01
yay for bugfix week *****

28-11-04, 22:06
Sig badness ahoy.

Signatures may not be higher then 100 pixels in height, 6 lines of text or a combination of the two (for example, it is permissible to have a 50px graphic and 3 lines of text).
Annoying flashing is also not liked I believe.

28-11-04, 23:31
does anyone know why theme weeks are postponed...

does an asian release really stop the coder(s) reading the forums and implementing our changes? or even having 1 meeting a day to discuss stuff for a theme week?

does the entire kk staff have to work on this and forsake the community that actually plays their game?

asia... lots more money (if handled well)... all good. however it does not need an entire company getting down on its knees.

29-11-04, 01:04
Maui, your sig owns me in RL i love it.

29-11-04, 04:40
I can already see the Asian Market Briefing now:

"Oh, and by the way, the password feature on all the apartments people buy, it's broken so tell all the Asians to keep thier starter apartments for now. And poking? It's kind of a useless tradeskill as nobody's implants drop when they die. Oh, and when they die, they just disappear and you can't tell if they log off or tap out. And they'll most likely be overloaded and stuck at whatever GR they pick. But that's ok because they'll probably have to relog anyway as their Pants have a good chance of really being their Pistol Ammo in disguise. Hopefully they won't get the 0 Soullight/0 Cash bug and can relog straight away. If they lost any items while relogging, make sure to tell them straight out - tough shit, we can't track anything. This should reduce our helpdesk emails, thus improving the overall performance of the Internet and our servers. Should they need to reconstruct the lost item, wish them good luck since we made everything faction specific but lack the NPC Playershop feature to promote any type of decent economy..."

I know the your post was absulotley spot on and couldnt have been said better... but the more times i read the part i've quoted above i start to laugh out of control! :lol:
Wonder how long before the Asis server gets a rollback... :p
At least us old uranus people no have MJS's old laptop as a server. :wtf: :p

29-11-04, 11:58
So ive read the thread through and from what it seems, Nidd is the only mod to have replied and i have to say - i dont blame the others for not replying. Several of you have just constantly flamed Nidd, is it any fucking wonder that they dont wanna reply?

i want the bugs fixed as much as the next guy. Theres no point flaming GM's (who are just trying to do their job) about problems which they are well aware need to be fixed

to Nidd and all you other GM's

You guys put up with a lot of shit from this community - its a wonder you dont go moderate for WoW :lol:

Lay off guys - their doing the job they are paid to do, quit the fucking flaming


29-11-04, 12:11
Maui, your sig owns me in RL i love it.
tnx T-X, altough niddy made me change it :P

29-11-04, 13:15
So ive read the thread through and from what it seems, Nidd is the only mod to have replied and i have to say - i dont blame the others for not replying. Several of you have just constantly flamed Nidd, is it any fucking wonder that they dont wanna reply?

i want the bugs fixed as much as the next guy. Theres no point flaming GM's (who are just trying to do their job) about problems which they are well aware need to be fixed

to Nidd and all you other GM's

You guys put up with a lot of shit from this community - its a wonder you dont go moderate for WoW :lol:

Lay off guys - their doing the job they are paid to do, quit the fucking flaming

If KK don't want to be flamed, they shouldn't give us any fuel for the fire.

Nidhogg knows the situation well enough to realise that if he says something the community doesn't like, or thinks is wrong, they will say so. It was his choice to respond.

We're not flaming the GM's. We're flaming KK. It's probably the management at KK who are to blame as they're most likely the ones who have the final say on patch releases, etc.

The annoying thing is that it's been 2 weeks since a patch on a Friday introduced atleast 3 bugs, atleast one of which we know is fixed on KK's side, and we haven't even had a "sorry guys but there's a big bug on our test server at the moment and we want to nail it before we give you this patch". All we get is silence.

On the Asia thing, KK must have known for several weeks ATLEAST that there were going to be some guys coming over from Asia soon and that they'd have to put othert things on hold because of that. So do they give us a little advanced notice? No. They suddenly post "BTW we're doing bugger all for you lot this week as we're training some guys from Asia" - so what the community hears is "We're more concerned about customers we don't yet have than our hardcore community who have been supporting us for the past 3 years - We don't care that pokers are out of a job, Droner's can't do anything and there's numerous promises remaining unkept"

Athon Solo

29-11-04, 14:50
Three pages, plenty of stars, no answers... :|

29-11-04, 14:54
Three pages, plenty of stars, no answers... :|

is any one surprised :p

29-11-04, 15:05
Nope :D

Bugs Gunny
29-11-04, 15:11
Very nice post from FN, and i do know if they ever introduce player shops i'm NOT putting anything in till i'm shure it works without shit going missing :-)

29-11-04, 17:32
Very nice post from FN, and i do know if they ever introduce player shops i'm NOT putting anything in till i'm shure it works without shit going missing :-)

try some small shit - bad tl guns, pay people like 3k to buy them, its a great way of testing they work without waiting for someone to tell you they work.

100 posts baby whooo

30-11-04, 21:55
So ive read the thread through and from what it seems, Nidd is the only mod to have replied and i have to say - i dont blame the others for not replying. Several of you have just constantly flamed Nidd, is it any fucking wonder that they dont wanna reply?

i want the bugs fixed as much as the next guy. Theres no point flaming GM's (who are just trying to do their job) about problems which they are well aware need to be fixed

Just an FYI - I didn't intend this as a flame towards anyone really - I don't really have any frustration with any GM's or Officials. I've seen events going on in-game, GMs helping out runners, and the Mods modding away here on the forums - you guys all do a great job. And I know that none of these people can really divulge any information on what we're asking about as a community without the proper channels authorizing it, whether they know what's going on or not. It's *those* channels, the decision makers, the people who ultimately control the direction of the game, that I lay my frustration with. Not the Mods, GMs, coders, volunteers... I <3 you guys :) You keep the game afloat just as much as the active community does.

I just caught up on the whole thread (took an extended weekend with the gf ;)) - Guess it's time to poke around the rest of the forums for any new news *sigh*

30-11-04, 22:04
Just Sort the damn imp drops.. its screwing the Op wars already :rolleyes:

30-11-04, 22:12
how about sort the fucking deactivated account issue. hah oh yah i forgot that would require KK to act.

01-12-04, 01:06
Just Sort the damn imp drops.. its screwing the Op wars already :rolleyes:

so are hacksin seconds, the lack of players and psi shield...

oh and have ss and ff merged now then?

01-12-04, 01:57
so are hacksin seconds, the lack of players and psi shield...

oh and have ss and ff merged now then?

Yea they have cause of Pain in the ass that hax there ass out in a second flat dont make the game fun so why support city if they have ppl like them. Oh and guess wot my account dont work wot a shame I think ill just leave it like that for the time being.

01-12-04, 02:40
Yea they have cause of Pain in the ass that hax there ass out in a second flat dont make the game fun so why support city if they have ppl like them. Oh and guess wot my account dont work wot a shame I think ill just leave it like that for the time being.

er... ok

i have had as many problems with ff as pain... tbh thew whole "superclan" merging shit is getting real old.

the game just gets less and less fun when you log on for a laugh to get attacked by 15 people in one clan wandering around the zone killing anything they dont like.

paolo escobar
01-12-04, 02:50
the game just gets less and less fun when you log on for a laugh to get attacked by 15 people in one clan wandering around the zone killing anything they dont like.

err isnt that what ncat used to do on uranus? :confused: hehe

01-12-04, 03:04
please name 15 ncat people... not alts (as obviously they cannot zerg)

im tired of the bullshit... venom got called zergers... we only had 6 people in the clan ffs

:edit: i bet its alot easier to name 15 in the FA alliance we always fought... 3+ clans at a time...

01-12-04, 03:22
Wow!! Brilliantly put FN!!! I have been playing this game for a year now, and while it is easily the most addictive and fun game I have played, I am absolutely astonished by the lack of support offered in this game. To have so much crap let go at the end of NC1 to be "preparing" for NC2 just to find out so many promises have not yet been implemented (and we're not just talking minor things here) I'm talking about major upgrades that were supposed to enhance the gameplay a great deal. What I don't understand is why we, as a community are even asking KK for a timeframe on things. Thay have proven time and time again that they can't even stick to that! This last week has seen quite a number of people and clan mates of mine, cancelling their accounts. With the community...goes the game. I hope you wake up to this KK and just don't shrug our issues off as griping!! Time to take your customers seriously. We pay our monthly fees on time, provide us with the proper support on time or you're going to find yourselves with empty servers.

01-12-04, 03:23
provide us with the proper support on time or you're going to find yourselves with empty servers.

thats whats been said for years now...

its slowly getting there now

01-12-04, 03:52
err isnt that what ncat used to do on uranus? :confused: hehe

lol...hardly in fact at almost every op war we went to when I was still playing we were always outnumbered....people just catagorized our random pking out in crp or whatever as zerging....but whatever people who know the real deal know that NCAT didnt need a huge clan/alliance/zerg tactics to kick ass....

01-12-04, 04:00
lol...hardly in fact at almost every op war we went to when I was still playing we were always outnumbered....people just catagorized our random pking out in crp or whatever as zerging....but whatever people who know the real deal know that NCAT didnt need a huge clan/alliance/zerg tactics to kick ass....

doesn't surprise me, no matter what you do certain clans cry zerg. Because they can't face it when they've been beat. My suggestion ignore them because honestly all they are good for is making excuses.

01-12-04, 09:05
doesn't surprise me, no matter what you do certain clans cry zerg. Because they can't face it when they've been beat. My suggestion ignore them because honestly all they are good for is making excuses.

heh... we fought the 3 major FA clans together so many times a lost count,some pro city sometimes worked together against us... but not as often as the fa alliance :)

we were fairly smallin NC1 (player count wise) and we will prolly be he same in NC2...but we should be sorted soon so we can start to be noticed

the last sex
01-12-04, 13:48
and ther is no place to do pvp like in pp1. sure u can raid nc but you get those dam syun gaurds and u cant move. wich makes u a prime target for even low lvl runners. u should make a pvp zone in techaven or some thing

01-12-04, 14:24
so are hacksin seconds, the lack of players and psi shield...

oh and have ss and ff merged now then?

nah just a few people that were fed up of the bull shit in the city.

01-12-04, 17:34
The only way to not zerg/ninja is to politely ask the owners of an op if they'd like to fight for it. If they would, then it'll be a nice fun fight, otherwise you can schedule it for another time.

In any other situation you will be accused of zergging or ninja hacking. Sometimes you fight clans in different time zones. Sometimes you fight clans with lots of inactive members. Sometimes you fight clans that are busy leveling. Sometimes you fight clans that have been fighting for hours already and are tired. Sometimes you fight clans that happen to not have enough of the right classes online to properly defend. Sometimes you fight clans that are all alts making it impossible to figure out how many they have to fight. Sometimes you fight clans that all log off when you get to the op. Sometimes you fight clans that spend more time trash talking then fighting. Sometimes you fight clans that are entirely monks. Sometimes you fight clans that are entirely spies/pe's.

There's any number of reasons why a clan won't/can't defend their op, some legitimate, other's pathetic. But it's out of your control, nothing you can really do about it. You just hafta accept it, life is unfair.

01-12-04, 19:46
and ther is no place to do pvp like in pp1. sure u can raid nc but you get those dam syun gaurds and u cant move. wich makes u a prime target for even low lvl runners. u should make a pvp zone in techaven or some thing


no no no.

please KK dont help the zonelamers. make them PvP in a real zone rather than giving them a safezone :(

01-12-04, 22:45

no no no.

please KK dont help the zonelamers. make them PvP in a real zone rather than giving them a safezone :(
I think hes suggesting removing safezones not adding more..

I think the real issue is that we have no reason to be in 3/4 of the zones in neocron. If we had a reason to be out in the waste we'd pvp out in the waste. But no, everything we need to function is in the cities, aside from high level hunting. So we pvp in our own homes, so to speak. In the same place were we tradeskill and try to encourage new players. For instance when safezones in the cities were removed, all it did was increase the new players/tradeskillers getting ganked. It did nothing to enhance pvp.. at all..

Vid Gamer
02-12-04, 01:47
get rid of para when guards hit you i think

02-12-04, 02:41
I'm not sure what this has to do with FN's original post :confused: all these threads always turn into some other sort of bitchfest.....maybe it's no wonder KK don't listen to us all that much...hmmmmm

03-12-04, 22:05
Thanks for the Drone HUD update - that was a biggie. C2P issues seem to be slowly fixing - but is this something anyone wants to deal with monthly? So what's up with these following issues?

Item Tracking
NPC Playershops
WoC Items
Click2Pay and Alternate Payment Methods
RPOS/GUI Updates and Alternatives
Incomplete Texture Upgrades

I PMed this Question List to RaTMaN a few weeks ago - but I also submitted a banner for nc.synergyxr.net weeks ago as well and that sure as hell hasn't been updated, so who knows why I thought RaTMaN would respond. Do you even still play RaTMaN or have you jumped ship with the tons of other people? I'd PM him that question but he doesn't seem to respond. Lupus was also looking into these issues and I greatly appreciate his effort, but I imagine he's busy with game design. These are adminisrative questions anyway about game direction.

Like I said in my other thread, like dozens of others I'm teetering on the edge of leaving until the promised features of NC2 are actually a reality. I hope KK divuldges info on these topics - if this thread sinks like "Hotfix what?" without any hint of progress, I taking my toys and going to play somewhere else.

Am I asking how women work here? Or for KK's Annual Budget? Or the coder's mailing addresses? Why is getting answers on game issues like pulling teeth :rolleyes:

03-12-04, 23:07
Maybe it's because they now realize they screwed up this game in so many ways that they don't know what to say?

If item tracking and player shops were anywhere near complete you would think from KK's past that they would be on hear gloating about it.

But when there are problems, there is always silence.

Nothing has changed and we have all been milked like a dried cow.

This is not a flame, but it's my current opinion on things.
And being it is my "opinion" I can be wrong.

Since there are no official answers to your above questions, I consider my current opinion valid.

There are some hard ass working people at KK and it's very sad to see their wonderful work being destroyed by mis-direction.

03-12-04, 23:08
Thread merged.