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View Full Version : Terminator and Fire Mod

24-11-04, 15:54
Basically why is it so useless?
Ok it's not tottaly useless but ive essentially wasted my Termi by putting this Mod on.
Got a 2 slot Terminator and asked on Trade what mod's to put on it.
Some said Explosive some said Fire etc etc then i asked my Clan they suggested fire because Explosive was good for Monks mostly and I agreed.

As i went to mod it I kept getting a nagging feeling that I shouldent Mod it so quickly.
But anyway I did and found out that fire's terrible.
Basically it's ruined my gun imo and Is so hard to use that it's a joke.
Why is it that Wyatt Earp and Termi do stack dmg when a fire mod is added?
and yet no other weapons do?
The main reason I never modded with Explosive is because I though that the day's of Wyatt Earp had gone and now all gun's used either Fire or X-ray but I was wrong.
Now I'm stuck with a gun that does 25 direct dmg to a spy and about 4 stack's of 2 dmg fire.
Maybe I should have known better before I modded but is that really an excuse for making Fire and Xray impossible to use and Exp and Riot easy?
I'll probably get flamed for being to brash but just gimme your oppinion
Have I ruined my gun or is there hope?

Matty. :angel:

24-11-04, 16:01
na u didnt, oh well u did, so did i :p

phosphor mod is weaker than riot rounds thats a fact... u can use riot rounds for pvp tho.. explosive is only doing 3 dmg more or something....

Dribble Joy
24-11-04, 16:02
The whole gun is borked anyway.

24-11-04, 16:03
well its not completely screwed but it is screwed =P enjoy killing those wb's lol

24-11-04, 16:07
Ahhh great just keep cheering me up :P

Well if Riot only does 3 or so less than Explosive then that's perfectly fine by me.
If anyone has an exact figure i'd be happy to hear exactly how much Explosive does and How much riot does :)
Shame It cost one Ultimated SH and 500k but knowing my luck if I hold onto it one day it will get boosted because that always seem's to happen.
Like I'll buy a PainEaser or something and get ripped off and next thing i know im making a PE PE and everything's cool :)

Matty. :angel:

Miss Naughty
24-11-04, 16:15
My PE has a two slot modded with uranium and explosive. I have found that urnaium is far more effective in pvp againts other PEs and Tanks than explosive shells. Agaisnt spies and monks explosive is best (though changing halfway through an op battle is kinda tricky).

I hunt fire mobs alot and the uranium mod is great, damage boost a grim chaser and pump him full of uranium rounds and he goes down real quick.

24-11-04, 16:24
well i cant help you with your gun matt but can i interest you in dying in a car fire?

paolo escobar
24-11-04, 16:34
hehe, hi matty, thought i best post here lol

u know my feelings on this :) tbh totally gutted for ya m8, ultimated SH and 500K :(
Still ur prolly right, one day (many years from now) it prolly will get sorted out and get a boost, maybe even return its RoF to that of old.
Then u'll have the last laugh! But chances are while ur having that laugh, xantor will come and shoot u in the back with his :p

Doc Holliday
24-11-04, 16:39
it dont matter cos he will never hit anythin with it anyways ;)

24-11-04, 16:42
I got 2 termis

1 is fire and other is explosive.

Fire sucks for pvp but is good for wbs so i made that my hunting gun

Explosive is good in general but against pes and tanks x-ray hurts loads once got 3 or 4 stacks on.

24-11-04, 16:48
iu think if you test it again against a spy and do 5-8 shots unless he has a combat setup he will be dead or close to it.

i dont like the termi personally.

Freaky Fryd
24-11-04, 17:23
I've seen a fire termi in action in pvp, and it was doing great damage.
I've never used any Termi at all, so I can't comment from personal usage though...

24-11-04, 17:33
Used a riot termi once and loved it, thought it was pretty good also had that fear element cuz of the unkown ppl not sure if its good or bad but i know for those weak to frc its good and the rof aint exactly crap....

24-11-04, 17:35
Only ever used a fir termi when fire mod was bugged on it. I've seen people using it since they "fixed" it and it seems ok to me.

25-11-04, 11:33
it dont matter cos he will never hit anythin with it anyways ;)

too bloody right doc ;)

i remember when i first got my termi i fought my brother in NF - he just kept his distance and i was screwed

to quote DJ - the whole gun is borked

25-11-04, 13:23
well shotguns...long range...you'll be lucky if you can even get hit...
though...i would have kept the ultimated SH!

25-11-04, 13:31
Terminator Mods are somehow fucked up.
Unmodded it does most dmg, about 50 per hit on a tank.
Explosive goes like 38 dmg
phospbor around 42 or more dunno with stacks
and uranium similar to phosphor i think.

25-11-04, 14:11
i saw ur Gun shooting my Hybrid (36/37) and it was really too funny ... :lol:
Yes Matt - u have ruined ur gun ... :lol:

25-11-04, 14:51
lol reading this!

25-11-04, 22:41
Back to PainEaser tbh then hehe and i'll just live in hope that one day Fire on a Termi will mean something sexeh :)

Matty. :angel:

Doc Holliday
26-11-04, 03:18
too bloody right doc ;)

i remember when i first got my termi i fought my brother in NF - he just kept his distance and i was screwed

to quote DJ - the whole gun is borked

i didnt mean the gun that has shitty aiming..... ;)

26-11-04, 18:35
Haha :(

26-11-04, 20:24
Try aiming at the head or your opponent, in my experience that does more damage than a body shot.

And yes, you did ruin your gun. Personally any low-tech gun I would rather have explosive modded over anything else, as it does nice damage. Except maybe a libby, which is good as anything really.

When you fought my tank, and you pulled a Termi, I thought "shit its gonna be explosive modded", but then I saw the fire stacks and thought "easy kill :p "

26-11-04, 20:38
How does a Xray/Uranim mod compare against a Force mod on the Termi?

26-11-04, 20:39
How does a Xray/Uranim mod compare against a Force mod on the Termi?

It justs stacks shite Radiation damage. Explosive is the way to go with Termis.

26-11-04, 20:40
Well I do have to admit a few day's ago I tried Riot Round's in P2 and got attacked by a spy a monk and a Tank killed the spy in about 2 to 3 hits killed the Tank in about 4 shot's and the monk ran.

Maybe it's not such a bad gun but tbh from a distance (Most of my kills are) it's not reliable enough where as the PainEaser does 60 up close on a tank (70 sometimes) and fires fast and from a distance u can pick em off with ease.


Matty. :angel:

26-11-04, 20:45
Well I do have to admit a few day's ago I tried Riot Round's in P2 and got attacked by a spy a monk and a Tank killed the spy in about 2 to 3 hits killed the Tank in about 4 shot's and the monk ran.

Maybe it's not such a bad gun but tbh from a distance (Most of my kills are) it's not reliable enough where as the PainEaser does 60 up close on a tank (70 sometimes) and fires fast and from a distance u can pick em off with ease.


Matty. :angel:

Sitck with the Pain Easer, its a much better all purpose weapon, and the mods are good.