View Full Version : ca only items?

22-11-04, 18:46
why is it CA has pa and a tl 110 rav that are faction only and yet all other factions items aren't the same? holy anti buff should be a crahn only then, as with other factions. either make the tl 110 rav usable by all factions or give each faction its own specific item.

22-11-04, 18:48
You guys get a cool chran glove as an epic prize we get shit stained PA that makes your hit box bigger.

22-11-04, 18:53
You guys get a cool chran glove as an epic prize we get shit stained PA that makes your hit box bigger.
yea but evryone can use crahn glove but not evryone can use shit stained pa....

22-11-04, 18:53
its not the pa i care about but other tanks would like to use the tl110 rav. thats my complaint as its a weapon other tanks in non CA factions might like to use

Dribble Joy
22-11-04, 18:54
It was (in beta) that TG would have some sort of high tl cannon and CA would have the copbot rifles. Orginially planned to be usable with a CA/TG symp rating but that wasn't possible mechanics wise, so it was made faction only.

The whole faction item distribution is a mess anyway, the beta version was much better.

22-11-04, 19:08
Tl110 Rav is only good to pure hc tank and at that you need a 5 slot for it to be anyway good. Anything less than a 5 slot and i guess a good slotted normal rav is good but yeah i agree all should be allow use it if i ever leave ca my 5 slotter is useless to me.

22-11-04, 19:25
With the new combat changes you can actually pretty easy cap a 3 slot SF

22-11-04, 23:41
why is it CA has pa and a tl 110 rav that are faction only and yet all other factions items aren't the same? holy anti buff should be a crahn only then, as with other factions. either make the tl 110 rav usable by all factions or give each faction its own specific item.

Yeah thats all we need. Not only do most Crahn clans fight with 80% monks, but they would also be the only people able to anti-buff. Please don't apply for a job in game development Argronious, you might kill someone.

22-11-04, 23:47
Yeah thats all we need. Not only do most Crahn clans fight with 80% monks, but they would also be the only people able to anti-buff. Please don't apply for a job in game development Argronious, you might kill someone.

I think this is exactly args point...the pa is well the pa and it's been carried over from nc1. This high tl rav like wep doesn't really make sense to just be a faction only item...I can't think of another epic/faction specific item that is limited to faction like this...so why this gun in the first place?? Exactly it breaks the point of alot of things including faction to faction trading ever thought of that?

Please think a little more about the bigger picture next time...you might kill someone.

22-11-04, 23:58
Please think a little more about the bigger picture next time...you might kill someone.

Hey, I am CA, why the hell should I want my precious TL110 Rav be released to the general public? Only Reeza's finest should be allowed to use this weapon.

Oh, and I do kill people :lol:

23-11-04, 00:08
Hey, I am CA, why the hell should I want my precious TL110 Rav be released to the general public? Only Reeza's finest should be allowed to use this weapon.

Oh, and I do kill people :lol:

And what other stuff do you have on your tank? A speed gat...in your mind nope you cant have that anymore its CMs. A PP resistor? Oh wait thats PPs not CA. Hmm maybe a moveon..nope biotechs.
You got a monk alt? Sorry no PA for you if you aint in crahn...the list goes on and so does the madness...this is your arguement ? Sorry but in one post you say a faction cant have a item yet in this one quoted you say why should anyone else have your faction item? :wtf:

I say to you name another item apart from CA PA and this rav that are faction only...I cant think of one at the moment...

23-11-04, 00:11
hahahahahahah holy antibuff Crahn only. most stupid idea ever. mock.

23-11-04, 00:25
I say to you name another item apart from CA PA and this rav that are faction only...I cant think of one at the moment...

The TL115 or TL110 (can't remember which) TG RayGun Cannon.

Faction Specific weapons that aren't epic-based should be faction specific. Epic items are rewarded to people of a faction at that time for doing a "heroic deed". The TL110 Rav is available from the CA FDB, and personally I think its not much different from a standard Rav. Its easier to cap a Rav, and the only difference between a Rav and an SF Rav is the slightly better damage.

On the subject of faction specific items, TG should get a faction specific skill booster, they need it :p

Freaky Fryd
23-11-04, 02:57
Bottom line: The police should always have access to items that most other people can't. It's what they need/want to stay in control and enforce the law.

23-11-04, 03:40
City Admin - They are the law, they make the rules.

23-11-04, 03:57
City Admin - They are the law, they make the rules.

For Reeza, for Neocron, for the big-arsed guns...

23-11-04, 04:08
To be consistent, all combat vehicles should be NEXT-only.

23-11-04, 04:17
To be consistent, all combat vehicles should be NEXT-only.

Well that's just a stupid statement - sorry to be blunt, mate. It's not like ALL guns are CA only, just one. Aren't we all just overreacting a little bit about this?

23-11-04, 07:40
I think them faction only items are a waste of database space...

It makes those items as worthless as tits on a tomcat.....

I would like to have an SFPW for my tank, but he aint CA, so bleh......

23-11-04, 07:52
It's not like it's the best weapon in the world anyways. It come out at 81% stats so unless you get a 4 or 5 slotter or have a spare ultima its probably going to be more effective to just use an ordinary ravager.

Having said that I managed to get a 5 slotter and 3 4 slotters tonight in a build of 10 so I'm happy. Not like there is a market to sell them because of the faction thing, which is a shame, but at least my tank has some spares:p

23-11-04, 08:30
It was bit of a pain to notice how the SF cannons were CA only items, but meh, have been doing well ever since :)

But in all fairness I think there should be more of these faction specific items (I'm not talking about making epic items faction specific so keep your pants on) like TT should have the top notch gun, crahn should have some monk PA or a spell, BT some imp, PP (I don't even know what the fuck they do anymore, they are a drug company but they sell imps? wtf is that), TG has their gun and so on.
It's not about the crappy gun it's about balance.

City Admin - They are the law, they make the rules.

City Admin is city admin, NCPD is the law THEY enforce the laws, city admin makes them ;) It's not quantum physics here, not like the senate in USA has the right to kill or anything. Or goverment in any country for that matter.

23-11-04, 08:55
The TL115 or TL110 (can't remember which) TG RayGun Cannon.

hmm on this note i haven't even seen one of those since beta and this is supposed to be retail so yes i have a valid complaint, the non rare would be good for all tanks to use till they can (a) build a real rav or (b) buy one so until you have a valid reason to flame me stfu k thanx bye

oh and i love how most of the people against it being non ca are in an enemy clan of mine and happen to be CA :wtf:

Dr Strange
23-11-04, 09:27
heres a fucked little amusing story:

im lvling my new HC in sidestreets killing mutants, when i stop to look in a box for junk to recycle

when i see this huge rav/cs type cannon, im shittin my pants readin the stats cause it wasn't half bad, i mean a SF cannon with an open slot. for someone with not alot of cash, no tradeables (at the time, a few weeks ago), it was a nice find in some random box.

then i read the reqs more carefully, CA only. nice, real nice. wouldnt be TOO bad if I was pro city, 300k and i could hop over and use it. being anti city that's like what, 600k+ to get to CA assuming my symps dont take a shit kicking in the transfer, and i build up my CA symp to even be able to join? all that time and work to use a pretty cool gun when i could save up 100k or so and just get a 0 or maybe 1 slot CS.

ya gotta love that.

23-11-04, 10:56
i like the idea of CA having a decent item, it makes up for the shitty pa that no one wears.

23-11-04, 11:22
so what - theres no ravager in the rare pool now? its a CA only item?

23-11-04, 12:35
ravager still exists in the rare pool.

23-11-04, 12:39
wo0t for TG!

a useless nade and a doombeamer with shitty stats!!!

Bugs Gunny
23-11-04, 12:47
I want a next only vehicle :-)

23-11-04, 13:16
I think the opposite should be true for the BD epic reward.

A bunch of really crap drugs with such idiotic stats that only the terminally brain-damaged would even consider using them.

Change them so that BD is the only faction that can't use them . . . they made them - they know just how crap they are :D

23-11-04, 13:57
I think the opposite should be true for the BD epic reward.

A bunch of really crap drugs with such idiotic stats that only the terminally brain-damaged would even consider using them.

Change them so that BD is the only faction that can't use them . . . they made them - they know just how crap they are :D

Sounds about as bad as Cassa Del Box we get from DRE lol

Bugs Gunny
23-11-04, 14:16
Yeah, the dre epic is outdated now you can put more cabs in your appy.

23-11-04, 15:06
ZOMG, teh overpowered ca's got a 110 plasma wave... and a pa who gives +30 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! enr resi......

we need moreh monkehs


23-11-04, 19:24
Well that's just a stupid statement - sorry to be blunt, mate. It's not like ALL guns are CA only, just one. Aren't we all just overreacting a little bit about this?

Well, then just the rhino or scorpion trike. That would surely make everyone happy.

I just don't understand the restriction. What does the gun do? Checks your fingerprints through a satellite connection every time you pull the trigger?

Of course it's a stupid statement, I deliberately said something extreme to show how stupid the situation would get if this kind of idea was pushed ad absurdum. It just doesn't make sense. Just as little as restricting vehicles would make sense. If you were to pick one item from each faction DB and restrict it to that faction we could end up with a situation where:
- All pokers are Biotech (implanter glove).
- All rhino drivers are NEXT (rhino).
- All researchers are Protopharm (resser glove).
- All constructors are Tangent (conster glove).
- All monks are Crahn (psi-core).
- All tanks are TG (marine).
- etc.

Substitute "All" in those statements to "Most" to get a more balanced view. And of course this will never happen.

For the sake of fairness, either all factions should have faction-specific items, or none. At this moment only CA has this kind of advantage. It's favoritism.

23-11-04, 19:47
You people do realise that this thing has crap stats right? I mean I got lucky with my build last night, but these things arent cheap to batch build (and you cant make your money back off them) and even then unless you have an ultima the best you can get is 103% dmg, 113% freq, 81% range and 81% handling.

At the minute my tank can choose between his 5 slot CA SF plasma wave or the Ravager. My ravager is only 2 slots but since it's easier for me to cap it gets picked every time. This whole thread is just a case of "Waaah someone got a toy I want!"

23-11-04, 23:36
ok now look at it this way a tank gets his level high enough to use a new weapon, which would be easier hunting/buying techs to build a Rav or have a hacker go into the database get him a bp and have a tl110 sf cannon made.......... but as it is unless he's ca he's screwed over to hunting /buying tech to have a rav built. thats my point it honestly limits some tanks to waiting on getting techs and such to have him one made. hell i don't even have a tank, but the point is still valid. the tl 110 sf is a ca database item my hacker could go get bp's but what reason do i have to get them since no one but ca can use them......................... :confused:

24-11-04, 00:28
ok now look at it this way a tank gets his level high enough to use a new weapon, which would be easier hunting/buying techs to build a Rav or have a hacker go into the database get him a bp and have a tl110 sf cannon made.......... but as it is unless he's ca he's screwed over to hunting /buying tech to have a rav built. thats my point it honestly limits some tanks to waiting on getting techs and such to have him one made. hell i don't even have a tank, but the point is still valid. the tl 110 sf is a ca database item my hacker could go get bp's but what reason do i have to get them since no one but ca can use them......................... :confused:

So basically what you are saying is you think tanks should have an easy way of getting a good weapon? If you want stuff handed to you on a silver platter, go play CS.

24-11-04, 20:04
actually what i was saying before you attemted to distort it is that why should CA only have a non rare that would be good for all tanks to use. and how would a piece of equipment know what faction you are in, and also people are determined so someone whould figure away to disable a saftey feature such as this gun would have to determine ones faction, anyways this is pointless so would a mod be kind enough to close this thread, k thx bi