View Full Version : pc tank pa

21-11-04, 13:32
give pes melee pa..........how about give tanks rifle or pistol pa lmfao

they have more dex than a pe has strength.
the amount of threads asking for melee pa for pe's made me post this, its a stupid idea i know but imo so is melee pa for pe's. ( i know pe is meant to be skilled in any area)

pe's already have a rifle and pistol pa, if they get a melee then someone will be asking for a hc pa next :rolleyes:

anywayzzz let the flaming begin (puts on his inq4 armour)

21-11-04, 13:35
give pes melee pa..........how about give tanks rifle or pistol pa lmfao

they have more dex than a pe has strength.
the amount of threads asking for melee pa for pe's made me post this, its a stupid idea i know but imo so is melee pa for pe's. ( i know pe is meant to be skilled in any area)

pe's already have a rifle and pistol pa, if they get a melee then someone will be asking for a hc pa next :rolleyes:

anywayzzz let the flaming begin (puts on his inq4 armour)

pa breeds specialisation... burn it all!

more sanely said... we have more than enough PA these days, and melee PE's cap a PoT, have lvl 4 armour, self cast shelter and blessed def, can gun any vehicle and still have good resist force... PA would be pointless for them :p

21-11-04, 13:36
get rid of all pa.

Or if ya gonna have it, make it the same as some of the Dura 4's etc or the equiv to the highest lev armour available to the class.
Edit some imps to make up for the wep stats it offers....

ahh the days with just Tank armour, should be more customizable, colours tags n the like.

21-11-04, 14:12
pc tank pa... are u crazy? tanks r built to specialize in hc or mc... pes cant speciallize in anything they need the pa

21-11-04, 16:30
pc tank pa... are u crazy? tanks r built to specialize in hc or mc... pes cant speciallize in anything they need the pa

its intended as a joke i dont really see the need for a pe to get melee pa, if they get mc pa then soon they will be asking for hc pa :lol:

Agent L
21-11-04, 16:59
/me recalls ol' good days when every tank had 90+ p-c.
A friend of mine has uberoldschool tank like that, TPC + pocketbliz

21-11-04, 17:15
vote for :

remove all pa's

remove ppu

21-11-04, 18:09
Yeah - I agree... Para needs to be banned!

*Drive by Hijack* :p

21-11-04, 18:16
didnt bother reading the thread..

but instead of adding a zillion new pas.... just remove class requirement from the pas....

21-11-04, 18:18
I want HC-pa for monks....

21-11-04, 20:20
Need to remove fcking PA not bring more of the fucking stuff.
An OP war with 2 character models is fucking retarded

Color Me Plaid
21-11-04, 21:26
Oddly enough, I'm for the PA's. What's so dumb about 'em? Promotes specializaton. Yeah, you can argue that tanks are "made for melee and HC", but what's it matter? They're also made to take a ton of damage. Make the game more fun, promote not-so-cookiecutter chars. Hell, I'm for making multiple models for the PA's.

Even smaller pa's. Like little +1/-1 pa's, around Dex or Str 45 maybe. No class requirement, one for pistol, rifle, MC, hc, apu, ppu. Not much of a boost, but those rare HC/MC spies would have something.

This, of course, shouldn't come before all the damn bugfixes though.

21-11-04, 22:07
/me recalls ol' good days when every tank had 90+ p-c.
A friend of mine has uberoldschool tank like that, TPC + pocketbliz

Oohh the days of the Libby and the pierce bug :)

Yah PA's for everything, my spy wants some jawa/psi PA :lol:


22-11-04, 19:37
didnt bother reading the thread..

but instead of adding a zillion new pas.... just remove class requirement from the pas....

well yeah it would be easier than me writing this thread making fun of the pe's who want melee pa lol

22-11-04, 23:32
well yeah it would be easier than me writing this thread making fun of the pe's who want melee pa lol

my rifle PE will be using spy PA, lomming his resist xray and improving even more then...

23-11-04, 19:12
my rifle PE will be using spy PA, lomming his resist xray and improving even more then...
be nice to have a good full resist across the board, nice stats on my rifle and probably pretty good speed n stuff :D

Put my pe into Str pa and wield cs think the only ppl that would loose out is the monk since their only pa friendly stat is psi lol

23-11-04, 19:18
be nice to have a good full resist across the board, nice stats on my rifle and probably pretty good speed n stuff :D

Put my pe into Str pa and wield cs think the only ppl that would loose out is the monk since their only pa friendly stat is psi lol

class requirements maybe gone.. but that doesnt stop it from becoming INT req on spy pa..

23-11-04, 20:18
my rifle PE will be using spy PA, lomming his resist xray and improving even more then...

lol nice one m8

23-11-04, 21:04
class requirements maybe gone.. but that doesnt stop it from becoming INT req on spy pa..
but then the other pa's would have to follow suite, most of the pa to a pe is very handy considering all of it prolly offers more resists than most pe armours currently do.
Tank PA = Con etc which would defy the point removing the class req in the first place

23-11-04, 21:08
can this topic please die?

23-11-04, 22:05
but then the other pa's would have to follow suite, most of the pa to a pe is very handy considering all of it prolly offers more resists than most pe armours currently do.
Tank PA = Con etc which would defy the point removing the class req in the first place

not really..

see the tank is based on strength, which makes the obvious pa requirement, strength.

the monk is based on psi, which makes the obvious pa requirement, psi

the spy is based on both intelligense and dexterity, and its currently dexterity based, but if it was to have an independant setup it would be, intelligense, since the PE is more dexterity based.

which also leads us to the final class, the pe, which then of course will be using dexterity for the pa.

dont know exactly how it should be dealt with..

since spies would never be able to use anything but their own, and the pe pas.

the monks will only be able to use their own and spy pas.

the pes, will be able to use their own, and maybe a tank pa.. dont know about that actually, i really dont..

and the tanks will be able to use their own, and lvl 1 or maybe under drugging or gimpage lvl 2 pe pa.

ás said dont know exactly how to deal with it, for balance issues, or fairness issues...

just my little thought of how it could kinda look.

23-11-04, 22:12
so if you remove class restrictions completely you get even MORE over powered melee PE's or PE's having insane Xray...if you swap stats reqs...you only get SLIGHTLY more powerful (yet still overpowered) melee PE's and monks running around with insane xray ...hrm...so....the point of doing this for balance would be what exactly? The only reasonably good thing that could come of this is spies in PE PA getting decent energy resist without massive drugging.

23-11-04, 22:27
the pes, will be able to use their own, and maybe a tank pa.. dont know about that actually, i really dont..

its that part that scares me, they can can use at least tl 90 pa which is like dura 4 i think they can mebbe use the next pa up cuz i know theres a few high hc rav pes n stuff knockin about...

So all that tank armour, tank weaponary + self buffs.... its as scary as them in spy pa

23-11-04, 22:30
why does everything have to be sooo damn balanced all the time. I didnt make my rifle spy so i can be equal to everyone... i made it because its the most dangerous class. I rather enjoy stalking my prey and waiting until the oppurtune moment to attack. (not while they are hacking either) :D well maybe. I picked a spy because it was the most vulnerable class when it comes to pvp. I dont expect equality, however, pros with the cons is nice.

SO FuCK Equality... just give the classes more specific toys and let everyone pick what they like more.

23-11-04, 23:07
my rifle PE will be using spy PA...

h4x O_o