View Full Version : HC Eyes

19-11-04, 11:18
Are HC Eye in game yet? If so wehre can I get one at and how much will it cost me ?

19-11-04, 11:47
Currently, you can only get level 1 and 2 eyes, as the level 3 one was bugged up somehow.

I think that they're only sold by the Tangent Tech FSM, but I think that might just be the level 3 eye, which would mean you could find the level 1 and 2 eye in a Crytons that sells implants or something.

Hope that helps, and good luck.

19-11-04, 12:04
yes, lvl 1 and 2 eyes are to be bough at every cryton's shop (the one which sells implants) or a smuggler who sells eyes, dont know if they are available in DoY though.

lvl 3 eyes are not ingame yet, they should be available after the patch from TT FSM