View Full Version : Here's something to increase PvP (Yes this is a rip from PS)

19-11-04, 06:14
Mobile Genereplicators

Requirement: Dexterity 115
Vehicle Use 150

Passangers: 1 Driver

How Could This Be Used:
1. It could be used while leveling. It can only be deployed in the outzone (not caves etc)

2. It could be used at outposts, it must be deployed a certain distance away from the op, and could allow players to spawn there. It has a goguardian and city cm in it. This would allow OP fights to go on a tad bit longer if it's well hidden, and I dunno I think it'd bring more fun to the game

The genrep must be tagged right after it is deployed and shows up as Temperary Genreplicator. Then if it is blown up it goes away from your list.


19-11-04, 07:08
Not a bad idea. As with most ideas like this though, exploits could be a problem.

19-11-04, 08:52
Agreed, very good concept, but there would probably no way to think of all the bugs/exploits that could occur from this. And you know its only a matter of time before someone will find a really nasty exploit for it.

19-11-04, 17:51
Test server anyone :rolleyes:

19-11-04, 17:52
Test server anyone :rolleyes:

They have this on testserver?

19-11-04, 19:13
I think thats a bit beyond NC TBH :)

I don't llke the idea anyway, so many ways it can be used lamly. sorry.