View Full Version : Best game music

17-11-04, 02:40
I never know if my fav games happen to have the best music or the games which have the best music end up being my fav games.

in any case my top list is:

1. EVE
2. Baldur's Gate II
3. The Elder Scrolls III

17-11-04, 03:42
FS. 'Nuff Said.

Oh and NFS:U....

Asurmen Spec Op
17-11-04, 03:53
I love the club music in NC2, its playing right now.....

17-11-04, 04:26
the chat shows in GTA Vice and Liberty, they rocked, not really music but what the hell

remeber descent, that had sweet music, and the Duke Nukems

Clive tombstone
17-11-04, 07:32
I being in Orchistra (highschool and college) I would have to give Everquest 2 a pretty fine musical score man, Oh and NC2 for there kickass new club/faction office music. EVE had some sick tunes too, cant argue that, but theres one more I KNOW im forggeting, Id say Final fantasy seven, as a good key, but I cant think of what else damnit, Ill think of it soon.

PS what is "FS" Im sorry I forget the achronym.

17-11-04, 10:43
Best music I've ran into in NC2 is ofc the club\faction HQ music, but Job Center ownes them :P.

FFVII was great music, yes I admit I forgot the FF series since I stopped playing them because I don't have PS2 :P.

Yeah the GTA chatterbox [was that the name of the show or did I forget] was very very innovative.

I'd like to comment on my choices 2 & 3, first off no one will have a better opening theme than Baldurs Gate II, the music is an essential part of each zone, so they've payed attention as to which music is to be played where.

Elder scrolls III... the music - epical.

17-11-04, 10:57
doom 1 and 2 with the bends playing instead of game sound :)

failing that the choir chant in halo/halo2/myth II are all very good
and theres a nice little rock track in hl2 which is kinda funky when your going through the racks of pod's

17-11-04, 12:15
I haven't played BG II in a long time, but I hear the music on gamerfm sometimes and I agree its pretty damned good. Personally, the best game music is from Hired Guns (in good old MED format) .

Clive, I'm going to hazard a guess that FSm knowing QD, is Freespace.

FS I and II were great for many, many reasons but I don't recall the music being one of them (I actually reinstalled FS2 on the weekend.. I blame the Battlestar Galactica mini-series).

17-11-04, 21:36
Specific pieces of Briefing Music, a couple of mission pieces in FS2 and the finale whole three missions from FS1 :p

And possibly the mission where the Admiral Wolf dies. (/tries to hide plot spoilers).

Btw Siygess, this is a little OTT but have you looked up the SCP?


Use the links with SCP in them on here, simply because it's more .....userfriendly than the main Hard Light Productions Guidence :p

18-11-04, 21:17
gunna update my list with Half Life 2, the music in that is great, like when you 1st put on the HEV or the water way bit

18-11-04, 21:25
Metal Gear Solid / 2 / 3.
Freespace / 2.
Final Fantasy 6.
Initial D - Arcade/Special Stage.
Tie Fighter. (Kind of... see below)

In that order.
Sorry, I don't think that games who use music that wasn't originally made for the game are a candidate for best game music, so no NFSU/2... and I'm not sure about GTA3/VC/SA.

Music is very important to add to atmosphere and emotion. There aren't many games that use music well. In the games I listed above, there were moments that either made me go "holy shit", drop my mouth in awe, fear for my life or just feel very pumped up and immersed in the story.. due to the music. Like in Metal Gear Solid 2, the main theme intro is awesome... that's all there is to it. Freespace is beautifully crafted in all ways. Final Fantasy 6.. Opera House, need I say more? Initial D, while you're drifting a high speed corner and you hear that cheesy techno/jpop music and you think you can do anything... until you lose concentration and smack into a wall. In Tie Fighter when you just took out a wing of x-wings, y-wings and a mon cal cruiser in your TIE Interceptor, and you see reinforcements arrive in the form of a few ISDs and wings of fighters. Another huge battle starts with rebel reinforcements and you hear Imperial March play. Epic.

18-11-04, 23:30
Hmm, that moment where that matrix-ish-music comes in and you're fighting manhacks ...christ.

Cross between Matrix (Squiddies) + Batteries Not Included :p

I was like "OMG Gaming moment of the year" -- Then again that could be because I was playing baseball with them with me trusty crowbar, and of course grav gun :p

26-11-04, 21:03
ok adding another game, Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, the music is sweet lol, and probly my game of the year, along with Half Life 2 (even tho the story was a let down, the action was sweet lol)

26-11-04, 21:11
That Vampire game I thought was pish.

Story was crap and I hated the gameplay. Was a shame, was looking forward to it, but I agree the music was very good espeically in the Asylum. :D

26-11-04, 21:16
fs2 and bg 2... best game music evar ^^