View Full Version : Moving to anti-city

14-11-04, 17:51
Anyone have any good ideas for getting my chars to FA from various pro-city factions?

They all have good SL, which I'd like to keep, and none have awful anti-city symps, mostly around -20 or so. I can't do missions and I can't PK without losing my SL. Any ideas?

14-11-04, 18:02
How many you have in CM ?
If you can do CM mission do it, go to CM.
Then chainkill a TG.

14-11-04, 18:03
don't FA is full ( builds blocks around sector 3 walls )

14-11-04, 18:09

I had more fun on my FA epic mule for the hour I played him than I had on all my other chars in a week. People on the FA faction chat talk to each other, and they use real words! So sick of "0mig0d i r r0x0r the b1g one!!!" style conversations.

Not sure that ganking TG would make me any friends in DoY ;)

14-11-04, 18:19

I had more fun on my FA epic mule for the hour I played him than I had on all my other chars in a week. People on the FA faction chat talk to each other, and they use real words! So sick of "0mig0d i r r0x0r the b1g one!!!" style conversations.

Not sure that ganking TG would make me any friends in DoY ;)

I'll make on for ya - I doubt anyone would mind.

14-11-04, 18:24
Thanks for the offer, but that's not the problem. I can make a TG ganknoob easily enough...but won't that make my FA symp go down not up? O_o

14-11-04, 18:30
Thanks for the offer, but that's not the problem. I can make a TG ganknoob easily enough...but won't that make my FA symp go down not up? O_o

could always do it to a procity...

14-11-04, 18:32
That would ruin my SL :)

Seems to be a bit of a catch22.

14-11-04, 19:19
erm sorry, my bad. I read too fast and thought FA to pro city.

14-11-04, 19:22
lets make a real reply now :p

i say go CM wait for the FA symp to get up to the standard 10 and go do missions in DOY for FA.. takes fuckloads of time tho but din't say it was easy to join the best faction in the game *cough* :angel:

14-11-04, 20:49
Err City>Doy isn't possible without a huge SL dump unless you know some trix for kids I'm going to be trying out real soon.

14-11-04, 20:53
Err City>Doy isn't possible without a huge SL dump unless you know some trix for kids I'm going to be trying out real soon.
kill some neutral, run some missions, rinse repeat till you have enough symp for first missions of enemy faction, at some point you can even start doing missions for the SL and Symp shouldn't take to long really...

14-11-04, 21:09
I'm talking about doing it all in one swift 15 min go.

14-11-04, 21:39
step 1) make a noob pro city
step 2) find ppu
step 3) chain kill bums with noob
step 4) chain kill neg sl noob pro city
step 5) switch faction


14-11-04, 21:46
killing a red runner dosnt effect symps does it?

EDIT: I also have my epic char stuck in CM, never thought through how he was going to go back to being evil :(

14-11-04, 22:16
killing a red runner dosnt effect symps does it?

EDIT: I also have my epic char stuck in CM, never thought through how he was going to go back to being evil :(

Hmm not sure..maybe this would work...

I thought being red only meant it didn't effect your SL where-ever you kill em.

14-11-04, 22:42
-when you kill some one with red SL you gain SL.
-You dont loose/gain symp since you are incuraged to kill friendly factions with red SL. :(

But, I'm not 100% sure about this. Maybe some one should test it?

15-11-04, 06:58
The way I did it too one of my chars was the quick way and seems the only way which is very stupid. I went into proto lab which is not a safe zone and killed the office workers I went -40 SL but getting into doy was easy. If your factionless and have low SL the pro city faction gaurds and copbots includeding CM's at MB will KOS you. Doy faction gaurds and doy bots however will not even when they appear red to you once in DOY do missions all missions add at least 1 point to SL. Get it lower than -32 sl and leave your PC on over night by morning you should be -19 SL do some missions to get it down.

Then you should be good to go and join your new faction in DOY with all good symps in doy factions. You could kill some CM's this would rasie your TG symp alot but getting into DOY would be very very hard if your still pro city.

/Edit why you comming to anti city :) ?

16-11-04, 08:39
Have to admit, a lot of the people you will see in FA have been there forever. Most FA's know other FA's very well, although I think the Uranus and Saturn ones are just getting acquainted. And having floated around doing epics, it's one of the few I've experienced where people use faction chat in addition to clan chat when they need help with anything. I think CM is supposed to be like this too but I'm not sure.

Plus I've heard some funny ass stuff on faction chat.

Still got a couple characters stuck doing city epics. I'm planning on making the jump via CM.

No problems with faction hoppers, but I'm partial to FA for what it is and the fact that most other FA's are too.

Bugs Gunny
16-11-04, 10:24
Ive doen it on my ppu, is sooooo slow.

What you do is:
get a genrep at a safespot like for instance Next hq.
Get some liw level research mission bp's premade. (for the next missions)
Then you go somewhere near a gr, kill your own faction a few times.
You'll end up with neg sl and get kicked out of faction (factionless, meaning neutral or allied to all)

Now run the bp missions in the HQ to get sl back up.

Go to the HQ of your new faction. get the gr. Leave your char afk for a while, all symps will go to 10 or higher.
Do BP missions for your new faction and join.

16-11-04, 11:44
Well, I'm working on doing the same thing, and thought I had a plan...

I got my pro-city char's FA faction symp up to 52... Next thing I was going to do was get my CM symp to 50-odd and swap to CM... From there I thought it would a simple case of marching into FA HQ (I already got the GR in FA sector) and swapping to FA...

From what I'm reading am I to understand that this won't work?

Edit: I tried stealthing into FA HQ to make the switch, but even using Obli from FA HQ entrance, I didn't get time to do the deed before the FA turrets wasted me :(

Bugs Gunny
16-11-04, 11:56
In your case , become factionless. the turrets won't shoot you then. Even with red sl.

16-11-04, 12:15
So even with 50+ FA symp, and being CM faction, the turrets will still take a pop at me? I thought CM was neutral to FA?

Bugs Gunny
16-11-04, 12:44
If you're cm they won't shoot you.

16-11-04, 12:56
When you kill a runner with exactly 0 SL you gain symp and do NOT get bad Soullight ...

Problem is that 0 SL only lasts for about 2-3 minutes ... after that it automatically raises to 1

Bugs Gunny
16-11-04, 13:25
You only need to kill him about 3-4 times, maybe 5.
You can do this easy at a genrep.

16-11-04, 15:17
You only need to kill him about 3-4 times, maybe 5.
You can do this easy at a genrep.

not if you have -99 to the faction you want to join :o

16-11-04, 16:33
There is an NPC out front of Both Cities that will change you from pro to anti and vice versa but guess what THERE BUGGED l :lol:

Bugs Gunny
16-11-04, 16:56
not if you have -99 to the faction you want to join :o

Well, leave your char logged in afk while you go to work/school. you'll see in a few days you get it up to +10. from then on start doing res mission (have reser make bp's for you).

Darth Slayer
16-11-04, 19:11
Can't you kill Reeza's Finest ?
If so go CM and take the mission to kill em. Oh have a PPU strapped to your ass for that tho....... :lol:
This mean I can't kill you anymore MrChumble ?....... :D
Also FA turrets do not attack CM at least none I've seen in HQ.
Now I know I'm a nice guy but why has FA become so Popular all of a sudden ?...... :D