View Full Version : TSU epic. WTF?

08-11-04, 01:38
Talked to the recruiter in HQ, and he keeps on rambling about a delivery to DRE, so It's not the epic start as I know it should be,,,

Is it bugged? Maybe it has something to do with me never finishing the epic in NC1?

(I'll just ask here before sending a ticket).

08-11-04, 02:09
the 1st mission you have to take a package to a Dre guy in DoY, sector 7 i think, then to Jester, then to a guy in the secret tunnel in NC

08-11-04, 03:59
I assumed it was bugged. There's a DRE guy in the Dome itself? How screwed up is that? The mission text specifically says "in Diamond HQ." I submitted it as a bug report.

08-11-04, 04:04
the guy is MAXIME, either sector 10 or 07, can't remember which one tho.

08-11-04, 04:32
there all screwed, the CM one tells you to go talk to Gerard who is a watcher in neocron, but hes sitting right in the Black ribbon bar, and he talks about seeing Black lily all the time, and shes over in PP lol

08-11-04, 04:48
Thanx for the help. sent a ticket afterall. Thanx onyx. :)

And yeah, the mission text doesnt make sense. Not ONE bit. :(

Anyway. tried t find secrest pssg nr2 and tag TH in the process, then zoned riding my speedbike, ending up dead after zoning.

This is one RIDICULOUS epic. :mad:

08-11-04, 04:55
Yeah, it rules :D

08-11-04, 16:30
This is one RIDICULOUS epic. :mad:
did crahn epic yesterday ...... good god my stealth1 was enough to get ridd of the silly tank shooting with malediction on me infront of OZ9-Church O_o
.... sry for him, he hit the guards :D

08-11-04, 17:04
Talk to the recruiter again, he'll change the mission text. You're supposed to talk to Maxime, a female spy npc in sec.. 10 i think. She's a DRE contact or something like that. That aside, prepare to be visiting NC a lot. Almost every single mission for the TS epic will involve you going to to the TS secret hq in PP3 or to a contact in Outzone. Even the very first mission has you visit pp3. How's that for an "easy" mission?

08-11-04, 20:15
Know what? I'll just skip it and move on to Crahn... Just can't be arsed into crossing the whole damn world map and probably die alot for a shitty 1 slot craprifle which I have no use for anyway. :mad:

08-11-04, 21:32
I got a 2slotter and sold it to someone else for 3mil : ) That made it all worthwhile for me. But I don't blaim ya, TS is pretty sad when it comes to rewards/benefits.

08-11-04, 22:37

Not the type to give up... So I tried it afterall. Managed to get TH GR finally. :P

So I make it to secret passage.. Trying to get a GR tagged. But yeah, as soon as I entered PP, I ofcourse got GANGBANGED by a group of monks waiting for me.

Whoever wrote this epic. Shove that damn rifle where the sun dont shine!
I'm NOT going through all that trouble again. Driving my damn bike for ages, just to get ganked as i set my first step into PP, losing my equipment, etc. UR right Carinth, there's nothing worthwile for TSU's. FSM sells nothing, databases are bugged and the epic is plain ridiculous. :(

09-11-04, 00:14
Dunno if this is too late but...

Tsunami Epic @ nc.synergyxr.net (http://nc.synergyxr.net/guides/epics/epicinfo.php?faction=8)

09-11-04, 01:00
Smock, you *did* remember to tag the two OZ GRs and the IND one, right?


09-11-04, 05:58
Smock, you *did* remember to tag the two OZ GRs and the IND one, right?


After some help from a PE (Thanx from Tzeux (?)) yes.
Forget the "some".

I'm rank 60/53, non LE'd and a PvP noob. Like someone said ingame, the only way to get around there is to kill first. yeah, I'm fucked. :D

Next itme I'll be on my own again. Scanning for potential threats while trying to find my way around. Boy, am I in trouble. :lol:

09-11-04, 07:25
After some help from a PE (Thanx from Tzeux (?)) yes.
Forget the "some".

I'm rank 60/53, non LE'd and a PvP noob. Like someone said ingame, the only way to get around there is to kill first. yeah, I'm fucked. :D

Next itme I'll be on my own again. Scanning for potential threats while trying to find my way around. Boy, am I in trouble. :lol:If you need an escort, I can help. Got a STR-capped HC tank that I can use. I usually play in the evenings (GMT-5).
