View Full Version : FIX BAYONETS! >=P

Clive tombstone
04-11-04, 03:10
Ok, So I do admit, this idea HAS been tossed around befor, but because I like the idea so much, I would like to purpose the idea for bayonets for rifles (MAYBE pistols, dunno, gun cutlasses are cool) but anyways.

Heres how it could work, Bayonets are a weapon mod, plain and simple, they can only be fited on rifles (more preferably lowtech, or maybe laserblades for HT weapons)

In order for the weapon to go into "melee" mode, you hit the "change ammo" button on your keyboard. Being "x" I beleave. This changes the weapon into a melee weapon with piercing damage (Or other kinds if there would be a rare version)

judging by the equipted weapon, damage would be "decided" by KK about what would be good for its damage. say a pain easer, could deal damge being somewhat similar to its own tl, if not greater (per hit).

Please note, MC skill is involved in this damage, and the absence of MC will heavly hurt the damage given by the bayonet (or G-cutlas).

The aiming system is just like normal melee combat as well.

-Complications for implimentation-

-Animation-"thrusting" animation for each rifle would need to be put in. THis could consume ether a lot or a little time, I wouldnt think it wouldnt take THAT much effort.

-Ammo switching-Like talked about befor, the gun switching from "ranged" to melee, might be tough to do, but since I dont know the code all that well myself, I could see this ether being a mountain or a molehill.

-Adding the blades-adding the blades to each gun might also be hard, but Im not sure once again, this engine is pretty foriegn to me, but if its anything like 3d studio max, it shouldnt be THAT hard.

*Balancing and combat*-Ok heres the real make or break issue. First Bayonets, like in realife, were ment for the "last ditch" efforts or when ammo was a real big issue, they were also used in charges.

So here it goes, The switch between range and close takes about the same time it does to reload, so instant stabbing to shooting is a little tough. Frequency and damage should be decided by KK and company.
Run speed is "SLighty" faster, since you are running at your target to gore the F*** out of them.

MY notes-The only thing I could see a problem with this idea, is that the "local players" bar will act as an early warning system, kinda making this harder, but remember, these are bayonets, like banzai charges, there ment to be crazy OR calculated.

PS-Get rid of the local players tab :D

04-11-04, 07:52
o.O I thought this was gonna be a joke thread

04-11-04, 08:24
o.O I thought this was gonna be a joke thread


rifle/pistol users arn't melee :/

to much work... to little use... meh..

04-11-04, 12:09
Seems like a well though out idea to me - Could be kinda useful... I dunno - IMExp Piercing seems to fare pretty well against the Jawa brigade - so haveing a liquid fire with a bayonet gives you the firepower to have it out with all types - without as many penalties. Plus people tend to shit themselves when attacked in melee for some odd reason.

I like - It's probably something that won't be used as much as the norm - but insanely useful in quite a few cases.

*The man from spermonte - he say yes!*

04-11-04, 12:18
Easier than that would be adding 'bash' melee attack for each rifle\pistol [something like Call of Duty]

04-11-04, 12:29
Nice idea, but kind of goes against the cookie cutter specialisation that the game pushes you towards, the melee on a rifle could never be effective because otherwise the tanks would be marginalised. You'd be talking about a melee PE that can snipe.

Don't forget that most weapons are used like melee for pvp anyway, since duels are most likely close combat affairs.

Clive tombstone
05-11-04, 21:55
This little thing wouldnt really marginalize the tanks really, The tanks STILL will dominate the melee skills, but as for spies and PE's they would get something different. Now abouut going against cookie cutter setups, Whats wrong with that? Ever hear about individuality? Its really neat, it means your not the same as everyone else :D .

Also, realistically speaking, whats not realistic about bayonets? WW1 WW2 and the Korean war, all had bayonets. I think it would add a new elemet to combat that would be really cool.

05-11-04, 22:05
omg i love that idea wen u get close enough have a secondary knife on ure weapon shame it wud never happen

Clive tombstone
06-11-04, 04:19
Just so you know, I played an Imperial guard army In WH40k for a few years, so I have some of the guardsmen Spirit still in me.

And blackbeard? Never say never man.

06-11-04, 04:28
i wanna pistol whip an aggie :p

06-11-04, 05:43
maybe make the person spec for this.

Clive tombstone
06-11-04, 07:45
Please note, MC skill is involved in this damage, and the absence of MC will heavly hurt the damage given by the bayonet (or G-cutlas).

maybe make the person spec for this.

thats the idea, maybe like have the mod go on the gun, and the person must match the MC skill with the base TL of the gun.

06-11-04, 07:50
Yeah, we really need more point and click damage. O_o