View Full Version : non-cookie cutter pe setup

31-10-04, 07:11
So im trying to go the way of a non-cookie cutter setup. Judge using pistol pe with a defense setup based around ncpd armor. (im a ca fanboi so stfu! :cool: )
Im coming up short somewhere, but cant quire figure out where. Im just not really starting to get into pvp, so i never really tok the time to look at my setup until recently. Any advice would be appreciated!

My setup can be found here (http://www.geocities.com/plight2k/Character.html)

PS: The moto3 is just temp until I get an sa. Also, I know a pp resistor and moveon would help, but i would rather my setup not depend on them as I dont necessarily believe in faction hopping. I know that others may have a marked advantage over me, but im not in it solely to win, and can probably at the very least put up a decent fight.

PPS: I know that ill need more lore to help cap dmg on the judge. Ill chnage that bit later, prolly drop psi use to 70.

Clive tombstone
31-10-04, 07:28
you could go Pistol/vehc/HC/hacking/weak PPU. Thats what I am basically (cept Im lowtech rifle =P )

honestly I can see why I still take a good amount of force damage =P I mean, when you have 100 HC and you can gun a tank, as a PE, you definatly need to sacerfice (Im currently setup for glider flying right now, no tank gunning for me right now :( )

PS-Mind you, any time you go away from the cooki cutter mode, you generally get a little "worse" at PvP. but really, its all about having fun.

31-10-04, 07:39
yah im aware ill get rocked by the cookie cutters sometimes (if not all, lol).
Theyre around for a reason, and thats because its a tried and proven setup, and to deviate from it could possibly be devistating.

Speaking of cookies..... (runs off to kitchen)

Clive tombstone
31-10-04, 08:59
true, I somewhat some times regret going away from the "rifle cookie cutter" because now Its a bit more difficult to survive player vs player. But on the other hand, I really excel when it comes to vehicle combat and piloting due to my specialization from playing that setup for such a long time.

31-10-04, 09:36
What PE setups are cookie cutter?

Judge or RoG with PA? Is someone cookie cutter because they use the best possible item combo for their play style?

I'm a lowtech libby pe who can drive and gun a reveler ... and hack and poke. Not that I'm gimp either for a lowtech pe without PA. High resists/heath, good lib freq, and have a bunch of fun and useful skills... I do use a resistor and moveon though.

I have a hard time looking at your setup with that skill manager :(

I'll post my old Judge, no PA, no epics setup I used at the start of Neocron2.
Not bad actually, the setup is MUCH better with a moveon though... and even better than that with PA. Might give you an idea... I dont remember how much energy NCPD-PA gives but unless its a lot medium energy belt is unmatched in awesomeness. I wouldnt use a judge with less than 170 PC and enough TC to use gun without buff. But thats me.

31-10-04, 09:57

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i used to have a PE, but i didnt like it at the time

kinda miss it now though.

31-10-04, 10:58
I cap just with my setup

/sa/ppr/sf/balistic 3/reflex 4

i buff and use pistol 1 and spy 1 so they add hightech so put the higtech points i would normally have in there into pistol and get 174 pistol combat with camo pa 3 on and cap it.

31-10-04, 14:43
I'd join you Plight and try to get a good setup, but my soulight got bugged during transfer from Neocron 1 at -128 8| ...so apartment only for me

31-10-04, 16:48
NCPD PA has the resists for a low tech PE... but the hotbox is bigger :(

myPE is lowtech who will have about 125 in all resists and 450ish health, while capping his weapon of choice

Dribble Joy
31-10-04, 17:08
myPE is lowtech who will have about 125 in all resists and 450ish health, while capping his weapon of choice
Is he a drugger?
If so, then for a low tech PE, that is really quite low con wise.

31-10-04, 17:11
Is he a drugger?
If so, then for a low tech PE, that is really quite low con wise.

hes a drugger but i dont take any of my drugs into account for setup reasons... if thats low then i prolly got the numbers wrong... i no longer have smokers skillmanager v2, just the save files i cant open with any other programs :p

Dribble Joy
31-10-04, 17:19
Something simple I bashed out.
Kinda slow, but no drugs.

Add br3 and redflash, and even more.

31-10-04, 17:23
Something simple I bashed out.
Kinda slow, but no drugs.

Add br3 and redflash, and even more.

PA on a low tech rifle? and by all resists i include poison...

Dribble Joy
31-10-04, 17:24
125 in por?

PA is too good to give up, it's frankly daft not to use it.

31-10-04, 17:24
125 in por?

possibly a bit lower, but FH2, br2, VK and resists spec'd...

:edit: tested 2 days ago... PA hitbox is far larer still... with my low tech PE i dont need the dex or rc and i dont really need the NRG either (since i use br2 i lommed mst down to that needed for a DB, allowing me to improve on the psi setup you posted on another PE thread, offering me better damage on a shelter, with about 125 nrg resist anyway... i DB at about 35/min currently (i will increase the speed at some point) and have a 170 mana pool...

31-10-04, 22:08
ok, i converted my setup over to smokers skill manager. I can allready tell ill get ********** by poison, my xxr is low comprared to others, and my health is low as well. Thats all i can really tell, heh. I dont really know where to take points from to compensate for the weaknesses.

Im trying my best to use capa, but if the hitbox just make sit unreasonable to wear it, ill jst switch to my titan armor and adjust my armor to compensate.

Here it is. Critique away


01-11-04, 18:08
cmon guys, need a lil help here! where should i take points to cover my weaknessed? or are they just minor? Or is my setup just wank? heh

01-11-04, 18:10
It says invalid attachment when I click it...

01-11-04, 18:17
bleh, must be cached in ie then for me. lemme try reupping it.

01-11-04, 18:30

Lose the Exp heart, use all antigamma bones... your psi is wonky, you want 75ppu/50mst for heat/haz1 or 73/48 for brb3... or 68/43 if you aren't drugging NS.

Lose a bit of athletics for 70 with imps and put it in body health... with a str heart 2 or filter heart 2 your resists will be a lot better after you redistribute some points.

01-11-04, 20:11
Plight - Have you considered going full Heavy as your primary weapon instead of vehicle/heavy/rifle mix?

01-11-04, 20:25
erm, im pure pistol o_O

01-11-04, 21:01
Hehe. Sorry, I was confused by all the info on this page.


Without consideration of a PP, Move-on, or drugs and not factoring in a permanent PPU up your butt, you will always be gimped in the defence department.

02-11-04, 21:12
my somewhat censored PE setup... this skillmanager doesnt show resist values but pecentages... but you get the idea (the self / foreign cast buffs are opposite in this skillmanager at the moment)

02-11-04, 22:36
Am I the only PE who doesnt use a moveon/ppr and doesnt drug??

I seem the fair pretty well in street fights and NF.

Plight your P-C is WAY low for a judge. And your lore is WAY high for pistols. I have about 80 wep lore, 110 hack and 75 psu. IIRC. Weapon lore past aiming cap will only help with range. If you want a lot of range, then use rifles. Besides, the judge has plenty of range, for a pistol.

And just use PA. It really makes no sense not to. When someone wastes your ass, and you respond "well at least my setup is original", they will laugh at you.

In my eyes their are two types of PEs. Defensive and offensive. You can imp up to have mad resists, or imp up to have mad frequencies on your weps etc. I made my PE to run like the wind and get close to capping the judges freq (without drugs, real men dont need drugs :p), I like it and it works good for me. Most of my opponets have trouble hitting me, which seems to make up for the lack of defense I have. AND PLZ REMEMBER. Dont solely test this stuff in NF. That place is deceiving, you should be testing your setup OUTSIDE of NF.

02-11-04, 22:49
Am I the only PE who doesnt use a moveon/ppr and doesnt drug??

I seem the fair pretty well in street fights and NF.

Plight your P-C is WAY low for a judge. And your lore is WAY high for pistols. I have about 80 wep lore, 110 hack and 75 psu. IIRC. Weapon lore past aiming cap will only help with range. If you want a lot of range, then use rifles. Besides, the judge has plenty of range, for a pistol.

And just use PA. It really makes no sense not to. When someone wastes your ass, and you respond "well at least my setup is original", they will laugh at you.

In my eyes their are two types of PEs. Defensive and offensive. You can imp up to have mad resists, or imp up to have mad frequencies on your weps etc. I made my PE to run like the wind and get close to capping the judges freq (without drugs, real men dont need drugs :p), I like it and it works good for me. Most of my opponets have trouble hitting me, which seems to make up for the lack of defense I have. AND PLZ REMEMBER. Dont solely test this stuff in NF. That place is deceiving, you should be testing your setup OUTSIDE of NF.

i fully cap my weapon of choice with that setup...

and icould make a PE that doesnt drug / use epic chips... i could make a tank without epic chips... but why would i want to?

:edit: and i run hella fast too...

:Edit2: looking at Plights resists / health i know exactly why i choose to use epic chips...

the resists appear to be worked out differently on the 2 skillmanagers as i have better resists but my resist % is lower than his protection %... maybe mine doesnt take the 33% default resist into account or whatever... i dunno :p

02-11-04, 23:00
i fully cap my weapon of choice with that setup...

What setup?

and i run hella fast too...

You forgot to mention "with several drugs" ;)

02-11-04, 23:07
What setup? the setup shown. im not gonna give out all my stats, all you need to know is i get good resists, almost 450 health and a capped weapon that has got me 80-90 * or higher ranked dogtags so far

You forgot to mention "with several drugs" ;)

1 drug for run speed, the Nightspider is purely to counter the -psi use and to improve RoF on spells. i like Damage Boost :D

i run fast undrugged... but i drug for intense combat. my setup works perfectly without drugs, it isn't drug reliant.

02-11-04, 23:28
lol, so you just post a screencap of your skillmanager setup without even showing how much r-c or p-c you have? Give me a break. You cap a first love then?

El Jimben
03-11-04, 01:56
Lol, what did he say about First Love? Maybe 'I will near cap my weapon of choice' was an exaggeration but seeing as he's gonna use PPR/Moveon & only 1 drug he's not gonna have more 101 dex max w/out pa

03-11-04, 04:16
He said weapon of choice, so what does that mean?

03-11-04, 21:52
it means the weapon i use is fully capped. i have it now, its fully capped (capped dmg, shots/min and aim) and has got me about 90 dogtags of * or higher rank chars.

yes i have refused to post my entire setup... if you decide not to believe me it wont effect me in anyway...

im a PE... i dont use a FL. even if i was a spy i wouldnt use a FL. look at my dex... 100 with a redflash.

this is to inspire people... maybe someone will see that its possible to have a PE with good defence, that is capable of good combat too. i wont give out my entire setup as that ruins it for others. i have shown my armour / imp / buff setup (also that i only use TL3 def instead of Blessed Def... this allows me a better damage % on my shelter, and i have a fully capped TL3 def) however i wont hand people my setups on a plate anymore :p

03-11-04, 22:31
Ray of God I guess... I don't know. Ray of god is so much better than a pain easer, but to get the setup he has I'm guessing he doesn't have TC and is going for the pain easer / damage boost combo... but then agian it takes like 200 rc to cap rof on a pain easer... he's using a tsunami epic rifle! AHA!

03-11-04, 22:37
Ray of God I guess... I don't know. Ray of god is so much better than a pain easer, but to get the setup he has I'm guessing he doesn't have TC and is going for the pain easer / damage boost combo... but then agian it takes like 200 rc to cap rof on a pain easer... he's using a tsunami epic rifle! AHA!

someone actually thinking about it rather than moaning im not giving out a setup?

good call :D

03-11-04, 22:44
Jester, what server / name ?
I wanna try duel you or something. ^.^

03-11-04, 22:49
Terra and the name is on the screenie :p

im uncapped atm and trying something new to improve my resists... however im uncapped atm and need to get around to capping :p

79 dex (makes a difference with my modified setup) and 59 con

but yeah im Average Joe on Terra. gimme a DM or something :p

:edit: look around... i name, and posted a screenie of my weapon somewhere :p

03-11-04, 22:51
ok, so ive taken all the advice in this thread and came up with this little diddy. Though seeing as how im probably not going to be getting a SA any time soon, ive changed a bit. I came across a pp resistor which i substitued for the sa for now. Also going to stay low tech pistol for now as it just doesnt seem feasible without an sa to get the tech pistol setup im looking for. Still sticking with NCPD PA :D

This one better?

03-11-04, 23:35
personally i would lose the balace advancer 3 and use a moveon

all your resists are kinda low, body healths nice though., you shouldnt nee dthat much wep lore and more psu would give you better freq on DB and other spells. 48 mst? whats that... br 3? haz 1 is worth considering at 50 mst and 1 drug.

my modified setup is pretty crappy til i cap :p

however it will have better resists all round than the one i posted, and have 7 less dex than the one i posted.(not a problem for me)

still... that poison... the best melee (PoB for tanks, PoT for PE's) and drones (Raptors) will durt lots as well as Wargas Dev's and the obvious poison beams (should you encounter a well equipped APU).

i really went off the idea of blessed def when i saw the damage % a PE gets... comapred to the capped damage tl 3 def.

however i have seen odd setups recently, including a PE drugging into DB Sanc... which is great for solo PKing or duels... anti DB drugs become worthless :p

oh and always consider drugs :D

04-11-04, 00:00
Well, the balance advancer gives me a nice boost of speed which leaves more con for resists instead of athletics.

And ive been avoiding drugs just for the fact that after they wear out your useless.

Where would you recommend I get the points to raise my resists? Just rip em from athletics? thats the only option I can see....

04-11-04, 00:02
Well, the balance advancer gives me a nice boost of speed which leaves more con for resists instead of athletics.

And ive been avoiding drugs just for the fact that after they wear out your useless.

Where would you recommend I get the points to raise my resists? Just rip em from athletics? thats the only option I can see....

i would recommend drug(s) and a moveon...

moveon is +body health which means less spec'd in body health which in turn means more points for resists.

also isnt it holy shelter boots PE's can wear?

04-11-04, 00:07
yah just noticed that. So holy shelter it is, and a moveon i guess. So 450 is what i should be aiming for health wise? I guess i will start drugging for psi, the health bonus from haz or even brb3 would free up even more points from health... I think im finally catching on, lol

04-11-04, 00:09
yah just noticed that. So holy shelter it is, and a moveon i guess. So 450 is what i should be aiming for health wise? I guess i will start drugging for psi, the health bonus from haz or even brb3 would free up even more points from health... I think im finally catching on, lol

meh my setup uses all self buffs and a br 2...

use whatever works best for you...

anyways im loggin for tonight cya all :D

04-11-04, 00:33
My PE has 353 health fully buffed, you dont NEED a moveon. Stick with the balance advancer3.

04-11-04, 23:17
My PE has 353 health fully buffed, you dont NEED a moveon. Stick with the balance advancer3.

my PE has 450 or something self buffed...

MOVEON isnt needed... but its an advantage

Dribble Joy
04-11-04, 23:48
Below 400 hp on any PE setup is just bad con point efficiency.
Remember that you need a balance between hp and armour, 350 hp is too far from that point.
If you can afford to ditch a dist3/balli3 for a moveon, DO IT.

04-11-04, 23:58
someone actually thinking about it rather than moaning im not giving out a setup?

good call :D
Damn, i could cry that i put my lowtech rifle PE onto the crappy german server. I'd love to try out that setup, its damn nice. :)

But i cant be arsed to change factions, do 3 epics, get money, spells, armor, bleh. :(

We gotta NF again sometime, i got thrice my old FPS now. ;)

05-11-04, 00:10
Damn, i could cry that i put my lowtech rifle PE onto the crappy german server. I'd love to try out that setup, its damn nice. :)

But i cant be arsed to change factions, do 3 epics, get money, spells, armor, bleh. :(

We gotta NF again sometime, i got thrice my old FPS now. ;)

heh... i still have no capped chars :p

but yeah im always available for fighting (even if NF is pro city... :p)

i did 2 crahn epics, traded one for a 4 slot tsu epic rifle, one for a ppr and moveon