View Full Version : Juggernaughts. Use them.

29-10-04, 09:19
How about you put some of these around MB bunker here and there?

NC2 was supposed to feature new mobs, dunno what happened with that, but since these are in the code already, spread them around.

Getting, no, I am tired of Launchers, WB's, Firemobs, and the like.

Where are the new mobs aside from the Juggernaughts that are in one specific place?

Use them somewhere else please, make them drop other things in other places.

Would be cool and help with the tedium.

29-10-04, 09:24
ceres caves ?

but your idea is kinda well.. the mobs in the worm tunnels you don't see in other places. the guys from the chaos caves you don't see anywere else.. from swamp... etc..

29-10-04, 09:32
KILLER']ceres caves ?

but your idea is kinda well.. the mobs in the worm tunnels you don't see in other places. the guys from the chaos caves you don't see anywere else.. from swamp... etc..

Yeah but weren't they already in NC1?
There's supposed to be new mobs in NC2.

29-10-04, 09:34
so there are new mobs. in ceres labs in jugger facil

nobody said they were all over the world dit they ? they were made for those special places just like chaos caves, worm tunnels etc

29-10-04, 09:35
whats annoying me is the fact that KK say NEW MOBS!!!!!oneoneone

then all they do is up the rank and recycle the models.

29-10-04, 09:37
whats annoying me is the fact that KK say NEW MOBS!!!!!oneoneone

then all they do is up the rank and recycle the models.

Thank you and good night. ;)

29-10-04, 09:48
Seriously. The Ceres Mobs are recycled launchers.

This is somewhat of a good idea, but I wouln't put them around MB.

I'd put them in the uninhabited zones.

Like G_07, etc.

Not a single mob there aside from some stupid bugs flying around.

29-10-04, 10:31
I was hoping for some new models instead of just high rank launchers and warbots...


29-10-04, 11:22
Actualy are there real new? Juggers are just bigger WB's, in the Ceres Caves there just Launchers and Y-Commander so i not see them as new. Hacknetmobs come to me like the Apartion (Worm Tunnel Queen).

So there actualy no new Mobs just old with a new Name, how good O_o

Dribble Joy
29-10-04, 11:24
HN mobs are new.. new models and stuff anyway.

The juggs and ceres stuff can't really be anywhere else than in thier caves, wouldn't make that much sense.

J. Folsom
29-10-04, 12:03
According to someone I know he's also seen at least 6 new DOY Bots in the desert. But whether he's spinning tales or talking truth I don't know.

Dribble Joy
29-10-04, 12:10
The 'unknown' mobs?
They were just bugged DoY bots.

J. Folsom
29-10-04, 12:11
The 'unknown' mobs?
They were just bugged DoY bots.
Nah. He was talking about real new ones, apparently only started appearing after the latest two patches.

But like I said, I haven't bothered to check whether he was telling the truth.

29-10-04, 12:18
They added new DoY units in patch 115/116. But it would be nice to see some truly new mobs in the game, not just old mobs whith higher rank and/or new name. And give the mobs that are charing skins their own skins allready!

29-10-04, 12:41
Well new mobs would be nice BUT
I say : Let them work on the bugs first as I see still lots of screaming
in trade chan about bugs.Last patch seems to have solved at least some droning bugs so let them work on bugs and then add new mobs and stuff.
Hopefully they do it too

Dribble Joy
29-10-04, 13:07
Bugs first yes.
We can still disceus content however :).

29-10-04, 14:14
Agree i was expecting more then 2 new mobs in Neocron 2.

29-10-04, 14:24
hell no, putting a few of the 127/127 juggernaughts around would be nasty, they can knock out a high level tank with PPU buffs in like 3 or 4 hits, they'd just ******** any noobs....

but the 85/85 ones would be ok....

29-10-04, 17:28
It would be cool to have time-based spawns in certain zones. Like say, have a couple of the high-rank Soul Cluster mobs from the Worm Tunnels "magically" appear in some zones when it turns dark, and have them last until someone kills them or until morning and simply fade away.

More mobs would be good too.


29-10-04, 22:01
if juggernauts could rome the zone everyone would be dead.

OR people would exploit em with hills ...

the facility shoudl be the onyl place they are found >8]

29-10-04, 22:10
Yeah the patch-notes mention new mob skins, can some DoY char that dont get *R**A**P**E**D* by them post a picture? Me wants to SEE :D

29-10-04, 22:13
I havnt found any yet, i wanna know what they are/called/look like/behave like/ etc

30-10-04, 10:02
Yeah the patch-notes mention new mob skins, can some DoY char that dont get *R**A**P**E**D* by them post a picture? Me wants to SEE :D

I don't think they mentioned new skins, just new as in new names and ranks. I finally found one of the little buggers.

It's a DOY Scout Unit MK II 110/110

They hurt a bit more than a regular DoY bot.

It gave me almost 450k STR experience (as opposed to 200k for a 90/90).

But I think they're not working right yet. They appear to have the same armor as the 90/90. I do 103 x 3 per shot from a Special Forces Plasma Wave to a 90/90, yet I do the same exact damage to this new one. Also, their hit boxes are messed up. They're just like when you encounter a mech turtle while hunting warbots. Even at 100m away, your recticle is almost fully open and you have to aim at damn near the very bottom of the model, making targeting extremely difficult in some cases. It's like trying to aim at a roach in the sewers.

I think it looks a tad different than the 90/90 Scout Unit, but I don't remember clearly, and you of course can't tell in the screen shot.

EDIT: Okay, as it turns out, they apparently do look a bit different. But it's very subtle and if you're not paying attention as you run by, you may miss it. They seem to be set quite a bit flatter.

Here is a regular Defence Unit 90/90


Now here's the Defence Unit MK II 110/110


So the only two I've found thus far are the 110/110 MK II Scout and Defence Units. I went to all heavily camped doy bot areas and these new ones are pretty rare. I don't know if there are more, but these are the two I've found.