View Full Version : Please take a look ;)

28-10-04, 21:49
Omg, I think im the biggest idiot to order something on the Internet just found out that I can buy some shoees for 50$ at internet + shipping but home here they cost 150$ thats withotu shipping.

But when I am at the homepage, http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00016LEQC/ref=pd_sbs_sg_2/103-2243729-1707034?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance
I can't choice colors i want that red/white, anyone knows how to change color on the shoe and order it? Or anybody maybe tryed to order something from there, looks realy cheap normaly when I have to buy new shoes and its from Puma its 150$ nearly everytime why not spare those 50-100$, anyone can help me please ;)

29-10-04, 12:20
Pfft. you should buy Karhu originals, not something that are done in indochina.

They may cost little extra but they are done here in finland and are guaranteed to last long, and the pieces are not glued together by 12-year old children.

29-10-04, 14:36
Don't realy care who made them but I already got the black/red just want red/white aswell.. and luckely I found one at that page just can't find out how to change color to red/white (sho) so I can buy them from there.