View Full Version : Clan key questions

25-10-04, 18:19
Ok I'm making a clan for all my chars to be in. I know I have to get a helpful runner to add my alts, but a few questions remain.

I activate the clan key with a 90 symp char right?

After that, can I transfer the key to another of my chars (after he is added) and reactivate the key with less than 90 symp?

Does the leader have to quit the clan for another char to activate the key, or is he automatically demoted from rank 15?

Any other potential problems you can see?

25-10-04, 18:26
uhm nobody has to reactivate the key once its activate the clan exists. rank 15 controlls the key. rank 15 only can kill it. so after a new char is added and you want him to be the owner of the clan just make him new clanleader ( rank 15 ) and your other char just can leave or you can kick him.

25-10-04, 18:29
Does the other char have to leave? I want him to stay in the clan.

If I understand you right, I have my rank 15 char make another char rank 15, and then the other char is the new leader?

J. Folsom
25-10-04, 18:32
Does the other char have to leave? I want him to stay in the clan.Nope.

If I understand you right, I have my rank 15 char make another char rank 15, and then the other char is the new leader?There's a "Change Leader" button you can only use if you're rank 15, that changes the leader.

25-10-04, 18:36
Sweet thanks. Now to get an unclanned no-LE runner to help me out getting my alts in teh clan. :)

Mods can close, or not, I don't care. :p