View Full Version : How is NC2 Retail?

25-10-04, 14:36
Just checkin in see if anyone wanna give me the scoop...? whats good whats bad etc...

25-10-04, 14:40
When it's finished - we'll let you know.

25-10-04, 14:41
I'll say to you what I say to everyone who asks that question on this forum:

Your account is already active, so why not just upgrade and spend the free month seeing things for yourself?

Dribble Joy
25-10-04, 14:41
Be ready for a torrent of thinly (if at all) vieled attacks on KK about NC2.
Most people have totally over expected what NC2 would be.

That said there are a few things missing and a large problem with a memory leak/loading issue.

Most people are just frustrated as the economy is getting started still and are still doing epics.

25-10-04, 14:43
Its server related realy as most on Terra will tell you its shit with the 3 roll backs they suffered with god knows what reason.

In general.

Stability (for me) has been reasonable and ive only ever fatald twice so far (this is not including Alt Tabbing as it does it most time when i do that, lol)

Fun has been great as i hadnt played NC1 in AGES even though i was still around and NC2 is refreshing as people i know have come back and stuff so its pretty damn fun.

Content - there still fixing/adding some of the stuff that was suposed to be in for Retail but its getting there with time.

My opinions im sure people have others.

25-10-04, 14:44
good- less fre's slightly nicer graphics

bad - no item tracking,no player shops, everything is moving to faction specific items e.g biotech have all the lvl3 eyes and you have to BE biotech with 90 symp before you can buy them, obviously meaning if you arent biotech or whatever it can be a pain in the arse getting stuff. stuff is missing like some level 3 spines and brain imps, oh and it looks in the future you'll only be able to make certain items if you are in a certain faction (faction specific "construction licences"). populations arent really increased, even on terra (which has been rolled back 3 times since nc2 launch) which combined saturn and pluto pop doesnt usually get much above 300. oh and droners are bugged to fuck, as is hacknet.

still, if you liked nc1 you'll probably like nc2 for a few months and theres still nothing else like it out, yet.

25-10-04, 14:45
I wonder why these threads keep popping up? Can't people read around the forums as that generally gives you a better idea of whats been going on. :rolleyes:

25-10-04, 14:47
I wonder why these threads keep popping up? Can't people read around the forums as that generally gives you a better idea of whats been going on. :rolleyes:

venting is good for the spleen

25-10-04, 14:58
Just checkin in see if anyone wanna give me the scoop...?

DoY's maps are in.
All twelve Epics appear to be working, although two have temporary NPCs that bypass certain parts of an epic because those parts are busted server-side.
WoC's not quite working.
Item Tracking is not in.
Cabinets disappear for no reason, just like on Saturn in NC1.
GGs disappear for no reason, just like on Saturn in NC1.
Missions are only somewhat working. Depending on your faction, you may or may not get a decent selection of missions...
Player Shops are not in.
Hacknet's half working. Several databases are still incomplete, meaning several items are missing from the game, as in flat-out not available any longer (think Berserk 3 fiasco, but worse).
Hacknet damage is still being adjusted.
Implants still don't work in Hacknet.
Level 2/3 spines are no longer available via any NPC or Mob resources. The only way to get a Level 2 is if someone managed to bring one over from NC1. The only way to get a Level 3 is to pay a fortune for someone to give you their NC1 spine.
Level 2 eyes may be missing. I think last word was that some NPCs near Regant's Legacy may have them, but I don't think that was accurate. Same problem as the Level 2 spines - no in-game resource to obtain them from other than people who brought them over from NC1.
The vaunted FPS increase? Yeah, it's gone. I'm getting the same FPS as I did in NC1. Maybe my machine's just that good, but I don't think so.
Client has a memory leak you could drive an 18-wheeler through. You're lucky if you can start the client with 512MB of memory, and 1GB? You'll be restarting within a couple hours, depending on how often you zone.
Customizable apartments are working.

The biggest must-haves: Item Tracking and Player Shops are not in, but KK saw fit to make sweeping radical changes to item distribution before these two fixes were complete. The end result is that from level 1 imps/weapons to Level 3 imps/weapons there is a rather large gap that is difficult to overcome unless you happen to have a researcher/constructor and alts in various factions. Want PE PA 3/4? You better know a BD real well. Want Spy PA 3/4? You better be friends with a CA. Inq armor? God only knows.

Maybe 1/2 the sneak peaks made it. Item tracking and Player Shops didn't and the community is really feeling the pain. Unless you relish the idea of builing a lot of alts to do your bidding and weekly rollbacks, you should shy away from NC2, at least until item tracking is in.

Dribble Joy
25-10-04, 15:11
I have been told, that the reason that the next patch is going to be so late, is because they want to fix the problems on Terra before doing anything else.

25-10-04, 15:28
Yeah... We know what happens when KK pulls a mega-patch out of their backsides.

They lauched earlier than they should have. We all know this. KK even knows it. We don't have NC2 yet, we have NC one and a half.

"Fixing" Terra is all well and good, but that doesn't fix the client-side memory leak nor does it resolve item distribution problems.

NC2's problems won't be fixed in a single patch. It'll take a few months.

25-10-04, 15:29
I'm confused... you revel about item tracking... but what exactly does it do except let kk know who has what and where?

25-10-04, 15:30
Please use the search function as we already have enough of these threads.