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View Full Version : Mission categories

19-10-04, 22:39
Does anyone else think that you spend too long looking for the right mission on the citycoms and less time actually doing the mission? It would be nice if they would list the missions into sub-categories eg. Research missions, so you could get exactly the mission you wanted without the random 'downloading'. Or if this would be too much work then they could at least make the list of missions bigger than 3 before you have to 'Download' the next 3.

19-10-04, 22:45
You didnt steal my idea now did you?

Anyway I posted a idea of combat and noncombat missions. You could select if you want to see the combat or noncombat ones from CityCom.


19-10-04, 22:52
/sign on both ideas
Either categories and/or more missions per page is a must imho

19-10-04, 22:58
You didnt steal my idea now did you?

Anyway I posted a idea of combat and noncombat missions. You could select if you want to see the combat or noncombat ones from CityCom.

My idea is better tbh :p ;)

19-10-04, 23:10
Like warbots resisting energy and firemobs resisting fire, this is one of the things that should have been in since day one. The current system is just plain bad design. A tree style menu where you can drop down through branches would be far more logical. Faction -> Difficulty -> Combat/Non-combat -> specific mission. Everyone just clicks through til they get the mission they want anyway, it wouldn't change the game dynamics but it would save so much frustration.

I totally respect intellectual property rights *ahem* but KK really need to go look at EVE and steal all the stuff it does better (pretty much everything apart from the gameplay :p).

19-10-04, 23:17
Like warbots resisting energy and firemobs resisting fire, this is one of the things that should have been in since day one. The current system is just plain bad design. A tree style menu where you can drop down through branches would be far more logical. Faction -> Difficulty -> Combat/Non-combat -> specific mission. Everyone just clicks through til they get the mission they want anyway, it wouldn't change the game dynamics but it would save so much frustration.

I totally respect intellectual property rights *ahem* but KK really need to go look at EVE and steal all the stuff it does better (pretty much everything apart from the gameplay :p).
(Don't steal the space ships coz they suck tbh :p )
maybe they should have stackable missions aswell or at least mission packages/bigger missions

19-10-04, 23:23
yeah and instead of a 3 stack mission terminal fill the whole frickin page!





Or maybe more.. think it was said, but im a little knackered lol..