View Full Version : Doy Bomer/Carrier Bugged

18-10-04, 17:36
50% of the times u zone with them, U get stuck in the black sync screen, this dont happen with other vehicles or the gliders, Fix needed..

Chess -
18-10-04, 19:16
50% of the times u zone with them, U get stuck in the black sync screen, this dont happen with other vehicles or the gliders, Fix needed..

Dude, are you using drugs for entering the vehicles? Cause I had the same problem. Now I have other imps which gives me the req. to use the vehicle without the use of drugs. Since that time I don't have that sync. problem anymore.

18-10-04, 20:40
Yes im using drugs since im a pe, but still that is not an excuse for the synching problem it needs to be fixed.

18-10-04, 23:33
Yes im using drugs since im a pe, but still that is not an excuse for the synching problem it needs to be fixed.

then post it in the bug reports....................

19-10-04, 00:47
Lol, I had that bug back when I started NC1 over a year ago...

The point is, you are not really supposed to be able to stay in the veh unless you are constantly drugged - if you're constantly drugged you get taht problem less...

It makes no logical sense that you can get into a vehicle that you cant normally drive just because you're on drugs anyway :lol:

Clive tombstone
19-10-04, 02:03
well look at it this way heh

KK's logic: Take drugs, get in glider, and fly like an ace.
(although Im glad this is true)
Drugs were off, still in glider, nothing happens.

moral of the story... lower the friggin glider reqs XD!!

19-10-04, 05:03
Lol, I had that bug back when I started NC1 over a year ago...

The point is, you are not really supposed to be able to stay in the veh unless you are constantly drugged - if you're constantly drugged you get taht problem less...

It makes no logical sense that you can get into a vehicle that you cant normally drive just because you're on drugs anyway :lol:

Its a video game, nothing makes sense if you apply reasoning from real life. Like it makes sense you CAN'T get into a vehicle just because your intelligence is exactly 2 levels too low, which you can then raise by shooting rats in a sewer with a nail gun?

I dont remember reading anywhere that you weren't supposed to be able to use drugs just to get into a vehicle and not have to stay drugged to drive it. In any case synch errors are not the way to enforce whatever they do decide.

19-10-04, 09:08
I do think a vehicle is different from a PA though, for example...

Because a PA pushes the stat to the level needed to wear it for example. While Vehs don't. Equipment also does not work if you have to drug into it.

And IRL, retards aren't allowed to drive, are they?

Chess -
19-10-04, 10:04
Yes im using drugs since im a pe, but still that is not an excuse for the synching problem it needs to be fixed.

Ok, I'll explain it to you. You need INT 95 for a bomber and your char got INT 90 so you take a drugs to get INT 95. Once the drugs is off you go back to INT level 90... get it ? Ok, now everytime you go to another zone the sync moment checks your char on its stats and imps and so on. Once you are inside a vehicle which requires INT 95 and your stats or INT 90 then the server get's confused. The server thinks... how can FLawl3ss be inside this vehicle while he aint got the right stats. So the server cant figure it out and keeps syncing. If you stay on drugs the sync problem is gone. Try it and you will see it your self.

Bugs Gunny
19-10-04, 10:06
I'm a vehicle fanboi, and it's true that NOONE should drug to get in a vehicle.
It's good if you stay in the zone, for instance a spy using a assault trike to hunt wb's.

Once you zone with drugs you get long synch 50% of the times.

I realized this again yesterday as i decided to drug up for pa on my reveler driving biotech tank driving to loba village :-)

Darth Slayer
19-10-04, 11:22
Actually I was in the bomber seat of my clanmates Bomber and I got the black screen till we rezoned.


Bugs Gunny
19-10-04, 11:39
I was drugging up on beast for my spy to use both reveler gun and scorpion trike.

It's the fact that you drug to meet a requirement that makes the server fuck up once you zone. It doesn't happen all the time but enough to NOT zone when on drugs inside a vehicle.

20-10-04, 14:42
I do think a vehicle is different from a PA though, for example...

Because a PA pushes the stat to the level needed to wear it for example. While Vehs don't. Equipment also does not work if you have to drug into it.

And IRL, retards aren't allowed to drive, are they?

Retards aren't allowed to drive because they don't function properly.

The idea of overall intelligence doesn't even make sense, its just something we imply the existence of by combining other ideas. My point is you can't apply random reasoning from random locations to Neocron.

If there is a reason while something can't be done in real life, in order to have a valid argument in applying that reasoning to neocron you would have to show that neocron is just like real life in every way relevant to the issue in question. Which it isn't, so its not a valid point.

20-10-04, 14:46
Like it makes sense you CAN'T get into a vehicle just because your intelligence is exactly 2 levels too low, which you can then raise by shooting rats in a sewer with a nail gun?

Hehe, I made the mistake of imagining how it would look like in real life :D I think the guy wouldn't get int he would get MAD for shooting rats with his nailgun!