View Full Version : KK needs to think and do some marketing studies

Bugs Gunny
13-10-04, 09:43

Seeing as NC is aimed at players with CC's to pay, i assume they don't want little kids playing the game.

This means they target a usergroup of people from 18-50 (older people don't play these games that much)

Ok. With an unemployment rate of around 10-15% in most countries (of which a lot are women that stay at home, which don't play games that much).
Let's assume that 15% of their players are unemployed.
That means there's 85% of their players being students and people with jobs.

Of those people, there's a LOT with a social life, wife-gf, and possibly kids.

These people all pay, but don't have 8 hour days to play the game.


I don't mind some leveling, and it had taken me 8 months to get my chars set up a bit in NC1. Right now, i can log in, run somewhere, get killed and spend another hour or two to replace the stuff i lost in belts.
Given that i play around two nights a week, it's very frustrating and BORING.

Please vote, choose if you're a student, worker, unemployed and then wether you like the new system or not.

13-10-04, 09:47
I'm a student. I like the pay monthly system ( I hate Click 2 Pay!!!!)

I don't mind too much having things take longer to do, because as it is - I only play casually at the moment. Maybe a couple of hours after uni. It just gives me something to do in the long term if things are slow to happen.

A bit irritating at times mind, but on the whole it's okay. *cue prep H jokes*

I think thier marketing is just fine - there's a lot of forum users with active accounts. ( I'll post in a mo when I have a look.) Multiply that by the monthly fee, less a bit for people who pay for multiple months, and that's how much KK are raking in.

Members: 29,084 - Obviously a lotta the people aren't really active/paid up - but still, that's a lotta hooch!

13-10-04, 09:52
Now, I havent played the retail yeat, but whats so hard to get items that you cant invest time to get hold of em? And why do you really need those items? I dont have any MC5 stuff, I can live without em. The only rare weapon I have is a Doom Beamer.

And thinking about how easy its now to get the rares (nearly everyone has em) it shouldnt be any easier. Those are rares after all, you can level and play with normal weapons.

Now the "running around and getting killed" part can be solved easily, wear a LE. I know that it takes one implant slot and it will be harder to level with it, but thats the only way because there are old saturn players on rampage on the server (I really, REALLY hate em..).

13-10-04, 09:54

I live with my Gf and I have a Job and most of the time just 4-5 Hours a week to play NC. But I manage to get my items. And I like the new system, you just have to get used to not getting your items immidiatly...

13-10-04, 10:16
NOW WHY WOULD YOU GENIUSSES MAKE NC2 ITEMS SO HARD AND TIMECONSUMING TO GET ??????????Because it's a game with a monthly fee.

Was that really rocket science ?

13-10-04, 10:30
Rocket science eh? :D

*Hijacks thread* Hold on! We're takin' this thing to tha mooooooooon!

13-10-04, 10:43
I am unemployed and have 8 hour days to play NC - but hey, I have things I'd rather do than crash all day :)

The only bum in the NC community? :eek: or the only one who'll admit it ? :)

Anyways, I may have the time to spare, but it doesn't mean I enjoy timesinks anymore than the next guy. However, I also realise that if such timesinks were not in place and everything was laid out on a plate things would become boring very rapidly

There would be no sense of achievement or personal value for your items if you had not earned them.

Much like my welfare cheque. :o

:edit: oh and, maybe a single player game or a basic FPS would be more to your taste, MMORPG's are not built for the casual gamer.

13-10-04, 11:58
I'm a uni student, not exactly got eight spare hours a day but fairly close to it :) Only problem is no direct net connection on my laptop :mad: